Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 21: Mysteries, Power, and Fun

Chapter 21: Mysteries, Power, and Fun

After three days of hundreds of impacts, each impact seems it will clear the meridian but at last, it failed every single time. But finally after three days straight, it opened.

"Finally, the meridian is cleared now all I need to do is connect it" Johnny cleared the bottleneck, and start connecting his meridian to his Mana Space. Previously, he had connected two meridians to his Inner Space and only one meridian to his Mana Space.

But before connecting meridian, he was using silver energy to merge more small blood veins to create a complete meridian. When he encountered a bottleneck, he couldn't start this process to create the meridian. Slowly, silver energy starts merging blood veins to create a meridian.

Silver energy was also increasing the space inside the meridian. If the space is big then more dark energy can be held which is simple logic but Johnny doesn't want the difference in space between meridians. So, he carefully controlled silver energy to expand the space inside the meridian. Right now, Johnny was no longer using A.I. to control the energy since it cost his own soul power.

And restoring soul power takes a long time, so he can't let A.I. do all the work though A.I. does consume very little soul power to perform many works otherwise Johnny won't be able to utilize A.I. So it also takes time to analyze any data Johnny wants to analyze. Not to mention, it has done this work for three days straight.

Now, A.I. was focused to analyze those battle arts Johnny had. So, Johnny doesn't want A.I. to spend unnecessary soul power on unnecessary things. His fourth meridian was almost completed, now all he needs to do is connect its one end to the outer skin of the right arm and another end to the Mana Space.

It didn't take a long time to complete it. After two minutes, his fourth meridian is completed which means he is now a fourth-grade Junior Martial Magician. Though it seems nothing happened to increase his strength but the through the whole process, he gained many advantages. His body strength increased, his fourth meridian also increased the size of his Mana space by a little.

Johnny took two days inside the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone while only one day has passed outside. Johnny looked at his clenched fist and said "Status" His word was naturally meant for his A.I.

Suddenly, one blue panel appeared in front of him.

Host- Johnny Fenton

Cultivation- Fourth Grade Junior Martial Magician

Cultivation Art- Dark Energy Absorption Art (Small Accomplishment)

Battle Art- Dark Arrow Art (Small Accomplishment), Shadow Steps (Small Accomplishment)

Innate Abilities- Conceal, Thunder Ball

Bloodline Ability- Warrior Arm

Innate Element- Thunder and Dark Element (Dual Element Awakening)

Bloodline- War God Bloodline

Treasure- Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone, Black Dragon Spear

Pure Attributes: Strength-1.5, Agility- 0.8, Constitution- 1.8, Intelligence- 1.6, Spirit- 1.2

Looking at his attributes, he nodded his head. He finally understood what his dad meant. Junior Martial or Magician doesn't increase strength by the lot but it gives a chance to increase your strength in different ways.

After thinking a lot he decided to increase his cultivation first. He was very confused about whether to increase his strength or cultivation. But now, he thought for some time and conclude to increase his cultivation.

Simply because if he can reach Fifth Grade Junior Martial Magician then he can accept the first-level inheritance, so without any doubts, he began cultivation.

As usual, he puts lots of awakening medicine in his mouth and starts impacting his fifth meridian which lies in his left arm. But unlike the previous time, he didn't face any kind of bottleneck.

He controlled energy and start manipulating his blood veins, merging them, and increasing their inside space. It wasn't much of hard work for him, since there was no bottleneck. So it only took six hours to complete it. Previously, it took three days inside the space of Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone but now it only took six hours.

After creating the fifth meridian, he began to merge one end with his Inner Space and another end with the outer skin of his left hand. Unlike Mana Space, inner space doesn't transform energy from outside, so dark energy just passes in and got sucked by spiritual roots. Only then spiritual roots spit out spiritual energy which is used by Martial Artist.

As for Mana Space, it is like a two-layer space though Johnny's normal sense with his mind sense is the inner layer. Mana Space is present in a space with nothing around it. So when the meridian connects with Mana Space, it only connects with an outer layer. After Dark energy is transmitted from the outer layer to the inner layer, it first faces the wall of the element.

Here, elements covered his entire Mana Space but these element of Johnny aren't very thick which cause slow conversion of dark energy into element energy. Whenever this dark energy collides with molecules of elements, it starts transformation. Normally, if the amount of dark energy is less, then molecules of dark energy and elements of Johnny are equal which is good.

Since all of the dark energy can't be transformed at once if the dark energy amount is higher. But Magician doesn't have to worry about this because their outer layer of Mana Space diameter is at least ten times bigger than inner space. This means they have lots of energy in reserve. This will be very advantageous in the long-term fight, but unfortunately, a Magician consumes a lot of element energy to perform single magic art while a Martial Artist doesn't which is why here martial artists have an edge. Having a better element is really good for magicians since in the midst of battle if their element energy runs out then they can still transform the remaining dark energy.

There are many other advantages such as practicing magic art. Johnny practices an earth rank magic art but unfortunately, he doesn't possess the earth rank element which is why he can't practice the second level of Shadow Steps.

Well, this is good for earlier stages of Magician since they can literally dominate Martial Artist with their heavy offense but if we are talking about later stage then this would be certain trouble for Magician. Not only a martial artist would have strong but also high-level arts with a heavy offense.

For magicians, even low-level arts have heavy offense because they consume a huge amount of Mana but for martial artists, they don't consume much. Simply because while using Martial Art, he chooses their body as a weapon or medium, so they don't need to spend much spiritual energy on the attack.

For example, if the martial artist uses fist art then he uses his body as a weapon and if the body is strong then he can give a lot of damage. Likewise, if he is using sword art, then he is still using his hands to hold the sword and each strike would definitely impact his own body, so if he is not strong enough then he might not give much damage.

As for the use of spiritual energy, it is used to amply the power of the art. If a person uses spirit rank art where he doesn't need to use his body as a weapon, he still needs it for bearing the pressure of spiritual energy. Unlike Mana which is usually silent like water, Spiritual energy is like fire, extremely overbearing.

Of course, there are certain ways to change the characteristics of spiritual energy but it doesn't change the fact, that it is extremely powerful. Especially spiritual energy refined by high-level spiritual roots.

This is the main thing about Mana and Spiritual energy he learned from his dad though his dad didn't tell some kinds of stuff such as 'if spiritual energy is such an offensive energy even greater than Mana then why does offense of magician on low-level is greater than an offense of low-level martial artist.'

He also asked his dad but his dad only said 'if you someday practice spirit rank art by yourself, you'll understand.' He also asked another question which was bugging him a lot. It was a simple question 'Can he practice spirit rank art with profound level talent?' This question comes from his shadow steps. But according to his dad, he can, at least most of the spirit rank arts are not like shadow steps, only some.

With these thoughts and questions in his heart, he began to think cultivation is really awesome. Full of mysteries, power, and fun, and finally it time to open the first-level inheritance.

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