Mage Adam

Chapter 127: Peter's Death (3)

This is the first time Adam has seen sound magic.

Peter's magic sends out ultrasonic waves by vibrating the air molecules violently with the intent to kill.

The strong magic combined with negative magic pierced through Adam's electromagnetic barrier and hit him. Peter was overjoyed, but Adam simply vanished.

Ancient mages were different from mages like Adam.

Their promotion is different from normal mages -- it is not a complete transformation, but a gradual promotion, and this means that their soul cannot withstand high accumulations of magic at a time. In other words, Peter Aum's physical body is his biggest weakness.

Adam surrounded himself in a magnetic field, blessing himself with superhuman strength. This newfound strength granted him a physique that far surpassed any ordinary human, and he was faster than the naked eye could capture.

By the time Peter had realised Adam had phased on top of him, it was too late.

Adam slashed a sword at Peter, and Peter ducked in horror, shattering five Despair Crystals in an instant to shroud himself in negative magic. Adam's sword shattered into a cloud of mist, leaving a huge crack on Peter's shield.

"Sure enough, you're scared of getting hit," Adam smirked, watching the grey shield manifest ten metres away from him. Adam pursed his lips, vanishing once again.

Ever since Dean Victor told him that a trial was to kill antimages, he did some research on ancient magic.

Especially negative magic -- mages who cast negative magic are often weak in a head-to-head battle.

They are physically weak and are only able to cause de-buffs to debilitate their enemy, lacking the means to face their enemy head-on.

"Spirit Plague!" Peter screamed, but Adam didn't even bother to dodge or evade the spell. The spell hit Adam's magnetic field and simply dissipated into nothing. Adam vanished before wrapping himself in a ball of electricity, smiting Peter's worthless existence.

"Knowledge is power, do you understand this sentence now?" Adam's calm voice boomed through Peter's ears, sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

"You're nothing but an apprentice... if it wasn't for those filthy mages killing my clone, do you really think you could ever beat-"


Adam pulled the trigger of his electromagnetic gun.

Bang Bang Bang!

With four muffled gunshots in a quick succession, Peter shattered four Despair Crystals once again, instantly healing his broken body.

"You'll be abandoned by the times and be all alone. Your magic is outdated and obsolete. Even if you're strong, you will never be able to beat me."

As soon as his voice fell, a thunderstorm began, and iron swords crafted themselves in thin air. Adam has completely overpowered Peter.

"Damn it, damn it!" Peter screamed, his teleportation magic becoming erratic as he ran through the thunderstorm. "I can't die to an apprentice like this!"

Peter unveiled his cloak, unleashing countless souls that rushed towards Adam, but they all dissipated before they could even reach Adam.


Adam continued to rain lightning and slash at Peter. "It's unbelievable that your magic is exactly the same as the ones I read in the tower. No change, no improvements, no nothing."

Adam surrounded Peter with electromagnetic blasts from his cannon, "Soul tearing, mind plaguing, panic spreading, illusion magic..."

"Shut up!"

Peter roared, shooting out a soul that was infused with a strange substance.

Even the air molecules were assimilated by the soul, annihilating everything in its path.

"Oh! I've read about this too."

Adam put his hands together, conjuring a plasma cannon out of thin air. Adam aimed at the soul carefully and pulled the trigger.

The plasma beam pierced through the soul in an instant and hit Peter Aum collaterally.

The twins could see the astonishing power of Adam's plasma cannon, hovering behind Adam with fear. Hailey was speechless, not knowing what magic Adam was using. However, being a fire mage, she could feel the temperature of the plasma cannon, and even her strongest magic couldn't achieve the temperature manipulation of the plasma cannon.

"Did you... kill him?" Hailey murmured.


Adam could see that Peter's body exploded into purple mist, figuring that he had some sort of mechanism that allowed him to escape. However, he still needed the points from killing him, so he couldn't allow him to escape.

Adam expanded his magnetic field as wide as possible. Since Peter was heavily injured, he couldn't be far. Using a strong teleportation spell inside his magnetic field could only spell doom for him.

Shirley glanced at her own bracelet, not wanting to disturb Adam.

The magnetic field grew larger and larger as his telekinesis swept through the area again and again. After a few seconds, Adam's eyes lit up as he fired his electromagnetic cannon towards the edge of the magnetic field, "Found you!"

The grey mist was now exposed, and Peter could only stare at Adam in horror.

"Blasphemer! I will wait in hell for the day you finally perish!" Peter laughed hysterically, casting a strange spell in his hands.

Adam couldn't let that happen, immediately raining lightning over Peter.

However, an impenetrable shield was formed over Peter, and a figure appeared over Peter, stabbing him.

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