Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 98: Chad

98 98 - Chad

The little snake that was looking around curiously, turned to Noah and looked him in the eye with a little bit of exasperation before answering, 'Yes...'

'And do you remember why you said that?' Noah said mentally as he raised an eyebrow.

'I kind of remember, but I also don't remember at the same time,' Little Lilly replied as she let out a breath.

Hearing her answer mentally, Noah was a little confused by what she meant, but she soon ended his confusion when she continued to answer the question he asked.

'I remember that I said that because some inner instinct of mine told me that I was far superior to that comparison, and that I could not leave it as it was, that I should say that I was a noble and powerful demon, to not be compared to a low-level monster like a vampire. But I don't know why I have that instinct which told me to say that,' she said.

Noah, hearing all this, finally understood what she meant when she said that she remembered and did not remember at the same time. Even if it didn't give them a lot of answers, at least it already said a little about Lilith's past and gave something for them to relate to when they'll try to dig into her past and the sealed memories she has inside.

While stroking Lilith's head, Noah began to think about why he felt no pain when he saw the portal close like the other Blessed had.

The only logical explanation he found for this was the fact that he had the system that prevented him from being affected by other deities. That is, the portals really were something made by the gods, but the reason was still a mystery to Noah.

When Jasper left Noah at home, Noah had already recovered half of his total energy. Unfortunately Jasper was too tired to do anything other than driving home and falling into a bed, so right after leaving Noah at his house, Jasper drove home just saying goodbye.

Noah understood his friend's tiredness and was not offended by Jasper acting that way, since he figured he would probably act the same way if he were in the same situation.

Looking at the house through the gate, Noah was planning on teleporting in there to be more practical, but with the 360o view he now possessed, Noah saw a hand approaching his right shoulder very quickly, so without thinking twice, Noah took a step to the left and the hand passed him without touching anything.

Even from his back, because of the new vision he had, Noah noticed the expression of shock that the man who tried to touch his shoulder had on his face. The man did not imagine for a moment that this boy would deviate from his grip even though his back was turned.


I really can't understand why my boss sent me to watch this boy and teach him a lesson. I am one of the only Blessed Rank D in his company and is he treating me like a henchman?

Those guys were Blessed Rank E but they were two idiots. They couldn't make the wisest choice even once. I knew that eventually they would come across someone who was too much for them to handle and not get out of it unscathed, but I didn't imagine that "someone" would be my boss's useless nephew, who apparently was a Blessed One without powers, and I wouldn't even imagine that this boy would not only beat one of the idiots, but that he would also kill one of them in broad daylight.

The arrogant secretary was complaining about a lot of nonsense, so I couldn't hear much of anything really useful about the boy, but from what I heard, he at least wasn't too concerned about killing one of the idiots, which I actually believe was just a facade. Nobody feels easy about killing, especially when it is the first time.

Every week before she had said how cowardly the boy was. It didn't make sense for that boy to change overnight and kill someone so easily; they were probably just stupid enough to believe the false facade he created.

Since my boss wants me to break this boy's morale and show him who's really in charge, I'm going to show this boy what someone who truly kills other people without fear is capable of.

The problem is that this damn boy hasn't arrived yet. I was waiting in front of his house hidden for a long time. The secretary and the idiots said that he always went home while walking from the GBC headquarters, but I never saw him at all.

I had to stay hidden in one of the alleys near his house for at least 5 hours waiting for him to show up, until finally I saw a second hand sports car coming towards his house.

It was a slightly beautiful car, but clearly not very expensive, probably the car of a Blessed Rank E that had saved money for a long time. If he were a Blessed Rank D he would be able to buy something much better than that, which is a good sign for me.

If the boy had come in a more expensive car, it would probably mean that his friend was potentially a high rank Blessed, which would be a lot of work to deal with. But seeing that he only has one Rank E friend, I can handle them both quietly.

When I saw that the car was leaving without the driver even going inside, I felt that this was my lucky moment. After all, it will be much easier to make this boy desperate if he is alone than if he gets the support of another person. Anyone's emotions are almost always more fragile when alone.

The boy was looking at his own home like a retard for a while, which I knew was the perfect time for me to move forward, so with light steps so he wouldn't hear, I moved towards him with the improvement in strength that my Blessing gives, my muscle mass being at least 50% greater than it was before, which made my already frightening figure now even more domineering. That was one of the reasons the boss chose me over the other two Blessed Rank D under him.

Seeing that he was still distracted, I cracked a big, wicked smile on my face and put a lot of strength in my hand as I prepared to grab his shoulder and squeeze until he screamed for help.


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