Loving Madeline

Chapter 322 Beginning To Fall


I could say flirting with Charlotte Divenson was the easiest thing to do, yet it felt like leaving her was the hardest. I carried my suitcase after looking at the master's bedroom where I stayed for the night.

I knew I was a nobody to her since she is a Divenson, after all, she used to have so many suitors. These different men came from wealthy families, but I have never seen her dated or become exclusive with anyone, or maybe she kept her love life so private that no one from the outside world knew who she was dating.

It was a wonderful experience for me especially kissing Charlotte. I couldn't deny she looked so beautiful and hot, and my attraction for her was too much to control.

I could feel it to my core she wanted to drive me away this morning, no matter how I used my charm on her. She couldn't deny that she liked me too, or it was only a fragment of my imagination.

It was funny that I thought Charlotte was innocent or didn't have any dating experience because of the way she reacted when I first kissed her, but maybe she was apprehensive because I came from the lower class, and it hurt my ego.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and I felt disappointed that my looks didn't work on her. I wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans since there was no need to impress her; I could never change her mind, and I should proceed to my plan B.

I will leave the house, but not the Divenson estate; I already contacted Mario and informed him about my plan, and he was waiting for me at the exit, but it seemed like my heart didn't want to leave, but it would be temporary, I knew I would come back here before I knew it; she will beg for my company.

I felt unhappy after I said goodbye to Charlotte because I expected she would ask me to stay for lunch even if I knew how much she wanted me to leave when she saw me this morning.

I walked away from her without a second glance because if I did, I knew I would be kissing her again, and the last thing I want is her fury.

"I could say she kicked you out," Mario said as he looked at the suitcase in my hand.

"Yeah, she is totally heartless," I responded, and his laughter reverberated inside his car.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"The place is not yet ready, so I will take you to my sister's house; we only need some renovation, and the place will be ready in three days." He responded.

"I told you I only need a tent," I replied.

"Trust me, Jack, tent won't do here; besides, Hunter already instructed me to renovate the staff house, Charlotte doesn't need to know you are living inside the Divenson estate since she hasn't left the house as far as the staff house, but I could say she will soon wander around the estate when her supply run out again." Mario declared.

"You should not provide her enough food; see what happened?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"It will not change anything, Mario, she got her damn pride, and I could tell Charlotte doesn't want me to know she was broke," I responded.

"Well, she is a Divenson, and I could tell she is still in denial." He replied.

"Exactly," I stated, and we fell silent for the rest of the ride, and I smiled when he pulled over in front of a bungalow house with a lovely garden, and a beautiful young lady was waiting for us on the front porch.

"Welcome to our simple abode, Jack; I want you to meet my sister, Cecily, sis; this is Jack," Mario introduced me to the beautiful woman who blushed as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"I couldn't believe you would be here in our place; our mother would be so happy to see you if she was only here; welcome to Barcelonia, Jack," Cecily said as she extended her hand, and her smile made her more beautiful.

"Thank you, Cecily; nice to meet you," I responded, and her smile widened.

"It is our pleasure to have you here, and please come inside." She replied as she motioned me to follow her inside.

"I guess I should leave you with my sister, don't worry; you are in good hands; Cecily is a good cook, too. I am sure you will get along." Mario said before he turned around and left.

I wanted to protest, but Cecily seemed accommodating and friendly.

"This would be your room, Jack; I am sorry, my brother didn't inform me that you would be staying here, I should have clean the house, but I got no time." Cecily declared.

"This is too much; I only asked your brother to provide me with a tent. I am sorry for disturbing you, Cecily." I responded, and she blushed again.

"You are not disturbing me. I also worked with the Divenson family. I was the one who managed their finances here in Barcelonia; the Divenson family was the one who supported me with my studies; after I graduated, Hunter asked me if he could hire me; plus, his offer was tempting. I couldn't say no." She declared, and I chuckled as I remembered Hunter's offer for me to be with his sister.

"Your stay here would be part of our job; you don't need to feel guilty, we didn't have an operation from the moment Charlotte Divenson showed up at the Manor, but her brother instructed us on what to do, and we are all here to support our boss's requests," Cecily added with a smile.

"There is a bathroom in this room, and if you need anything, my room is across from yours; just knock on my door." She stated, and I couldn't stop smiling at her.

"Can I ask you about something?" I asked, and she arched her eyebrows.

"What is it, Jack?" She asked, and I could see her curiosity behind her smile.

"Do you know someone who has a spare car in this neighborhood? I need to rent a car to do my duty at the Divenson manor." I replied, and she beamed at me.

"Do you think Hunter didn't think about that? of course, you have your car here, and he got it ready before you arrived." She replied, and I couldn't stop beaming at her.

I couldn't stop noticing Cecily's physical appearance, she is tall with porcelain skin, thick eyelashes, sensual lips, and long brown hair, and if I describe her with one word, she is beautiful.

"Wow, I don't know what to say; Hunter is a great boss," I responded after I recovered from my shock, and I wondered why Mario didn't tell me

anything about it, and I was wondering who was living in this house aside from Cecily.

"Is there anything you want to ask me, Jack, before I will go to my room?" She asked, and I cleared my throat as I nodded my head.

"Are you living alone in this house?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"Why do you ask?" She asked back.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" I asked, and her laughter echoed inside my assigned room.

"I know you are harmless, Jack. I could say we could be good friends." She responded; it was my time to give her one of my sweetest smiles.

"Thank you so much, Cecily. I thought I would be sleeping on the road tonight." I responded.

"That is not happening, besides, Hunter will never allow his men to suffer or to be in a delicate situation," Cecily replied.

"You don't need to worry about food supplies; we got plenty; the goods arrived today." She added, and I couldn't stop thinking about Charlotte.

I settled in my room, and I liked the neighborhood's serenity. It was comforting, I didn't expect Cecily to cook lunch, and Mario was right; his sister was good at cooking.

"Wow, this is delicious," I said after I tasted the beef stew.

"Thank you, a compliment coming from a famous chef would mean so much to me," Cecily said as she looked me in the eyes.

I cooked dinner, and I prepared extra for Charlotte. I knew I should stop thinking about her, but I couldn't stop worrying if she had nothing to eat.

"Are you sure about that, Jack?" Cecily asked when she saw me put the food in the microwavable container.

Yes, I knew she didn't want to see me, but I needed to check on her; that is part of my job, Cecily." I replied, and I could see the meaningful smile on her face.

"What?" I asked, and she only shook her head as she turned away.

"You got it bad, chef," she answered before she walked out of the kitchen, and I wanted to shout and tell her she was wrong, but there was no need to deny nor confirm her suspicion.

"This is the key to the main door; I will not lock the deadbolt. I will only lock the knob so you can get inside when you return. I know you plan to stay with her; you are worried about Charlotte." Cecily declared.

"It is part of my job, Cecily," I replied.

"I know, Jack, but the worries I saw on your face were telling me different things." She responded before she closed the door in my face.

I shook my head as I walked towards the garage, and I smiled when I saw a brand-new pickup truck. I couldn't believe Hunter would provide me with everything I needed, and I felt guilty as I got inside the pickup and drove away from Cecily's house; how could I tell Hunter I was beginning to fall for his bratty little sister?

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