Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 151: Not Again...

Chapter 151: Not Again...

Noah had instructed the imps through the mental link they had, for the imps to use the strategy that the Blessed group had developed as well. This meant that an imp with the assassination job would attract the monsters' attention in the lava pools, while the others would wait from afar. When the monster approached, they would throw themselves at the monsters and try to destroy as much as possible with the sharp claws they had.

When any of them received an injury, the imp with the [Healing Flames] would try to heal them, and if any of the imps died, Noah would try to get more energy by burning other monsters to replace the energy spent to summon more imps.

At that point Noah thought about what would happen if any of the imps managed to control the [Hell Flames], but unfortunately, it was much more difficult to teach any of them to control these flames.

He knew that many of his imps would die in this Fortress, after all, several Blessed Rank E together would not be able to complete a Rank D Fortress; imps with that same strength would have no greater chances unless they could be revived and summoned again, which was Noah's plan.


While the imps were trying to execute Noah's tactic, Noah was launching [Fireballs] at the monsters the group was battling.

Truly the effectiveness of his flames against the monsters were much less than against monsters that did not have that same element as himself, but that did not mean that his attacks had no effect. His recharging energy was proof enough that even though it was unclear how much damage he was doing, he was actually doing damage to both of these monsters.

Looking at both monsters, it was possible to see that the flames around them were increasing, but Noah could not tell whether these flames growing around the monsters were good for him or if it was making the monsters stronger.

The high resistance of these monsters was even making the Blessed think that Noah was actually healing the monsters with his flames. No one said anything, but during the battle Noah felt some malicious looks towards him, as if people were getting angry at him for attacking the monsters too.

They eventually managed to deal with the two monsters, but the lava wolf took advantage of a moment of distraction, when one of the warriors turned to see who was putting more fire on these monsters, in order to bite the man's arm.

As the wolf's teeth were extremely hot, as soon as the man's arm was bitten, the scent of burnt human flesh already rose in the air, next to the man's cry. "Aaaahhhrrrg!..."

Taking advantage that the wolf's mouth was occupied with the man's arm, the other Blessed concentrated all attacks on him, which eliminated the wolf and facilitated in eliminating the accompanying ghost.

When the two monsters were dealt with, the group's healer, a middle-aged woman, came to the man to try to help with the wound he received, but the monster's hot bite had already cauterized the wound. On the one hand, this meant that the wound would not bleed as much as it should, which would guarantee a greater chance of survival for the man, but on the other hand, the wound being cauterized would also hinder the treatment, perhaps only a Rank C Healer or B could make that arm grow again. That is, this man would be physically handicapped unless he had a lot of money saved to pay for his treatment.

Incredibly, Noah was very surprised when he felt the spiteful look the man gave him, as if it were his fault.

'Don't tell me that I got involved in that old cliché again?' Noah wondered as he thought about how many boring situations he was recently involved in.

What further reinforced his thinking was the strange look that most of the other Blessed were giving him when he started burning the corpses.

Burning these monsters was much more difficult than burning normal monsters, since their skins probably developed precisely to resist fire. Fortunately they was not as tough on the outside as they was on the inside. The high destructibility that [Hell Flames] had, which made this flame superior to any other ordinary flame, allowed the corpses to be cremated and consumed.

"Why were you doing that? You should have stopped setting the monsters on fire when you realized they weren't affected by your flames, and instead you were aiding them!" Thomas spoke to Noah in an aggressive tone.

Noah turned his eyes from the monsters to Thomas, who was looking at him with a displeased expression.

"What evidence do you have that my flames left the monsters more powerful? I felt perfectly that I was consuming them," Noah said nonchalantly, which made Thomas even more angry.

"It was obvious that your flames were making the monsters stronger! Tell me, are you blind enough not to realize how big the flames were around the monsters? Our attacks sometimes didn't even reach the monsters because of their flames!!" Thomas said, getting even more aggressive.

At that moment, the man with the wound rose from the floor and with an expression of hatred, he pointed at Noah with the hand he still had and said. "Yes! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have lose my arm!"

Noah did not believe what was happening. It was as if the world was conspiring for these things to continue to happen to him, regardless of the Rank he was in.

The first few times he even had the patience to deal with it, but as time went on, his patience was wearing thin. Still with an indifferent expression, Noah summoned a [Fire Dagger] and said in a cold voice. "Do you want to lose your other arm too?"

Seeing that strange dagger of flame that Noah had summoned, the other Blessed were apprehensive. Each of them had already tried to make a weapon with their own element, but this had only resulted in failure, regardless of the time they spent to practice. This clearly showed Noah's superior dominance over his element itself when compared to them.

The one who was most affected by this was the man who had pointed at Noah with the remaining arm he had. Instinctively he retracted that arm and swallowed. The life of a cripple with a single working arm would already be difficult; if that boy maybe cut off his other arm, maybe not even his wife would stay with him, just abandoning him and going away with the kids.

Thomas saw the other Blessed retreating from Noah's threat and frowned. He didn't expect it. From the attitude that Noah had before they entered the Fortress, Thomas was sure that Noah was just a lucky young man who had received a powerful Blessing, but would submit to him in time if he was well trained. He did not imagine that the lamb he thought would be so fragile, in fact, was a wolf just waiting to attack.

But Thomas' pride would not be destroyed in such a way; he would still find another opportunity to subdue Noah. Unfortunately, that just couldn't happen now.

Noah turned to face Thomas, but the young man had already turned to go back to his group of friends. People were gathering in small groups to be able to recover the energy they spent to deal with the rest of the monsters ahead. The only one who had not spent much energy in the battle was Noah, who only made a few attacks as he would not want to run out of energy after having spent so much energy to summon 13 imps.

Fortunately, two Rank D monsters were enough to replenish more than half of his maximum energy, which today was already greater than the maximum amount of energy for many people. His only concern was to look at the imp counter and realize that more than half of them had already died.

'Just to deal with two normal Rank D monsters, more than half of them died... I hope that how much they will improve in these battles is worth it,' Noah thought.

Meanwhile, the little imps were in a life-and-death battle against the two monsters they had drawn to their attention. The imp that controlled [Healing Flames] didn't have time to heal the other imps because he had become the main tank, as he was able to withstand some monster blows more easily than normal imps, since he was able to heal himself for each blow.

But the attacks of the monsters were very deadly. Very easily they had managed to kill many imps. Fortunately, after killing the wolf, dealing with the ghost was not too difficult, despite how it kept flying, since the ghost was more fragile than the wolf.

When they finally managed to kill the two monsters, only 4 imps survived. That number would be catastrophic if it were in a group of Blessed humans. But luckily those who went through this were composed , beings summoned from hell just to battle and give their lives for their master.

They had learned a lot more in this single battle than they had learned the previous day under Noah's training. Only life and death situations could push someone to the limit.

When the last monster died, a message that Noah had been waiting for a long time appeared in front of him.

[Ding, new mission acquired.]


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