Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 201: Macabre Scenery

Chapter 201: Macabre Scenery

Noah's uncle's residence was a very luxurious house, to the point that he and his family practically lived in a secluded village. Not only was it isolated, but it was also heavily protected by armed and Blessed Rank E humans who patrolled the site looking for intruders or any other unusual thing.

But since it was an isolated village it meant that there was only one way to get to the house, and it was exactly on that path that Noah would ambush him.

What he wanted at that moment was not just to kill his uncle but to make his uncle feel the same terror and suffer at least a similar amount to what his mother had felt. He wanted that man at times to cling to life but at other times wish for the clemency of death.

Noah never went through this, as he himself always had Maggy to anchor him, but trying to imagine something that / could make a person feel that dying is better than continuing to live must be a terrible feeling. Feeling that ending one's existence would be better than continuing in life should be something that few people in the world truly deserve to feel, but that was exactly what Noah wanted his uncle to feel.

And for that, Noah had already put on the fire armor he had acquired after killing the boss that rode on the unicorn's back, but he hadn't made the armor catch fire yet. For now it was just normal, rusted metal armor, full of scratches.

That alone would be enough to make one think that he was a powerful Blessed One, since that armor didn't look fragile at all despite being full of scratches. With that appearance, Noah was sure that even Rank D Blessed would worry about seeing him, and if he made the armor burn, maybe even Rank C Blessed would feel threatened by something like that, and that's exactly what Noah wanted.

This evening he would not have the image of a fragile and weak 20 year old boy, no, Noah intended to look like a death knight who had come to bring the souls of his enemies to hell.


Jeffrey was quietly driving his big, luxurious Mercedes-Benz home after a long day at work while listening to classical music and humming with a little joy.

Today he had negotiated with a business group from the neighboring city that was interested in entering the city of Eyrin and making some investments. One of Jeffrey's companies specialized in civil construction, and for this business group that wanted to do big business in the city of Eyrin, they would need a large building customized with everything they had to demand - that is, a big business that would involve months of work and lots of money.

With the contract signed guaranteeing that they would be the construction team for all projects of this business group for the next 5 years, Jeffrey was very happy for the large sum of money he would earn from all this, to the point that he had even called up his wife saying that today they were going to have a celebratory banquet for themselves.

But as Jeffrey went down the beautiful path to get to his villa, something strange started to happen around him.

The path was a small two-way road surrounded by artificially planted trees to make the landscape as beautiful as possible, but this landscape, which he had always considered extremely beautiful, now gave him a strange feeling that something was wrong.

Without thinking twice, Jeffrey pressed a button hidden in the car, warning his security team that something was wrong and that they should be on the lookout. In a few seconds a black van reached his car from behind, which made Jeffrey's heart calm down, since within that van there were 4 Blessed Rank E and one Blessed Rank D.

But that feeling of calm only lasted a few seconds, since suddenly Jeffrey caught a glimpse of something bright and red passing at high speed among the trees that skirted the road, causing a fire to slowly start through that place.

"What the fuck is going on? What the fuck would happen at such a high speed among the trees? Is some idiot firing or playing with a gun? I hope his head is already on my table as soon as I get home. If not, a single head will not be enough to satisfy me! Today is a great day; I won't allow some imbeciles that will ruin this for me." Jeffrey said to himself as he turned up the volume on the music playing in the car to feel a little more relaxed.

But that wasn't working, either. The little fire that had started because of that thing that went by at high speed was increasing much faster than he imagined it would happen... in a slightly unnatural way.

Seeing that something so strange was happening, the van that accompanied Jeffrey accelerated a little more to approach his car and ensure the safety of their boss, although they didn't go much further before seeing something weird in the middle of the road, preventing their vehicles from continuing forward.

In the middle of the stage was a strange horse with a single horn on its head. The horn of this horse, or rather, unicorn, was on fire, as were its eyes and mane.

From time to time it was even possible to see a little fire coming out of that unicorn's nostrils when he snorted.

Jeffrey unconsciously slowed the car, thinking that trying to run over a big and dangerous unicorn like that was not the best idea. But that didn't mean he was going to get out of the car. Jeffrey had armored that car so tightly that even an attack by a Blessed Rank D would not be able to destroy the body, unless that Blessed One kept attacking nonstop.

As soon as his car stopped, the van also stopped and quickly five men got out of that vehicle with guns in hand as they prepared to deal with that strange monster.

Suddenly, the five men noticed that there was something even more strange happening. Near the flames, 20 little red goblins started walking slowly towards them with maddened expressions, as if they had been trying hard to hold back from dismembering each one of them.

With weapons aimed at the small monsters, the security guards were ready to shoot, while the little goblins started running around them while shouting something in a bestial language that they couldn't understand.

*Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang*

Without a second thought, the security guards tried to shoot those little monsters that kept running around, hoping for a shot to hit, but because of their small size, the speed they ran was very high, to the point that even though they were Blessed Rank E themselves, they believed they would be unable to catch them on foot.

Because of this high speed, the accuracy of the security guards' shots was greatly compromised, but it also served to warn the security team at the mansion that something was wrong in case the fire had not been a sufficient sign.

When a shot happened to hit one of the red goblins, he started to scream even more madly before running towards the security group, taking small sideways steps to avoid being hit again, which made all the security guards turn around to face him.

Seeing that the weapons would not be able to handle this goblin in time, one of the security guards threw the gun to the ground and pointed his hand at this goblin, shooting an electric beam at him, which hit the small monster's chest precisely, but which did not stun him enough to slow him down; it just made all of the goblins scream even more frantically and run towards them with even more speed.

At that point, the scream of that frantic red goblin, added to the scream of the goblins that ran around them without making any offensive movement made that atmosphere even more macabre.

Jeffrey, who was in the car, did not know what to do. He had already called the security team inside the mansion to bring at least half the staff to try to protect them. The situation was very strange, and the look that that unicorn was giving to him since he had arrived contributed even more to the atmosphere of unease.

Since Jeffrey had noticed the unicorn, the flaming eyes of that monster fixed on him and did not leave for even a second. It was as if everything else didn't matter, as if everything that was happening was something mundane and that in the view of that unicorn, these goblins and security guards didn't even exist. The only thing that existed at that moment was Jeffrey and the unicorn, nothing more.

Without having noticed, Jeffrey's hands started to shake slightly. He could think of several people who hated him, people who wanted him dead, but he didn't know who was so determined to send a monster like that to kill him. He didn't even know who had the strength to control such a unicorn and the red goblins that ran around them.

But because of the movements of the imps and the shining unicorn, a strange knight in scratched and slightly rusty armor who was sitting on the unicorn's back was going unnoticed. If these people thought that the most frightening being in that place was the unicorn, it's because they still didn't know his master...


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

Yeah, I'm really coming back, I'll try my best to get all these 12 extra chapters released next week hehe. Thank you for your support <>

[0/12 Extra chapters.] [1/2 Daily Chapter]

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