Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1482 One day he will forgive and forget everything.

Chapter 1482  One day he will forgive and forget everything.

After the coronation ceremony was over, Li Xue hardly got time to look at herself. One after the other, she had events to attend, meetings to discuss and issues to look after. She has been kept so busy that sometimes she wasn't even been able to return home. If not Feng Shufen's compulsion of keeping her home at night at any cost, it would have been hard for her to get the proper rest and sleep as well.

But then again, she doesn't have to take care of herself if she had him for her. Even without her saying, he was always there for her, to take care of her. Better than her, better than anyone else.

"Mr. Bai, bring the papers to my office tomorrow. I will go through them once again and see how we can help your organization." Li Xue spoke over the call as she sat at the desk, reading through another set of documents. Her nose held white transparent glasses for her eyes as she disapprovingly shook her head at the idea presented in the file.

"Mr. Bai, if that was all you wanted to talk about, I have already considered your request. For the rest …" She paused in her words when she heard the door of her study room opening. Her lips curved up in a welcoming curl when she saw Feng Shufen entering the room. "... you can talk to my assistant. She will let you know the details." She completed her swords on the call before disconnecting it.

"It's already time." Feng Shufen said, noting the time on his watch. His phrase was as usual which meant he was asking her to leave with him.

Li Xue pressed her lips in a thin line and checked the time on her watch before looking down at the half-read file on her desk. "Can I get another 20 minutes? This file is still remaining for me to read."

Feng Shufen shook his head. "You can't. That will cross your working hours anf your hours of taking rest would get affected."

"But don't you always do that. Let me do it for once, I will complete this file as soon as I can." She said and then quickly looked down to read and complete the file. But she could hardly read two sentences when the file was pressed close. And she looked up at him with pouted lips. "Can't I?"

Feng Shufen looked at her and shook his head before keeping away all the files in a stack. "Come on! Get up. We need to leave now. WeiWei can wake up anytime and she will get mad at you if you aren't back at home in time." He said and knowing well the adorably strict attitude of her daughter these days Li Xue doesn't felt the courage to put on any excuse.

"Fine. don't scare me with her name. I will come with you." She said as she stood up from the chair and hooked her arm around his to walk out with him.

They both were walking out when Chen Rui saw them and asked with a smile, "Li Xue, you haven't left yet? During the dinner the maid said that you are almost done and will be leaving soon."

A guilty expression crept on the face of Li Xue. Scratching the corner of her brows, she closed her eyes momentarily to avoid the confused gaze of her mother. "About that, Ma … I didn't know how the time passed by. I was reading one file but soon it became the second and then third and I forgot about leaving for a moment. There was so much on the desk that …"

Chen Rui's narrowed her eyes at her and understood what must have happened. Shaking her head in disapproval, she said, "You are just like your father. When you two see the work piling up at your desk, you forget about everything else. Be it your meals or the time to get back home. And you know that I really scold him for that. I am sure you don't want to get scolded by me."

"Definitely not!" Li Xue shook her head.

"Then you better not forget to take care of yourself. If there is too much work, you don't have to get burdened with it. You can always come and ask us to help. After you have taken over, I barely have something to do so, I am always free to help." Chen Rui reminded, and Li Xue pressed her lips listening to her before giving a nod of understanding to her.

Even though she nodded, Chen Rui knew really well that her words went to the deaf ears, so she didn't speak more. Instead, she asked something else that was essential. "Okay I will see how much you have understood me, dear. But that will be a talk for tomorrow. For now, it's already late, and I am sure you must not have asked anyone to bring you the dinner. Come, I will serve you the plate. Have it first and then leave."

She said but Li Xue immediately rejected her shaking her head. "No, no, Ma. I can't. WeiWei must be sleeping now. But recently she got into a habit of waking up in the middle of the night just to check on me if I was back home and taking my time off or not. Also, Sister Margaret needs to get the rest. If I don't leave on time, she will have to stay with Daoming for an extra while. It will be too cruel to her old age."

She reasoned and Chen Rui knew no reason to refuse. So, nodding to her, she said, "Okay. I won't stop you. But from tomorrow, you will not get the chance to skip dinner here. So, you better see to it." She said and Li Xue nodded to her orders before finally leaving with Feng Shufen.

After things had gotten settled, Feng Shufen was no longer as aloof as before with the royal family. These days he would give polite smile to them in the form of greetings and Chen Rui was satisfied with that. After all, the world can't change in one day, nor can Feng Shufen. She appreciates his small effort towards change. And expects that one day, he will forgive and forget everything.

Especially the deeds of his mother.

Outside, Li Xue got into the passenger seat of the car and waited for Feng Shufen to get into the driver's seat. But then hearing a beep of notification, her attention shifted to the I-pad kept behind. With her brows jutted in curiosity, she bent a bit to take the I-pad and check what the message was for. But the moment she opened it, her pupils dialed and she asked in a surprise tone, "This …"


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