Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 137: Sect Entrance Examination Part 6- Bad Luck Disciple

Chapter 137: Sect Entrance Examination Part 6- Bad Luck Disciple

"what??? What WHAT?????????" Luo Qing shouted with over-exaggeration on her face and tone. Not only her, even other participants including James were shocked. After all, the sect master didn't even choose James as his disciple, but now she got chosen.

Luo Qing did nothing amazing in particular, and her Will was not strong either. But her getting chosen meant raise suspicion in other's hearts.

"But vice-sect master, doesn't one get chosen because of their talent or Will? How come she gets chosen and not me?" Suddenly, while everyone was silent, Jester spoke. He was very dissatisfied with this decision. He was a very arrogant guy.

James Torres didn't get chosen but still got huge support from the sect-master because of his enormous Will, Jian Tian got chosen because of his talent, and Raphael also got chosen because of his talent and Will.

But Luo Qing didn't show any of these signs. Natasha glanced at him and understood everything, suddenly a powerful aura burst out of her suppressing Jester down to the ground.


"Are you raising question against sect master's order?" Natasha released her aura as a newly advanced Warrior Master. Then her eyes glanced at everyone as she sternly said "Our sect elders choose disciples based on the capability and need of the disciple. Elder Klink chose Jian Tian because of his capability with a sword, Elder Yan chose Raphael because he saw Raphael's potential."

"Sect-Master didn't choose James because he has nothing to teach. But he chose Luo Qing because her potential matches with him."

Then, she looked at Jester who was bleeding from his nose, as she continued "He didn't choose you because, without that speed, you are nothing."

Although these were just words, for Jester, these were like swords piercing his heart. Natasha withdraws her pressure and added "Supreme Sword Sect accepts arrogance, but only if you have the capability. It doesn't matter whether you have powerful talent or background, in this sect, you can speak based on your strength."

Saying so, she retreated few steps. Her words caused a small discussion on the stage but that didn't last long. She took Luo Qing's hand and walked a little away. While Luo Qing felt little embarrassed standing in front of everyone, Natasha continued "It doesn't matter you are dissatisfied or not. If you want sect to notice you, then you need to show your worth."

"Now, you don't have the luxury to show your worth through sheer Will or talent. You have already shown and we already decided how much our sect will focus on each disciple. So, your final chance to prove your worth is sect competition after six months."

"Now, everyone is allowed to leave." Disciples looked at each other after hearing her words. Everyone left, some decide to return to their home while some decided to stay at the hotel, but most of them decided to return home.

At this moment, only Jian Tian, Raphael, Luo Qing, wounded Jester, and Noelle remained. Mira rushed towards Jester to heal him. She found he was unconscious already. Then, she looked at Michal. He understood her and walked towards them.

He lifts the unconscious Jester and took him away. Mira didn't follow him, instead walked towards the Klink. At this time, Natasha looked at Luo Qing with a smile and said "Can you follow me to the room of sect-master?"

Luo didn't speak and nodded her head. Then, both of them left the stage. Noelle followed Raphael and Yan Yijun while Rose followed Natasha. Rocky walked away with Michal. As for Klink, Jian Tian, and Mira, they walked away together.

"Master, are you together with Elder Mira?" Seeing Mira following them, Jian Tian leaned closer to Klink's ears and whispered.

Seeing Klink nod his head with a smile, Jian Tian turned behind and bows in front of Mira, saluting "Greeting Mistress!"

Mira also smiled back at him and nodded her head. She clearly heard him asking that question, so she wasn't surprised. But Jian Tian was really shocked. He knows normally a true swordsman doesn't bother with relationship so seeing this, he was naturally surprised.

But he had no thoughts or reasons for meddling between them.

In Johnny's home,

Natasha, Rose, and Luo Qing entered the home. As expected, Johnny was already waiting for them in the main room. He standing, glancing at the window with profoundness in his expression as if he was realizing something.

There was no door, but Johnny already noticed them so before they could get closer, he spoke "Enter!"

