Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 155: Did He Learn?

Chapter 155: Did He Learn?

The idea of ??making the imp fly clearly came from Noah, who wanted to test something and see if it would work.

While he ordered all the imps to return to the battlefield to fight the monsters once again and help their fellow imps, Noah ordered one of the imps to stay because he wanted to "run a simple test".

He didn't do this sake of being as useful as possible, but just because he was a little bored of just watching and wanted to try something that could potentially be a lot of fun, and maybe even useful.

Holding the imp in his hands, Noah realized that even though they were very small, the reason they were so strong was already explained. Their weight was as great as that of a normal adult person. The imps probably had a lot of condensed muscle inside their little bodies, which was exactly what happened to Blessed in the higher ranks.

When the gods began to bless humans, scientists obviously wanted to understand how this superhuman strength that the Blessed Ones possessed worked. Although they did not get any bigger on average, what was found was that the muscle of the Blessed, instead of swelling and staying stronger because of the greater amount of muscles, what happened to them was that the muscles became more compact so they could support more tension even though they were the same size.

Feeling the weight of that little imp, Noah realized that it was the same thing that had happened to them, which unfortunately gave Noah some slight difficulty carrying the little guy even though his strength was amplified by the statistics he received from the dwarves he had purified and the points he received upon leveling up.

But he still went on. With the imp in his arms, Noah started running at high speed up the hill, taking advantage of the kinetic force he was getting from going up in a high speed direction, Noah struggled to throw the small imp when he reached the hill's crest, but before releasing the imp, Noah teleported down to one of the ghosts and released the imp before returning to where he was.

The scene of the ghosts getting scared and frightened when noticing the imp that had reached them in the sky was priceless. While the bloody battle was going on, Noah laughed from afar as if seeing one of the funniest things he had seen that day.

But while Noah laughed, he noticed something that shook him. On top of the ghosts, the imp who was stabbing the ghost with his claw, when he realized the ghost was falling, did something that Noah would never have imagined he would do.

Instead of continuing to fall with the ghost, the imp actually used the ghost as an impulse and launched itself at another ghost. But watching this from afar, those sort of movements would be physically impossible... However, immediately afterwards the imp exploded into flames, and appeared 20 centimeters forward, which enabled him to grab another ghost with his claws and repeat the process one more time instead of stabbing the ghost to death before falling. Although this time the imp fell to the ground with the ghost, and from the breath he was emitting, Noah realized that tiredness was probably the reason he didn't perform that same stunt again.

But just using [Hell Tunneling] was an amazing feat. Noah had never expected the imp to learn to teleport just by being dragged through a tunnel by Noah. Despite the ability to consume much more energy than the imp could bear to use more than once, still, the two ghost corpses on the ground were sufficient proof of how useful this skill was in the right hands, even if only a single one was used in turn.

"Damn... these little guys are like sponges, absorbing everything I dump into them... That's incredible!" Noah said all this to himself as he watched the imps with affection and pride, as if he were looking at his own children.

It didn't take much more time to deal with these monsters. What was left was only the last wolf, the one who ran into the lake to hide, who would hardly try to stop them from doing anything again.

Reanimating the imps that died in what was left of the battle, using the energy of the monster corpses that he was burning, Noah made the imps stand in a defensive position, prepared to attack if something went wrong.

This mission was practically a limiter for Noah. He couldn't personally fight any monsters until he completed the mission, since he was afraid that if he killed one of the monsters the mission would fail, so positioning the imps in a defensive position was essential.

But this was apparently in vain, since in a short time he saw a large statue emerging from inside the lava, as if it had been summoned by a higher entity.

Noah initially didn't understand what was going on or what was making the statue do what it was doing, but when he started to feel tired, Noah finally understood what had happened. Apparently the system was using his energy to bring the statue out of the lava.

As much as Noah felt comfortable in this climate, to the point of even considering trying to swim in one of these pools, when he got too close to the hot lava he realized that the heat was too high, even for him. His skin would hardly be able to resist something of that heat.

So Noah had to think of another alternative to reach that statue, which, in fact, wasn't even that complicated. After all, with a simple explosion of flames, Noah disappeared from where he was next to the imps, and reappeared again at the top of the big statue.

As soon as his hands touched the statue, Noah unconsciously spread his wings and felt the energy flowing through them. It was as if Noah's body was like a pipe which sucked the divine energy from the statue and transferred it to his wings. Part of that energy was lost on the way, perhaps being absorbed by the system, but most went to the wings, which were clearly growing.

They were now no longer the size of small chicken wings, and had grown to the same length as his arms when stretched.

He knew that anatomically this would not withstand flight. He could hardly take off and fly wherever he wanted with these wings, but now he believed that the wings had a use, as opposed to only being a cause for shame as they were before. With a rare excited smile on his face, Noah got up from the crouched position he was in to absorb the statue's energy and stood with his spine straight and his wings outstretched.

The feeling of controlling the wings was now several times better than before. It was as if he had another pair of arms. He just imagined that he wanted to make the wings hug him, cover his chest, and that is what the wings did, exactly as easily as if he had done so with his arms.

With the smile getting even bigger, Noah braced himself, and without thinking twice he jumped off the statue.


Please read the author's notes down here! hehe :3 ↓↓↓

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