Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 71: Stopping For Supplies

Chapter 71: Stopping For Supplies

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With everything set at the Maids Guild, Sam and I said goodbye to Fate, Liz and Beth before leaving with Able and Marsil. It was heartbreaking seeing the two little girls crying as we left. But myself and I am sure, Sam as well, is happy that they can have better lives with no fear of being treated as an object to be sold. 

With our side tasks out of the way, it was now time to head back to the Ronstine estate to get prepared for what was to come. For Able and I, we needed to have at least a second set of armor with us. Our swords were fine, but Able also wanted to bring a shield. We needed potions of many kinds. From healing to antidotes for poisons. There were even potions for internal energy recovery called stamina potions. The biggest thing was the mana potions which helped you recover your magic power as it became depleted. 

Besides all that, we needed tents and cooking wear. As for food. Well, Able said it was best just to eat what we killed in the dungeon if possible. Especially if we were going to be gone for a long time. Dry food and stale bread were the most we could take. We walked into the main hall to run into Grandpa Lutz who seemed to have been waiting for us. "Young Master, Young Miss, Master and Madam are waiting for you in the main meeting hall." 

"Okay, thank you, Grandpa Lutz!" I said with a smile. He has always been so kind to me since I came here. I decided on our way back from the dungeon I will buy him a gift to show my appreciation.

"Rei, we should explain to Mom and Dad as well about what you heard from the Princess's Shadow guard." Able said, which reminded me I had yet to explain things to Marsil and Sam.

"It is a good thing you had said something or I would have forgotten about it. Sam and Marsil don't know either." I exclaimed. With that, we rushed to the main meeting hall.

When we entered Cedric and Ruth were busy talking with each other while sipping tea. Our appearance caught their attention and they both smiled happily at us. Ruth got up, trotted over to me and took my hands completely ignoring the fact that I was holding Able's hand, and said with a bright smile: " Rei I heard you beat up the instructor at the Adventurers Guild? I remember when I was your age and I did that. It took so many B rank Adventurers to get me off the man. Come sit with Mother and tell me how your tests went." 

Able who was now standing there grasping at air, shook his head, and smiled warmly at us. I felt bad and quickly nodded my head in apology. 


While Rei was chatting with Ruth, Able brought Sam and Marsil over to Cedric. "Dad, this here is Marsil and Sam. Sam is a mage who will be coming with us on our first request and Marsil here is someone I want you to hire to be Rei's attendant." 

"I see..." Cedric looked at the two and slightly nodded. "Sam seems very adept at magic, as for Marsil... As a half Elf, I am guessing your bow skills and wood magic is top tier right?"

"Yes, that is right. I also have good close quarters fighting skills as well with daggers." Marsil said nervously.

"Good! Then you are hired. Remember, Rei's life is more important than anything. You can even ignore this brat of a son of mine as well." Cedric said not even caring about the expression Able was making.

"Dad really?" Able asked. Although he knew what kind of answer he was going to get.

"Are you not a man? Do you need a girl to protect you!? By the way, I heard you did horrible compared to Rei, during the guild test. I think I need to increase your training." Cedric scolded.


I was half listening to what Cedric and the others were saying so when I heard Cedric yelling at Able I had to step in. "Dad, why are you yelling at Able?"

"Is what I said not true? He needs to grow stronger! How will he protect you if he is so weak!?" Cedric responded.

"Oh? Who are you to talk?" Ruth finally cut in. I think I even saw Cedric shiver when she spoke. She glared at Cedric who quickly went quiet and then turned to me. "Dear daughter, do you care if Able is a little weaker than you?"

"Why would I care? I don't care who is stronger and who is not. Able is very good to me and that is all that matters." I said truthfully. Although my cheeks were bright red I am sure. But these were my honest feelings. I did not care who was stronger than who. I mean I know strength dictates what you can do in this world, but, can strength dictate who you like and who you don't like? For this, I would have to say no. I do not care about these things. I got up from my seat and walked over to Able and held his hand and looked at Cedric. "All that matters is that Able is Able. So do not be too hard on him please."

Seeing my public display of affection for Able, Cedric smiled and nodded his head. "You win. Plus, your mother is way stronger than I am."

Able pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on top of my head. He said no words but it was fine. I knew he just wanted to hug me at this time. Being each other's support is something I have realized that is very important while in a relationship. Able is my support and now I wish to be his when I can.


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