Natasha and Rose nodded their head and walked near him. Luo Qing quietly followed them, but her head was looking down. She was extremely nervous. Johnny turned back and looked at her. Seeing her nervousness, a big smile appeared on his lips as he spoke "Don't be nervous about this!"

"Although you might be startled, your talent is enough to be my disciple. Of course, James also had talent, stronger than you but his path is different. I can point some concepts to him, but I can't be his master."

"But you are different, your talent has a relationship with me. Though I can't disclose that relation, nor I can say anything about your talent, I can help you unlock that talent hidden in your body."

As Johnny explained, he tried to make it more mysterious but his words were like a thunderbolt to her. She knows that the sect didn't bother keeping her, not because they couldn't but rather they didn't care. In their eyes, she had no talent to be their enemies.

So in their eyes, she was a worthless ant. It doesn't matter whether you squash it or not. Hearing this, her eyes turned red and two lines of tears drop down her cheeks. Seeing this, Rose was startled and couldn't help but ask "Isn't it a good thing? Why are you crying?"

Luo Qing looked at her and nodded her head but the tears didn't stop. Suddenly, she kneeled in front of Johnny and hoarsely said "Disciple Luo Qing greets master!"

"It seems there is a story behind you. If you don't mind, I would like to hear your story." Johnny nodded at her and asked. Not only her, he knows there is the story behind James too. After all, their expressions can't hide the truth.

Luo Qing hesitated. She didn't know whether to involve Supreme Sword Sect in her revenge. On one hand, she had already worshipped sect master as her master, on another hand, her enemies were very strong.

But she gritted her teeth, and her eyes turned red again. But this time, it was filled with hatred rather than tears, as she spoke "I am not from the earth, but rather from another edge of Milky Way galaxy. My parents were some of the top masters of our solar system. Their cultivation was at the peak of Star Level Cultivator."

"But they had many enemies. In the distant past, they once encountered a powerful treasure. This treasure increased their talent by a lot, but that treasure was already gone. Even though the treasure was gone, their enemies didn't stop hunting them."

"Our parents lived on the desolated planet, where they gave birth to me.  They were a little disappointed because I wasn't born with any talent instead I was born with a curse. My existence only brought the disaster to my parents."

"Learning this, when I was eight years old, I tried suicide but my parents found me and stopped me. They said even though my existence is filled with bad luck, they will soon have a brother which will bring good luck to them."

"Three years later, our enemies attacked us. At the same time, my mother gave birth to a son. He was born with enormous talent and good luck. Because of my mother's weakness, they besiege my parents and killed them."

At this moment, tears once again followed down her cheeks as she continued "I saw them stabbing my weak mother with their swords. At that time, I blamed myself for being a stroke of bad luck but my mother said 'I was never a bad luck, I was the big sister and I have to protect my brother."

"I tried, my father gave me time to run away with my brother. I ran away in a spaceship. But they chased us. During this chasing, they realized whenever they try to kill me, they were drawn with bad luck. As it got worse, they began to lose many of their members due to many space accidents."

"From the moment of his birth, my brother was crying. But when we were about to cross Apollo Stars Domain, my brother stopped crying. At that moment, I found my enemies were no longer facing any accident."

"Previously, I was thankful for my bad luck for the first time, but soon my bad luck was negated by my brother's good luck, just like my parents told me. But unfortunately, it was the worst timing. They caught us, but they neither tortured us nor killed us."

"I found, it was because they feared to bring bad luck to their life by killing me, they decided to let go of me. As for my brother, they took him away."

Luo Qing looked down as she wiped her tears away, and shuttered "I- I- I b-broke my promise to my mother. I failed my family, I failed their hope, and I failed to protect my brother. And I am afraid I'll bring bad luck to our sect."

Hearing her, Natasha and Rose were already sobbing in tears. Their image as an elder was already wiped away. But Johnny was calm, he walked near her and patted her head saying "Do you know, two days ago I found something. If your brother can negate your bad luck, then I can completely erase it."

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