Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 68: Partial to this heart, hold what thoughts

Two muscular shirtless men were guarding the entrance of the city lord's mansion, making people feel intimidated.

The group followed Li Jianqiu and turned to the right.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded from behind, "Jiang Wang!"

Jiang Wang turned his head and found that it was Sun Xiaoman, who looked petite and cute, jumping high in the crowd and waving at him.

Beside her was a chubby guy, who could only be Sun Xiaoyan.

"Miss Sun!" Jiang Wang greeted her with a smile.

"Why so formal? Just call me Xiaoman," Sun Xiaoman walked over with a swagger and punched him in the stomach.

Jiang Wang took a deep breath and tried to maintain a bright smile on his face, "Okay, Xiaoman. And hello to you too, Xiaoyan!"

It seemed that Sun Xiaoman's group had just returned from outside the city, with traces of battle on their bodies. Yang Xingyong and Zhao Tiehe did not follow them, probably because they did not usually go on missions together.

Sun Xiaoman waved her hand to let the people behind her go first and turned back to ask, "Are you here to see us this time, or..."

Jiang Wang introduced Li Jianqiu, Zhao Rucheng, and others with a smile, "We are here to take on the task of killing monsters."

"Great! That's cool!" Sun Xiaoman was exceptionally heroic, "You haven't settled down yet, have you? Come to my house!"

"Sis," Sun Xiaoyan pulled her back quietly, "You're a girl. Is it a good idea to bring people home?"

"What's wrong with that? Our house is so big. You can arrange it, can't you?"

"My bed is so small that it's not enough for me to sleep alone!"

"When did I say they have to sleep in the same bed with you???"

"Then it's even worse for you to sleep with them, isn't it?"

"I'm telling you, what are you thinking about all day?"

Just as the two siblings were about to have a showdown, Li Jianqiu spoke up in time, "Miss Sun, we have already booked rooms. Besides, we are about to set out to kill monsters. It's not convenient to stay in your mansion."

Jiang Wang also said, "We are all following Senior Brother Li Jianqiu this time, and he has arranged everything. Xiaoman, Xiaoyan, don't bother. Let's have a drink together after we complete the mission!"

"Okay, okay," Sun Xiaoman instantly softened her fierce expression and turned around, "I'll invite Tiehe and the others when we come back."

The two groups bid farewell.

As soon as Jiang Wang and others walked away, Sun Xiaoman's face darkened, "That fatso was trying to sabotage me, wasn't he? He's so stingy. What will our friends in Fenglin City think of us?"

But Sun Xiaoyan knew her well enough not to leave herself open to a beating. She had already run into the city lord's mansion.

Sun Xiaoman chased after her frantically, and the guards in the mansion had long been accustomed to such scenes.

The two siblings burst into the study.

A middle-aged beauty was sitting behind the desk, reading something.

This person was the current city lord of Sanshan City, Dou Yuemei, and also the mother of Sun Xiaoman and Sun Xiaoyan.

Sun Xiaoyan rushed into her arms and pointed to her, "Look, sister!"

Dou Yuemei put down her pen and hugged the chubby Sun Xiaoyan, ignoring how awkward it looked. Her phoenix eyes turned to Sun Xiaoman, who was coming at her with teeth and claws.

"Sun Xiaoman! What are you up to now?"

She had such a gentle name, but her aura was quite heroic.

Sun Xiaoman stopped at the door of the study, somewhat dissatisfied, "What's wrong with me educating him under our elder sister's guidance?"

"He already has a mother. He doesn't need so many mothers!"

Sun Xiaoman was speechless for a moment and stomped her foot hard on the floor, making a loud noise, "Mom! You're too partial!"Dou Yuemei indulgently hugged Sun Xiaoyan and said, "Of course. A daughter who is married is like spilled water!"

"I haven't even gotten married yet!"

"But it's just a matter of time, isn't it?"

Sun Xiaoyan hid in her mother's arms, feeling safe, and added, "Yeah, she was flirting with a guy named Jiang today!"

"You're being ridiculous!" Sun Xiaoman was furious and raised her fist to charge forward.

Dou Yuemei lifted a hand and a gentle force held Sun Xiaoman back.

"You're a girl, don't be so rough." She raised an eyebrow curiously and asked, "What's the deal with this guy named Jiang?"

"He's just talking nonsense!" Sun Xiaoman couldn't get through, so she rubbed her anger and said, "Jiang Wang is the one who unconditionally gave us 50 points of Dao merit last time, and he's here to help us eliminate the savage beasts this time. What's wrong with me greeting him? Your son is so indifferent and afraid of being squeezed out!"

"Oh, then we should entertain him." Dou Yuemei nodded and asked, "Is he handsome?"

"He's okay, but not as good-looking as that guy named Zhao." Sun Xiaoyan said.

"You don't understand, my foolish son. Men who are too delicate are useless, they need to have some flesh." Dou Yuemei pinched Sun Xiaoyan's chubby face. "Look at you, so cute."

Sun Xiaoyan felt embarrassed and twisted her face.

Sun Xiaoman took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, suppressed her anger, and said calmly, "Mom, are you biased towards men?"

Dou Yuemei nodded confidently, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Sun Xiaoman roared, "You're a woman too!"

"Yeah! Look at me, I'm a classic example. My heart is entirely devoted to your dead father, when have I ever cared about my own family? When my father was dying, he must have regretted not showing more love to his precious son. I served your father when he was alive, and when he died, I had to support the Sun family and take care of you two. From a delicate little girl, I became the broken city lord I am today! So, what's the use of loving your daughter?"

Sun Xiaoman was speechless.

She kicked the study door and left angrily.


Jiang Wang and the others left Sun Xiaoman and went to their lodgings.

Huang Azhan smirked, "Jiang Wang is pretty good, he's the daughter of the Three Mountains City Lord."

Jiang Wang helplessly said, "We're just ordinary friends."

"Hehehe, I understand, I understand."

Zhao Rucheng said, "Huang Azhan, if you don't want to be smashed into meat pulp by the Shocking Mountain Hammer, keep making your creepy laugh."

Huang Azhan shuddered at the thought of the Shocking Mountain Hammer that swept through the Three Cities Competition and closed his mouth.

Li Jianqiu seemed familiar with the place and led the group to a small but well-kept inn.

The lobby had several sets of tables and chairs, all wiped clean.

The innkeeper was an old man with poor eyesight. He squinted at Li Jianqiu for a while before grinning, "Oh, Little Li, you're here?"

Li Jianqiu greeted him familiarly, "Yes, Uncle Zhang. Can you arrange four rooms for us?"

"Two will do. Even if you have money, you shouldn't waste it like this. Four big men, can't you squeeze a bit?" Uncle Zhang said.

"Okay, as you say."

"How have you been lately?"

"Pretty good. And you?"


Jiang Wang silently watched this scene, feeling that Li Jianqiu and everything here were so harmonious, as if he had lived here for a long time."His son and daughter-in-law were eaten by ferocious beasts on the way back to the city, on the official road." When going upstairs, Li Jianqiu said, "When the city guards on patrol arrived, they couldn't even find a single bone."

Jiang Wang remained silent. The number of ferocious beasts in the Maple Forest City area was generally low, and it was rare for them to charge into the official road.

He found it hard to imagine how ordinary people in the San Shan City could live under such pressure if even the official road was not safe.

And what was it that made them still hold onto such stubborn hope?

"He always feels that his son is not dead and will come back someday. So he guards the inn gate every day."

Li Jianqiu sighed and said no more.

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