Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 101: User: Terrence

101 101 - User: Terrence

At that point, the only way to change that destiny of his would be for Noah to actually use that knowledge about his boss in such a overwhelming way that his boss would be so focused on dealing with Noah that he wouldn't have time to deal with him, and maybe eventually not have a way of truly dealing with him, or not remembering to deal with him.

Chad didn't think Noah was going to glean anything against his boss. His boss was an influential and powerful man in the city of Eyrin; there were few people who had enough resources to hire a Blessed Rank C and keep him hidden from the public.

Only the highest-ranking employees in the company had this knowledge. Rank C Blessings were very rare in the city, not to mention Rank D Blessings were already a huge force to be reckoned with.

That was why someone who received a Rank B Blessing was so highly acclaimed within the public. Because even if that person didn't reach their maximum potential, one day they would definitely become a Blessed Rank C, which was already one of the peak forces in the city Eyrin.

Even though it was a city with a few million inhabitants, the number of Blessed people who reached Rank C within their life was very low. It just showed how rare it was to receive a high rank Blessing, as well as how deadly the lives of the Blessed were who invaded Fortresses.

Noah already had a good idea of ??this, so much so that when Harry introduced his brother to him, Noah had seen the look of contempt in Harry's brother's eyes, because as he was a Blessed Rank C, that made him one of the most powerful people in the city of Eyrin when it came to brute force. Of course, brute strength is not someone's only source of strength; money also represents a lot of strength, since with a lot of money one can even hire some Blessed Rank C to do jobs, just like Noah's uncle was doing.

Even though Noah's uncle was a Blessed Rank E, because he had a very successful business that earned him a lot of money, it made the man more powerful and dangerous than an ordinary Blessed Rank C, since in addition to a Rank C employee, his uncle also had some Rank D and several Rank E working for him.

Not that this worried Noah. With the last Fortress, Noah already had confidence in surviving against a Blessed Rank C, and if he leveled up, he believed he could handle someone in Rank C without any problems, since because of the ability [Hell Tunneling], he had acquired unparalleled mobility for the Blessed Ones of the same rank, as well as blessings of time and space.

Ignoring Chad, who had just left, Noah gave up teleporting into the house, just in case someone was watching him from afar like Chad had done.

He didn't have that concern before since no one had ever cared so much about him when he was just a Blessed Rank F, but now that he was becoming more powerful and getting involved with more dangerous people, Chad had taught him a lesson today that he should be more careful not to expose his assets so easily.

Upon entering the house, Noah saw Terrence flying around with an empty bowl of food in his mouth. That was the bowl Noah used to put the food for him. As Terrence was literally a monster, giving him pet food didn't work, so Noah had to go to a monster pet store and buy a pack of special feed for monsters.

Unfortunately, the store was used to dealing only with weaker monsters, not a monster that had the strength of a Boss in a peak Rank E Fortress, being stronger even than most normal Rank D Fortress monsters.

So that kind of feed was obviously not enough for Terrence, making Noah have to buy several packs of feed, which in theory should have been able to last for a month, but for this strange bird it didn't last more than a week and a half.

Terrence was much smarter than a normal bird, as he was a Boss monster from a Rank E Fortress, and because Noah always stimulated his intelligence, talking, playing, and trying to teach the bird several things, this resulted in Terrence being much smarter, even more than other Angry Birds Bosses.

When Noah saw the messy bird flying around the house with an empty food jar in his mouth, he already knew that this was the monster's form of protest for starving him and that he would have to find a way to make up for it.

"Terrence!" Noah cried out to get the bird's attention that they had arrived even though he knew that with his keen hearing, he would hardly have not noticed the door opening.

*(If you want to see Terrence's appearance, this is available on the discord server.)*

And just as Noah imagined, Terrence continued to pretend he didn't hear Noah and kept flying around the house with the bowl in his mouth, trying to get as much attention as possible.

Seeing this, Noah put a hand on his face and knew it would be problematic.

"Calm down, Terrence; I'm here... How about we go for a walk?" Noah said in an apologetic voice, feeling really bad for the monster. As he did not have the [Hell's Contract] ability before this day in the Fortress, Noah had not yet signed a contract with Terrence for him to become Noah's pet monster. If he had done that, Terrence would have been able to go to the other dimension and share some of Noah's senses so that he would know what was going on in the real world, experiencing the Fortress and preventing him from being bored inside the house alone.

Hearing what Noah said, Terrence immediately looked at Noah as if asking if Noah really meant it or if it was just an excuse for him to stop being dramatic. But when the bird saw that Noah had a serious expression on his face, indicating that he really meant it and that he was serious, Terrence got excited and dropped the empty food bowl and flew directly to Noah's shoulder, perching there and starting to rub his face on Noah's cheek trying to please him.

"You really are not ashamed..." Noah laughed lightly at the 180° turn in the monster's behavior and started stroking his head. Terrence's feathers were growing very beautiful and soft, something that even Lilith had started to like. At least once a day, she let go of Noah and crawled up on Terrence's back to curl up in his feathers, as if he were a big red pillow.

Terrence didn't care at all about Lilith's actions. Since his species was strong enough to carry a blue boar on their backs, carrying a little snake like Lilith didn't even hinder his flight at all.

With Terrence on his shoulder, Noah went into the kitchen and made a large piece of meat to divide between him, Lilith, and Terrence, the latter being an apology for making him go hungry.

Noah had already made the mistake of forgetting to feed Terrence enough a few times; the only way for Terrence to feel better besides going for a walk on the street was to eat meat. Since he always ate the food that Noah bought, when he had the opportunity to eat real meat, Terrence always enjoyed it as if this was the last time he was going to eat something.

And this reaction was quite evident to Noah and Lilith, who watched with enjoyment as Terrence ate each piece of meat with such speed like he was afraid someone would appear at any moment to try to steal that meat from him and spoil the poor monster's amusement.

Lilith was extremely delicate while eating. Despite being a small snake, strangely she was able to eat the same amount of meat as Terrence, which was more than 20 times her size. Noah never understood where all this meat was going, but he could only assume that this meat was actually turned into nutrients almost instantly so that she would recover faster.

Noah looked at Terrence and thought about the skill he received when he went up to Level 03. Since he was too lazy to formulate another contract, and because he had taken care of Terrence since the bird was born, Noah trusted him almost as much as he trusted Lilith. They had an affection for each other since Noah had been with the bird since his birth, which could not have been done under any circumstances other than what happened.

With that confidence, Noah used [Hell's Contract] while thinking about repeating the same contract he had used with Lilith, a contract of equality and mutual trust with Terrence.

Unlike Chad's contact, since Noah didn't care about the man and drew up a contract with several obligations in Chad's part, Terrence's contract was much more open and only aimed at the mutual good and respect of each other.

Noah opened his hand again and a familiar pentagram floated out of there towards Terrence's head.

Terrence looked at that contract for a second with a distinct confusion on his face. When he saw that the pentagram was getting closer and closer, the bird began to eat even faster than he had been eating before, fearing that this pentagram might steal the food he so valued.

Noah looked at this scene and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Terrence was truly afraid that the pentagram would steal his food so much so that he didn't even pay attention to what that magical pentagram was. Not to mention that Terrence was eating at a speed, it made Noah and Lilith's jaw drop, wondering how it was possible for a bird to eat at such a high speed.

When Terrence finally finished eating and took a moment to look at the contract, the bird breathed a sigh of relief and promptly accepted the contract.

But to Noah's surprise, when Terrence accepted the contract, a window appeared in front of him...

[User: Terrence



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