Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1300 Delusion has no treatment.

Chapter 1300 Delusion has no treatment.

  The judge was shaken in his stance. The aura Shin Tingming held in front was too much to take. Not like he complained. Knowing his identity as the king of the country neither his name nor his aura was something that could be looked down upon. 

  Shin Tingming stared at the old judge and didn't plan to hide and play. So, keeping his eyes deep into his, he said, "Even though this was a community case when it was filed under the law, recently, it has turned to involve the royal people in it. So, this involves royal affairs that we can't forsake. So, I have come here personally to request you to hand over the offender to the royal court. The monetary compensation would be paid under your system law, but we, royals, aren't getting satisfied anywhere near this." 

  He said as he extended his hand to one of his subordinates behind who instantly handed over a file onto his palm which he kept in front of the old man to look at. "Here are the procedural papers. Being the attending judge of the case, you can sign on the papers so that from here onwards, the royal court could take up the affairs."

  The old judge couldn't speak even a word. Even though he wasn't able to understand anything, he didn't have the courage to ask it twice. So, instead of asking, he took up the file to check first. As he flipped the pages and read the content of it, he couldn't believe it. 

  "Ms. Li Xue is one of the royals?" He asked and Shin Tingming didn't hesitate in correcting him.

  "Not just a royal but an immediate royal family member who would soon be taking the title of the Crown Princess."

  "Crown Princess! But hasn't it been Mr. Shin You Jun declared as the Crown Prince?" The judge asked. Even though the royals never announced it officially, the people knew. So, now that he was hearing that instead of Shin You Jun, it was Li Xue who would be taking the title of Crown Princess, he was curious to know more about the matter. 

  However, did he think he would be able to obtain the details from no other but Shin Tingming?

  As he blinked his aged eyes expectantly, Shin Tingming's expressions simply turned cold. 

  "The royal affairs are not the concern of the commoners." He said, clearly drawing the line in between. 

  The judge couldn't help but cough the awkwardness out before apologizing. "I am sorry, Your Highness. I would sign it immediately." He said before he pulled out his pen to write down his name in the procedural file that was given to him. 

  Shin Tingming looked at the file before handing it back to his subordinate to process it further. Then standing up, he stood up to leave but that was not before letting the judge know the wrong. "By the way Mr. Yan, from the next time, if you take a bribe from someone, try to make sure that you are capable enough to hide it properly. Sometimes even the blink of a person's eyes is more than enough to reveal things. Also, don't ever think of offending a royal. As you can see it's not easy to take." 

  He said and then strutted out of the office without any concern. While behind the old man could just pull out his handkerchief to wipe off the sweat beads on his forehead. Then taking the phone in his hand, he quickly made a call and spoke, "You got the hook on the wrong woman. She has got the backing that no one could dare to offend. You better be careful." 

  He warned before disconnecting the call the very instant. 

    On the other side, soon the news of Shin Tingming representing Li Xue's case got on the news section and internet. 

  People started speculating more and more. Some said it was because of the project that Li Xue signed with the royals. The royals just helped her out to not face any delays in their project completion.

  While some even dug out the information about Li Xue helping out Shin Tingming by donating her blood. While some wildly speculated about her relationship with the royals. Some said that the royal couple has chosen Li Xue as their daughter-in-law.

  Since there were no real facts published, except for speculation the internet bonkers were up to nothing good. 

  And their such speculation has even reached the ears of the people Li Xue has never expected of. From the moment the Feng relatives had heard of her acquaintance with the royals, they were searching for a way to reach Li Xue out to have a good talk. But given how they treated her the last time, none was finding any suitable way. 

  "Should we plan another gathering of the family? That way, Feng Shufen would bring her to attend the same as last time." 

  "No, no, we can't dare to do that. Creating the same atmosphere as last time would also bring bitter memories. And good relationships won't get established in a bitter ambiance." 

  "But do you think that woman, Li Xue, is really that worthy? I mean nothing is yet explained about her properly. And what about Zhang Xiaotong? Didn't we plan to make her Shufen's bride?" 

  "Heh! If Li Xue really has the backing of royals, can Zhangs even compare to her? Royals are supreme and if someone could really match Fengs, it's definitely them." One said and the others nodded with hum. "And we have already seen that Shin Tingming has gone to represent her case in the court personally. Do you think this is simple? This is definitely something deeper." 

  "Maybe Li Xue has made a good impression in the hearts of the royal couple which could benefit us if we get her on our side." 

  "We have to find a way to mend our relationship with Li Xue. Quickly think of a way before it gets too late to mend things." 

  The Feng relatives gossiped among themselves as drastically their thoughts about Li Xue changed. Even though it was still for their selfish motives, they have started to accept Li Xue in the position of the matriarch of the family. 

  While on the other side the more Zhang Xiaotong heard the news, the crazier she went. Li Xue's name was like a needle piercing her ears again and again. 

  She wanted to vent out her anger by throwing the piece down on the floor again but unfortunately this time there was nothing left in the room that she could thrash on the floor. She was frustrated but before she could yell her phone beside her rang. 

  She checked the number and it wasn't something that was saved on her contact list. In the end, receiving it with a frown, she answered it. Only to hear Li Xue's voice on the other side. "Hello! Who is this?" 

  "Ms. Zhang, I hope that you will also be hearing the news. Now that I have won your challenge, I have called you just to remind you that you should also accept your defeat and promise to step back as you have said. There is no hard feeling for you in my heart. But being a woman whose man you are eyeing, I also have no sweet feeling. So, you better follow your words and leave as soon as possible." 

  Li Xue said and hearing her say that Zhang Xiaotong's fists just got clenched while her teeth also gritted to hold back her anger. "Li Xue, do you think you have won on your own? You have just sought another help. Not from Brother FenFen but someone else. The challenge was about coming out of the situation on your own." 

  She said, and with her words like that, Li Xue couldn't hold back her laughter. "Haha … Ms. Zhang, do you even know what you are asking me to do? You are asking me to go and learn law first and then become a lawyer before coming out of the situation. Are you even sane while speaking that or have you lost all of your senses already?" 

  "Li Xue, what are you showing off for? Do you think that just because the royal king came to help you out with this case, I would get scared of you? Dream on! You are just nothing in front of me. No matter what you do and whoever you bring, I would still have the upper hand. Do you understand that?" She said and heard Li Xue sighing a deep breath out on the other hand. 

  "Ms. Zhang, there is no treatment for delusion. If you think like that, I can't say anything to you. But I would again warn you. Don't take me too simple. I may not be what you think. Other than asking you to stay away I have no other thing to ask you about. But if you don't listen, this time I will not be there to stop Shufen." She said and then disconnected the call without even bothering to hear what Zhang Xiaotong had to say. 

  While behind, Zhang Xiaotong's face only turned red. "Li Xue, I will rub your face with regret. Let me see how arrogant you will be when your neck will be in my grasp." 


  *Not related to the chapter*

  Dear readers, 

  As you all know, recently I have gotten admissions for my masters. I have studies to focus on along with writing two books. So, not leaving anything behind, from now on there will only be one chapter update for Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved. Although there would be only one update, the chapter would be long enough to satisfy you. 

  Please be understanding of my situation and be patient with the book. The book will be ending already so I hope you will not forget to keep supporting it. Also, if you have time check on my other book. It's participating in Webnovel Spirity Awards and it needs your love and support to qualify. 

  -Yours lovely Author. 


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