Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1460 Not Cinderella But The Beauty And The Beast.

Falling of Prince Charming for Cinderella was still comprehendible. She went all dolled-up to the ball to impress him. But Li Xue never understood how did she got Feng Shufen in her life. She never did anything to impress him. Although in her young days, he was her crush, she never believed that story of her young brain to get fulfilled. Then how come her life also turned somewhere similar to Cinderella.

It was not like anything happened, keeping her in oblivion. Feng Shufen's tricks on her, his persistent persuasion, his efforts and patience for her - everything was on the show. Yet she still felt there was a part of the Earth that was left for her to see. From where she was standing, she could see the line of that part but to discover it, there was still the need for discovery.

A discovery that only Feng Shufen can help her with. She has asked him about it before as well, but everything time he would switch the topic in such a way that even her curious self would forget it after few words.

"Your narration will deviate my thoughts from the labor pain, Mr. Beelzebub. I am waiting. Ah!!!" She yelped, pressing her fingers hard on his hand. Once again, her nails dug into his skin, slightly making him hiss in pain as well.

Feng Shufen looked down at her face which was now all covered with the sheen layer of sweat. "You have always been the woman in my heart. Always covers both the past and forever." He said and Li Xue's brows jutted together in confusion.

She opened her eyes and his serious, sincere eyes locked with his. She exerted pressure while staring. "In some stories, I guess details works the best." She said, huffing her breath out.

Feng Shufen nodded and spoke, "Our story together is not of Cinderella, but more like Beauty and the Beast, darling. It's just that you were not aware of the other face of the coin."

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ He said, and Li Xue didn't know at which fact she should be surprised more. The fact that the man knew the names of fairy tales or that he slashed out the story of Cinderella and called them living the fantasy writing of Beauty and the Beast.

As if reading the glow of surprise in her eyes, Feng Shufen didn't stop in the mid, rather continued his words in order to complete it all. "In Beauty and the Beast, Belle thought that she made the Beast fall for her, but in actuality she didn't know that the Beast has long faller for her. It was just that he missed his chance when given an opportunity. If only the darkness of the forest has not made Belle lose her way to the palace, he would have regretted it for all his life."

He said, and even though his version of fairy tale seemed crooked, Li Xue understood what he was trying to convey with his story.


She asked and as if he had never forgotten that moment of his life, he at once replied, "When you made your existence known in my life by pulling the first prank on me."

Li Xue remembered it at once. In a fit of anger, back in her college time, she spread out the rumor of him having an erectile dysfunction. Since she has hacked through several internet systems, the rumor went viral as she has wanted it to be creating a small moment scandal in the newspapers and news channels of Chiboa. At that time, she even had a nightmare of struggling to save her life from the hands of Feng Shufen.

No doubt nothing happened to her. Her audacity never met with the consequence. At that time, she boasted n her skills, thinking that maybe no one was able to track her. It was only now she got to know that it was not her skills that saved her out but his love that kept her safe.

"Mrs. Feng, the baby is almost there. Please try a bit more." The doctor spoke from the front and it was then Li Xue remembered that she was not actually fantasizing about the fairy tale but rather was admitted in the hospital for the delivery of her baby.

Taking a deep breath in, Li Xue nodded to the doctor before putting all her strength in the last push. With that push, she last time asked, "Why did you not tell this before?"

Even though she asked that question, getting the answer in response was not her aim. So, asking him, she simply did not demand the answer. Instead, she exhaled out the sharp breath, before closing her eyes to calm her heart and heavy breathing.

The air of the room also relaxed with that and the cry of the baby came like the bells of celebration. While inside the room the doctors heaved a sigh of relief, outside Feng Yi Lan, Qi Shuai, Shin You Jun and the royal couple all reached the door of the room to get the look of the baby, the small glass on the door of the room didn't feel sufficient for the sight of all.

But even so, they couldn't do anything. They could only get sight of the baby when the doctor shifts them out to the general VIP ward.

"Tingming, now that you have experienced it, how do you feel?" Chen Rui suddenly asked, her eyes shining with all the shine a star can contain while twinkling in the night sky. "We saw our grand generation stepping in the world."

Shin Tingming nodded. His eyes were trying their best to see past the doctor, in order to make sure that Li Xue was fine. But no matter how he tried, he couldn't look past her.

When Chen Rui saw him like that, she smiled and fluttered out laughter, before wrapping her arms with her husband, "You have accompanied me there at the time of You Jun, yet you are anxious like this whole thing is happening for the first time. Don't you know that the pain lasts until the mother has delivered her baby out? The first cry of the baby is sufficient to wipe off all the pains. Don't worry, Li Xue will be fine. We just now to prepare to see our grandchild and take him or her in our arms."

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