Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 10: His background

Chapter 10: His background

"It seems you have grown up a lot since you dare to mention condition to your dad" A hoarse voice containing hidden tenderness sounds from the phone. It was the voice of an old man.

"Well, you can speak about your condition. Let's see if I can fulfill them" Old man from the phone said

"I'll get to the point. The first condition- My son will receive an equal amount of resources with the same status as my brother's children even if his talent is low. The second condition- Let my son accept Dark God and War God inheritance whether he can or not depends on him. Finally Third condition- Unlike my future child or my brother's children, my first son won't be confined by the first three rules of our family" Johnny's dad mentioned his conditions

After he finishes, there was a long silence in his room. Neither he spoke nor did his father speak from the phone. Finally, after some time, Old man's voice sounded from the phone "First two conditions are alright but for the third condition, he has to follow the first rule."

Johnny's dad didn't speak; he was clearly thinking of something finally letting out a long sigh, he spoke "Okay"

"Good, I'll send jet-plane. You should get ready" Excited voice sounded from the phone before Johnny's dad cut the call.

"It's time to visit home" Johnny's dad let a long sigh, dark shadow starts covering his body as he disappeared.


Morning shine on the windows of Johnny's house, a ray of light entered Johnny's eyes as he slowly opened his eyes "What's the time?"

His eyes fell on the alarm clock near him and saw 7:30. He finally realized he was late. "Oops! I'm late" Saying so, he jumped out of bed entered his own room, and start changing his dress. He wore black jeans and a black T-shirt. He checked himself in the mirror and finally walked out of his room.

But he suddenly remembered something when he saw his mom. His mom glared at him and asked "Where are you going, my son?"

"I, I" Johnny's voice stuttered as he tried to speak, he clearly remembers everything from the last night. He looked at his mommy's eyes with pleading eyes like a puppy but his mom didn't speak. Finally, a doorbell broke the silence.

"Ding" "Dong"

"Mom, I'll check" Johnny already thought of escaping with this help but when he opened his door, he was shocked shouting "Dad"

Standing in front of the door was a middle-aged man with literally the same face as Johnny's except he looked more mature than Johnny. He had a pleasant smile on his face, while he calls "Johnny"

Hearing his dad, Johnny jumped and give his dad a bear hug saying "Dad, I missed you"

"I missed you too son" They hug each other until someone broke the silence.

"Are you two father and son going to hug each other the entire day?" A sweet voice comes from Johnny's mom's mouth. She was smiling to see her family together.

"Jane my dear" Jack finally let his son out of his arms and approached his wife.

They also hug each other for some time until Johnny separated them apart. All three went inside the house; Jane went towards the kitchen preparing the breakfast. Now that Johnny can't go out, he decided to change his cloth. His dad went inside the bathroom to clean himself.

Finally, after one hour everyone gathered in the kitchen. Before discussing anything, they started eating breakfast. Everyone was hungry, so they devoured food leaving not a single bit.

Finally, after breakfast, Jack looked at his wife and son, saying "Pack your bag, we'll leave soon"

"What? Where are we going, dad? I have to leave for Training Camp after two days." Johnny was the one to shout first. He was extremely surprised by his dad's words.

"Hmm! Right, you still don't know anything about this" Jack was still saying something when he was cut-off by Johnny who was saying "What I don't know?"

"About our family," Jack said

"So, you'll tell me about my Dark element and War God bloodline?" Johnny really wanted to confirm whether his dad will tell him about this or not.

"Well, I'll start with War God Bloodline. Your war god bloodline comes from your mother who was previously a citizen of a country name Nepal. When calamity occurred, they gain War God's bloodline due to their bravery from the past. This is a very powerful bloodline. When demons supported animals, Nepalese people killed more than fifty percent of total demons and animals though most of them couldn't live. Only a few survive and your mother was one of them, so she also possesses that bloodline.

As for your dark element, you got that from me. Our family is not located in Dragon Martial Nation instead it is extremely hidden in Antarctica. The reason for this is simple; our family power is so strong that just our family's manpower is enough to rival any of these three nations. If these nations weren't supported by two human emperors then our family would have equal footing with these nations. Your knowledge is very shallow. Except for these seven human emperors, other emperors are hiding in dark, some of them enough left the earth and stayed at our neighboring planet Mars.

Our family has one emperor that has the power to rival any human emperor. He is known as Dark Emperor and he also another name Undead Emperor. He is your grandfather and my father. But still, his talent wasn't very high; he couldn't reach the position of Shadow emperor above Undead Emperor. You should already know about undead magic right?" Jack explained and finally stopped at a single question.

Johnny shakes his head indicating, he knows nothing about Undead magic though he can guess it might be related to summoning skeleton.

"Undead magic is another powerful non-element magic that can summon skeleton and done bunch of different manipulation with bones. But there is magic above undead magic which is Shadow Magic. Shadow Magic can summon the shadow of a dead creature and shadow is not only powerful than a skeleton but also can evolve. So in simple terms, your grandfather wants me and your mom to accept the inheritance and give birth to a child who could possess Shadow magic and War God bloodline.

As you know my element is dark but due to variation, the dark elements can possess different magic such as Undead, Shadow, True Darkness, Bloodthirsty, and your devouring. Yes, your Dark magic is a variation of devouring which can endlessly devour another dark element to increase its power. In front of others, don't reveal this element. Remember no matter what others say, you have to believe 'Elements are not evil only creatures are'.

So as I just said earlier, if our offspring could possess both Shadow Magic and War God bloodline then he can use Shadows as well as himself to fight. This is truly overpowered after all that Shadow magic is still your own magic. Today, we'll leave for Antarctica and return home. You don't say a word about your devouring magic to others even your grandfather. I have done some research on it, when your dark element devours others, it'll let you have that devoured element initiate ability as well as your own devouring dark element initiates ability. So, in some sense, you can have more than two innate abilities just in the Junior magician realm. There are lots of things I haven't explained yet I'll explain it when we are alone." Dad explained everything since Johnny knows nothing about this topic, he also warned Johnny as many times as he can. He sensed people outside so he changed the topic.

Johnny didn't understand so he remained silent for some moments only then he opened his mouth.

"But dad will they accept me?" Johnny was a little hesitant, if he were given time then he would have used Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone to increase his talent but if he were to go now. Then he might get bad eyes and humiliation from others.

"If you were a normal child with the same talent then I might not have brought you to our family but you are genius" In a simple sentence, he praised Johnny. Jack already knew his thoughts so he didn't beat around the bushes saying directly to Johnny.

Johnny blushes a little after getting praised by his dad.

"Genius, is he?" An arrogant tone sounded from the door. When he turned, he saw two men and one girl standing in different dresses.

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