Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 220: Sect Battle Part 1

Chapter 220: Sect Battle Part 1

Near the main building of the Supreme Sword Sect, a huge ground was covered with few students. Even though the number of these students was very low, the whole ground was humming with their cheers. These students were wearing white pants and shirts, dressing up in ancient world ethics.

They were surrounding a big stage that covered several hundred meters in diameter. It was the fighting stage where two students were facing each other. One of them was a girl while another being a boy. Both of them were holding the sword, but the boy was emitting red sword energy while the girl was emitting blue thunder energy.

Currently, Luo Qing was facing up against Jian Tian in the semi-finals which were shocking to everyone. Because a few days ago, her strength wasn't this high. But now, her cultivation has risen to the peak of Martial Artist Realm.

And, with her strong body, she was able to contend against Jian Tian even though he had already broken through Sword Heart Realm. Because thunder energy released by her body had destructiveness compared to the Heaven Realm.

"Bang" "Bang" "Boom" "Boom"

Jian Tian and Luo Qing clashed their swords, thunder energy released out of her sword in the shape of the chains, striking around Klink. Suddenly, the sword energy burst out of his sword in the shape of an arc, cutting through the chain of thunder, crashing towards her.

But suddenly, the sword from her hand disappeared, and she poured an insane amount of thunder energy into her hand. When the sword arc was few inches away, she pushed her body back and caught the sword energy with her.


When Jain Tian saw his sword arc getting caught by her hands, his eyes narrowed and his momentum decreased instantly. He understands how sharp his sword is, so in an instant, he used his spiritual power to decrease the power of his sword attack.

Seeing this, Klink who was sitting far away narrowed his eyes. Although Jian Tian decreased his strength, this doesn't mean Luo Qing was doing the same. Her pupils narrowed and, she bursts thunder energy into her left hand.

Although Jian Tian decreased the sharpness of his sword, it still left a sword mark on her right fist. So, she took a step forward and smashed her left fist towards his stomach.

"Bang" "Bang" "Thud"

Jian Tian moved his sword in front of his chest to block the attack, but her fist smashed through his sword, crashing her fist into his stomach. Her punch sent Jian Tian flying and crashing out of the stage. The blood flows down his mouth, as he tried to stand up.

But he had already lost. The bones near his chest were broken.

"Jian!" Suddenly, Elisha rushed towards him. She reached near him in an instant and support him. Suddenly, she turned her head at Luo Qing and shouted "Is winning so important to you? Can't you see he decreased his strength so it wouldn't hurt? And now, you are returning that with such a heavy attack."

Her words made everyone confused. Only then they noticed his bones were actually broken. But suddenly, Klink appeared in front of Elisha.

Seeing Klink, Elisha shouted "Dad, his bones are broken. Can you...?"


Suddenly, a big palm strikes her cheek. At this moment, a trace of disbelieve on her face. But Klink didn't even look at her. Instead, he looked at Luo Qing, and giving a slight bow, he spoke "I apologize for my disciple incompetency, sect master."

At first, everyone thought Klink was going to apologize to Luo Qing which was very confusing. But when they heard Klink calling sect-master, they noticed a figure that silently appeared behind Luo Qing. Luo Qing's eyes were wide open when she saw Klink bowing towards her.

"Greeting Sect-Master!"

Everyone shouted with enthusiasm on their face. After all, the man standing in front of them was none other than the man who changed their destiny. Johnny looked at the enthusiasm on their faces and found he was finally home.

Although everything was manipulated, emotions were still intact. He looked at Klink, smiled, and said "It's alright. After all, everyone is part of a big family. You can't think of hurting your family member even if you are a swordsman, can you?"

"But swordsman has some rules that shouldn't be broken. And he has just broken that rule. A swordsman will never think of fighting weakly. And even if he fights weak, he must give his all. A swordsman shall never hesitate for a single moment."

"Hesitating for a moment isn't about his loss rather it's all about his attitude towards his moment. Underestimating his opponent during the fight like he did would be nothing but shame for swordsman and his opponent."

