Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 180: Saving Me?!

Chapter 180: Saving Me?!

Following the sound of explosions, of things breaking, and the screams of desperate people, Noah ran to try to understand what was going on and how serious the situation was.

In the streets there were people running desperately in the opposite direction to escape that place in, women, children. Only the elderly had more difficulty fleeing because of their already weak bones.

Arriving at the scene, Noah saw a large pack of Cyclops Wolves. These wolves were monsters from the peak of Rank E, and besides the high strength they had, because they always roamed in large groups, the invasion of their Fortress was very problematic.

Many invasion teams died whenever trying to invade this Fortress, and apparently, because of the great difficulty, the Blessed were unable to eliminate the Fortress in time, causing the number of monsters inside the Fortress to grow for a long time unbridled, until they had now destroyed the gate and crossed to Noah's world, with a thirst for blood and a desire to kill everything they saw ahead.

In front of the group of wolves was a group of humans, or rather, a group of Blessed ones preparing to fight these monsters. Police officers had already set aside their standard weapons and those who had good control over the bow had taken bows to defend themselves.

Strangely, firearms didn't work at all against these monsters. Bullets definitely had a more powerful impact than arrows shot from a bow, yet no bullet ever pierced a monster's skin. Humanity even came to believe that monsters had some kind of bullet-repelling power.

Sure, a bow in a normal person's hand was almost harmless to a peak Rank E monster, but it was still better than nothing.

As Noah approached, he saw that the Cyclops Wolves had split themselves into small groups and were starting to run after humans to feed. Within seconds, an elderly man who was trying to escape for his life was bitten on the head by the huge mouth of one of the wolves and didn't even have time to do anything in response, losing control of his body and getting as soft as a rag doll.

The place that was already very chaotic, after this attack became even more panicked.

The smell of blood started to spread around the place. The monsters that didn't care about anything were destroying cars, houses, shops, everything that stood between them and their prey.

The 20 Blessed that were stationed to guard the portal also had to divide into small groups of 5 to try to deal with these monsters, but the fight of the 29 Blessed against more than 80 monsters more powerful than them combined was uneven.

Seeing this chaos, Noah felt he should do something about it. Being Blessed was not just about having money and fame; it also had its responsibilities, and this was one of them. When a Fortress exploded, every Blessed in the area would have to come together to try to deal with those monsters and avoid maximum destruction.

Since these monsters were Rank E, the Blessed Rank F might even try to help, but the chance of dying was too great for them, and they were allowed to run away with the humans without Blessing.

With conviction, Noah took advantage of the fact that he had obtained a mask to hide his appearance, took a black cap from his own backpack, and fitted the mask to his face.

That feeling of being able to "see" better with the Pyakugan hit Noah, so he raised both hands, and around him fifteen pentagrams appeared on the floor.

If an ordinary person had seen that, they could probably even think it was some ritual for an evil god, especially when they saw the fifteen imps coming out of those pentagrams, but different than these people would imagine, these imps instead of causing more damage, ran for a group of wolves frantically.


'Shit... I think I'm going to die today.'

Looking around me, there are three giant wolves, each with a single eye, staring at me as if I am the most delicious meat in the world.

When I was younger, I was the one who hunted animals in the forest, but apparently the roles are now reversed and I am the one who is being hunted by these "animals".

'At least my family managed to escape.' When I noticed the monsters leaving the Fortress, the first thing I did was send my wife and son away with the car and I stayed at home with my motorcycle to try to protect our things... that was the worst decision I have ever taken in my entire life.

"This must be my time." I say in a defeated tone, having already accepted that I won't live to see tomorrow anymore.

With a hunting rifle in hand, just to feel safer, since I know it won't do any harm to these monsters, I am aiming the sight at the eye of one of these big monsters and am prepared to shoot, at least to die satisfied that I at least tried to survive.

But to my despair, suddenly a group of 5 little red goblins have appeared at a high speed running towards my location.

'Shit... today is definitely not my lucky day.' I think to myself as I lose what little desire I had to fight for my life as I see even more monsters coming.

If trying to go against these wolves wasn't already problematic, going against a group of wolves as well as those nimble red goblins would be impossible.

'I hope death is painless.' I think as I lower my rifle and accept that I am going to die.

But unlike what I had imagined, completely against my expectations, the red goblins instead of attacking me using their speed, in fact, have run towards the wolves and are starting to cut the big monsters with the small, sharp claws they have on their fingers.

A thread of hope seems to have appeared in front of me, but I quickly let that thread of hope die. These monsters are much more likely to be fighting to decide who would kill me and keep my body for food. Thinking that these red goblins are trying to save me is probably one of the stupidest ideas I've ever had, second only to the idea of staying home to protect our things while making my wife go away with my son.

As I am trapped, I can only watch the wolves fight against the goblins, and I have to say, these goblins are much tougher than wolves that are at least twice their size.

Even though they are small, each of these goblins is extremely agile. When one of them is wounded, one of the goblins control a strange flame to heal the wound that their companion had received, just as the Blessed Ones did.

This has made me even more concerned, because if an invasion of these wolves wasn't already problematic enough, imagine those goblins with powers that looked like Blessings flooding the city, how that is going to cause even more chaos. I just hope this chaos doesn't reach my family.

After a few minutes, the battle between the monsters is finally over. The 5 goblins have managed to kill the three wolves without any casualties, but with some serious injuries, that if it weren't for that goblin healer, surely at least two of them would have died.

I have already accepted that they are going to kill me, but seeing them staring at me has left me with a strange feeling.

The wolves had given me a look that clearly saw me as prey, as food, as just meat. But I can't feel any of that in the eyes of these goblins. It is as if they had been just looking at me with curiosity, before looking at a fixed point in the air, with no apparent focus, and running in another direction, leaving me alone in this place with the corpses of the three wolves and an astonished expression.

At all times I had been sure I was going to die, if not for the wolves, from the goblins, but these goblins are actually doing the last thing I had thought they would do... saving me?!

Still with doubt and a little caution, I begin to leave where I was and look in the direction they ran. Apparently they had jumped over my house to the neighbor's house, which was also being attacked by wolves.

Will they also save my neighbors?! What kind of monsters are these?!

I look across the street and notice one of the houses there is also being attacked. And just as it happened at my house a few moments ago, there are five more red goblins fighting the wolves.

"God must have done something for us. Thank you very much, my lord," I say a little prayer of thanks for letting me live.

But as I look at the street again, something completely different from what I had imagined is happening.

Just like the five red goblins that invaded my home, and the five red goblins that are apparently fighting the wolves in the house across the street, there are five red goblins walking in the middle of the street with a relative calm.

But what has caught my attention is not the little red goblins walking calmly, but something that is among those red goblins, which is clearly not one of them.

That thing at first seemed to be a human. The body is human, the clothes are human, but the skin on the creature's hand is human, but the face of it is completely different from a human.

With red skin, big yellowish-white fangs, a pair of horns protruding from the forehead of it, looking at what is happening with a slight expression of indifference, I know that this being is a powerful thing.

'He must be the leader of these goblins. I hope he is a Blessed One...'


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

Sorry guys, somethings are happening in my life, but I'm doing my best to get over it and keep updating to you, I hope it come back to the normal soon.

[1/13 Extra chapters this week.] [1/2 Daily Chapter.]

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