Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 44: Hidden Demon King

San Shan City is located in the southeast of Qinghe County, and can be considered remote. The entire city is surrounded by mountains, and three peaks are the most famous, hence the name San Shan City.

These three peaks are called Shu Bi, Yu Heng, and Fei Lai.

Because of poverty and isolation, the people in this city are often scorned as barbarians. Many people can't even afford shoes and have to climb mountains barefoot, as if walking on flat ground.

As long as the people of San Shan City arrive, this year's San Cheng Forum can officially begin, because the people of Wangjiang City have already entered the city a day earlier.

In terms of geographical location, San Shan City is slightly further away in a straight line, but not too far. However, it is very convenient to travel by water from Wangjiang City to Fenglin City. Take a boat downstream from Qingjiang River, and then turn into the tributary Green Willow River. If the wind is right, you can even arrive the same day.

It takes about three or four days for ordinary people to walk from San Shan City to Fenglin City...and that's because of the official road.

It's not that the students who don't participate in the Forum can rest. During the entire San Cheng Forum, they also need to assist the government in maintaining order. New disciples like Linghe and Zhao Rucheng have no chance to slack off.

Under such circumstances, a part of the city guard was assigned to enter the city, and they had nothing to complain about.

The San Shan City team must enter from the south gate, so after receiving the notice, they waited early at the entrance of the south gate.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Zhao Rucheng yawned, "If I knew I couldn't get away in the end, I would have participated in the competition by myself, why give the spot to my third brother?"

At this time, Jiang Wang was resting at home in the name of preparing for the competition. And they, who didn't have to participate in the competition, had been patrolling for three days. The gap in treatment was huge.

"Ah." Huang Aizhan was also shaking his head, "I also saw that Zhang Shixiong is old and soft-hearted. Otherwise, I should be the team leader. How can I waste time with you kids!"

As a student within three years of training, no matter how he boasted, he should stop at Li Jianqiu. But he jumped to the position of team leader in one step, and could only say that the art of bragging has no end.

Zhao Rucheng and Linghe both turned to look at him, casting admiring glances.


Just as Huang Aizhan was puzzled, a soft voice behind him continued to sound, "Am I very old?"

Huang Aizhan almost jumped up, "I mean...Zhang Shixiong is highly respected!"

Zhang Linchuan was right behind him, maintaining a distance of about two steps, smiling noncommittally, "For the sake of the overall situation of Fenglin City, how can you be soft-hearted? Why not give up the position of team leader and take it back..."

"Ah! Ouch!" Huang Aizhan's voice rose and fell, "Why does my stomach hurt so much?"

"Please bear with us, I'll be back soon." He covered his stomach in pain, bowed and ran away.

Naturally, he won't come back. He would rather be punished by the academy, rather than lose his Dao prestige.

Zhao Rucheng sneered. He was just talking big for a while, but this Huang Aizhan is really useless. It seems that he drank too little with Du Laohu."Senior Brother Zhang." Linghe had a proper character, so he bowed to his senior brother before asking, "Why did you come?"

Zhang Linchuan nodded in return. "The competition is coming, and I need to observe the situation."

It seemed that Dong A had given him a lot of pressure, making him, who loved cleanliness, willing to squeeze into the crowd to observe the "situation."

In fact, there were many commoners crowded at the South Gate. Compared to the wealthy people in Wangjiang City, they were more interested in the so-called "mountain barbarians."

"They're here!"

A commotion came from the front, and it was the students from Sanshan City's Dao Academy who had finally arrived.

Unlike the Wangjiang City cultivators who brought a bunch of servants with them as if they were going out for a walk, only six people came from Sanshan City. There were only six spots for each city in the competition.

They walked in a 132 formation from the South Gate.

Almost everyone looked at their feet first. It was said that each mountain barbarian family only had one pair of shoes, which were only given to those who were going on a long journey.

And indeed, the girl at the front of Sanshan City was barefoot.

This kind of scrutinizing gaze with discrimination undoubtedly made people unhappy. Therefore, Linghe immediately went up to greet them.

"Friends from Sanshan City! Linghe from Fenglin City's Dao Academy has been waiting for you for a long time. Please follow me to the Dao Academy to rest and eat. Later, I will take you to the competition venue."

According to reason, Huang Achan, who had been there for three years, should have been the one to greet Sanshan City's guests. However, the scheduling master designated Linghe because of his poor image, and Linghe's sincerity indeed made him suitable for the job.

The people from Sanshan City hadn't even had a chance to be unhappy yet, and they had already followed Linghe.

To Zhao Rucheng's surprise, the commoners crowded near the city gate had more eyes on the plump figure in the middle of the Sanshan City team.

Unlike the other people's simple and neat armor, he wore a hooded black robe, and his entire face was hidden in the hood, making him look particularly strange and eye-catching.

Zhao Rucheng could even hear some people's discussions.

"Is that their strongest?"

"Of course, look at his position among the stars. Look at that aura!"

"He looks very scary."

"We in Fenglin City should be vigilant!"

"What's there to be afraid of? Zhang Linchuan from the Zhang family is not someone to be trifled with!"

"He seems to be vegetarian... Last time he came to our restaurant, he didn't even taste the bear paw, only ate a few bites of vegetables. I served them!"

The topic gradually shifted...

As for the little girl at the front of the Sanshan City team, she was too harmless to be taken seriously. Even though she was indeed beautiful and petite, people in the world of cultivators were cruel, and only true strong people would be valued.

As part of the welcoming party, Zhao Rucheng naturally chatted with the Sanshan City cultivators, but they spoke very little, and they paid great attention to their formation, firmly protecting the person in the black robe at the center, as if they were afraid of someone studying their secret magical tools.

Zhao Rucheng pretended to squeeze a few times but failed to get in and gave up.He noticed that as the common people on the roadside were discussing, the faces of these San Shan City cultivators...were somewhat strange.

Zhang Linchuan did not stay with them, he just squeezed into the crowd and took a few glances before leaving.

With Linghe's enthusiastic introduction and the concise response from the barefooted girl, the group turned right and headed towards the Daoist temple.

The barefooted girl suddenly stopped and looked towards a restaurant on the street.

On the second floor of the restaurant, a refined-looking young man stood by the window. He had one hand behind his back and the other holding a glass, responding to the barefooted girl from afar with an impeccable smile.

The barefooted girl did not look at him and continued on her way.

But Linghe recognized him.

He was the leader of the Wanjiang City's debate this time, as well as the first on the Wanjiang City Daoist temple's merit list, Lin Zhengren!

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