Hearing his words, Johnny helplessly shook his head. Klink was just like his dad even though he chose a different path, he couldn't change his bloodline. Looking at him, Johnny spoke, "Alright, we need to continue the battle, so heal Jian Tian and start the next match."

Finally, Klink gave up and walked towards Jian Tian. He didn't even look at Elisha who was earlier supporting Jian Tian and took him away. Elisha made red eyes and rushed towards Mira.

On the stage, Luo Qing moved in front of Johnny, giving him a bow, she spoke "Greeting Master!"

"You were amazing." Remembering her fighting style, battle strength, and domineering attitude, he couldn't help but praise her with a slight nod of his head.

"Thank you for the praise, master!" A goofy look appeared on her face, her eyes exploded with brightness, and looking at his face, she shouted.

"Alright, we should move out and give the other two a chance to fight." Johnny patted her head and walked nearby her. She turned her body towards him and followed him out of the ring. After that, two old faces appeared in the ring.

One of them was James Torres and another one was Takeo. Both of them glanced at each other with a smile on their face. James fingers knuckles gazing upon Takeo. His toes pressed hard against the ground, giving him a powerful burst as he rushed towards Takeo.


Takeo looked at James rushing towards him, a yellow light flashed through his right hand and formed a long sword. It was a long double-edged sword, with a small hilt. He held the sword with a tight grip. He swings the sword out and slashed it against James's fist.

When the sword slashed against his fist, it broke into pieces like a cup made out of glass. Seeing this, Takeo's eyes narrowed when James left fist rushing towards his stomach. The light energy gathered into his left hand, formed a round shield.

"Bang" "Crack" "Bang" "Thud"

But he had underestimated James. When James's fist collided against his shield, it had equal force as his right hand. The force broke the shield into pieces and dissipated in the mid-air. But suddenly, a white brightness blinded his eyesight.

Behind Takeo, a yellow sword shines with its tip facing towards James. But James blinked his eyes few times and regained his sight. When he saw the giant yellow sword behind, he pushed his feet on the ground and moved back.

"Nine Revolution Divine Sword Veins Art- First Vein"

A purple erupts inside his body, following through nine different veins reaching out to his heart. A strange purple pattern formed out of his body. But only the patters over his face were visible to others.

At this moment, Johnny's pupils narrowed as he thought 'Impossible! Takeo doesn't have Nine Heaven Sword Veins. It should be impossible to practice Nine Revolution Divine Sword Veins Art.'

'Dao of Space'

Reciting Dao of Space inside his mind, he burrowed the mysterious energy from the surrounding around his eyes. Johnny's eyesight suddenly improved as he could see everything inside Takeo's body. Suddenly, his mind shook when he saw a bright soul inside him.

Strangely this soul wasn't like a human. It had long and pointy ears and a holy aura surrounding it. More importantly, when Johnny glanced at the soul, that soul also noticed his gaze. But it didn't do anything. As he looked deeper, he thought there were Nine Sword Veins.

But these veins were purple and its power seems to have surpassed Heaven Rank. Johnny withdrew his gaze and thought 'Could it be he has awakened sword veins higher than Heaven Rank? And that purple energy was really strange. Even though it wasn't blocking my view, I couldn't find anything about its nature.'

At this moment, Takeo glanced at James, pointing his finger, he spoke "Earth Shattering Sword". With his words, the giant yellow sword flies towards James.


Suddenly, powerful energy burst out of James's body. At the same time, that energy condensed a figure above him. It had four legs, two front, two rear, the body was like a cat, but eyes were ferocious. The white and black stripes in his body made him look domineering. It was a white tiger that had a murderous aura covering his body

"Heaven Slaughtering White Tiger Technique"

"Wild Tiger Firenze Attack"

James condensed the energy at his fingers too. But when he slashed his finger towards the sword, it was the white tiger who moved out. Spreading its heavy front legs, it knuckled its claw and slashed. But that didn't stop there. The tiger lifts his other claw and slashed.

"Martial Intent"

At this moment, Rocky shouted with his mouth wide open.

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