Mage Adam

Chapter 85

Adam named the magic [Thunderstorm] -- composed of low-level water magic to conjure water vapour in an area; fire magic to form clouds; wind magic to direct the clouds; and electric magic to rain down lightning. It simulates a supercell thunderstorm in nature and it was the strongest magic that Adam has used to date -- Adam has only seen the simulation of his magic using his artificial intelligence model, but today, he could finally use it, and it did not disappoint him.

He felt that his mastery of electric magic has been improved as well.

However, an improvement in magic means that his mana would drain faster as well. His magic has been completely exhausted; he took out the last ether crystal and held it gingerly in his hand. While recovering, he flew towards the direction the skeleton fled to.

Adam didn't care about William's condition and William didn't rush to chase after him. Instead, William clenched his fists, staring into the distance where Adam left.


The priestess felt fear in her heart and her belief in the Supreme God was faltering.

She knew that whatever she was preaching to the masses was imaginary; she merely deluded herself into thinking that this was what her Supreme God wanted.

However, the power bestowed upon them were all real -- and they were all granted with powers they have never seen before.

She began to doubt the Supreme God's capabilities -- was it really strong enough to cleanse the world of its sins and resurrect the dead?

"What should I do now, Supreme God?" the priestess prayed, but no response came.

She was back to square one -- a humble slave with no place in society.

She has always been reluctant to use her magic, because she needs this magic to perform miracles and recruit new believers. However, if she decides to save her magic now, she would surely die.

The priestess shattered her bony arm and bones scattered in the sky.

The bones shattered as it was raining down, hindering Ophelia and Crystal's chase. The splintered bones stabbed at them at the speed of sound, slashing at their delicate skin.

Ophelia continued to burn intensely, but exhaustion was painted on her face. She held her magic sword in a defensive position, preparing to cut a way out for her.

"Miss Ophelia!" Crystal shouted as she stepped in front of her. "I'll make a passage for you, it's up to you from then on."

She tore another scroll, and the magic stored in it instantly destroyed all of the raining bones -- even the skeleton far away was affected by the spell, having another arm and leg blown into pieces.

The priestess firmly protected her head and recited another incantation. The broken arm and leg was used to shield the skeleton as she continued to flee.

Ophelia violently lunged forward, instantly phasing at the skeleton's location. Her body spun rapidly in the air with her sword and pierced through the flimsy bone shield of the priestess.

"Wait!" the priestess shouted from within the skull. "I sense your vitality fading -- you will die if you continue. Come, join me, and the Supreme God will grant you eternal life."

These words had no effect on Ophelia. She raised her magic sword high and slashed her sword down upon the skull.

The priestess screamed, immediately shrinking the skeleton to a mere height of five metres, narrowly avoiding the slash.

Ophelia continued her chase, but her body was suddenly overcome with weakness; her magic flames dimmed rapidly as she fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Crystal caught her with a gentle wind. However, the skeleton was getting away and she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, a static noise could be heard behind them and they could see Adam zipping pass them in an instant.

"Miss Ophelia," Crystal said, worry flooding her heart. "Why did you use that... thing? This is just an Academy mission, why risk your future...?"

Ophelia didn't answer her, staring blankly into the sky.

The liquid in the syringe is a hormone extracted from an alien creature -- it only has a lifespan of one day; born at dawn, gain great power at noon, and die before the sun rises the next day.

After it is injected into the body, one could gain great power, but of course, they would put their lives at great risk.

This liquid is a taboo item amongst refiners like Ophelia. It is only used in two situations -- one, when a battle is reaching a dead-end; two, when there is no hope for a refiner to reach the next level.


Adam's speed became faster and faster -- as his magic power erupted, he instantly blinked towards the location of the skeleton, blocking its way.

"I'm tired of this. Die," Adam said coldly, transforming the electricity in his hand into a spear.

"No!" the priestess shouted, countering the thunder spear with a spray of white light. "Blasphemer!"

Adam simply let his psychic power conjure more thunder spears, surrounding the skeleton.

"Shut up, idiot."

The spears gathered in the air and spiralled forward, drilling into the skull and stabbing into the priestess.

"No, no... not like this," the priestess muttered.

Adam repeated this procedure three more times, and finally, the priestess was nailed to the ground.

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