Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 108

108 Need a love

After nearly thirty minutes in and out of the dressing room showing Christian the clothes she was wearing, Elena finally breathed a sigh of relief after Christian agreed to the last three clothes she tried, a white skirt with calf-length lilies and a peach colored blouse were the first choices Christian agreed to. And the other two clothes are beautiful dresses that have almost the same motif. Entering spring, various collections of beautiful women’s clothes began to appear in clothing stores, including in Emily Rose’s boutique, which did not talk much after Christian gave her an ultimatum not to reveal the secret of her relationship with Elena.

“Thank you for coming, young master. I look forward to welcoming you back to this boutique,” Emily said politely as she returned Christian’s unlimited credit card with a wide smile. “I hope you like the clothes in this boutique, Miss.”

Elena smiled. “I like the collection of clothes in this boutique.”

“Glad you like it Miss Wilson...”

“Elena, call me Elena. It doesn’t feel right for you to say my family name like that, Emily.” Elena immediately interrupted Emily’s words quickly.

Emily nodded her head, knowing that Christian was starting to feel uncomfortable, Emily then gave Elena a hug before escorting the two special guests out of her boutique which was immediately vacated from other shoppers not long after Christian and Elena entered the special room.

Seeing Elena wearing more closed clothes made Christian feel a little calmer, Christian really couldn’t imagine what would happen to him if he let Elena into the restaurant in a dress that exposed her beautiful and flawless long legs. Damn. Recalling how hot Elena had been thirty minutes ago makes Christian even hungrier.

After sorting through restaurants, Christian finally chose a Chinese restaurant that was not too busy. Even though it is already spring, Christian wants to enjoy food that can warm his body and Chinese restaurants are the right choice for that. A waitres immediately came over to Christian and Elena as soon as they both sat at a table in a glass room, a place that was very private.

Christian easily mentions the menu of food that he wants to enjoy this afternoon, the waiter skillfully takes notes of all the menus and immediately goes to prepare food after he re-matches his writing with Christian. In a short time, all the food that Christian ordered was finally presented in full in front of Christian and Elena. Elena could only blink her eyes when she saw the food in front of her eyes.


“Why? Don’t like Chinese food?”

Elena nodded slowly. “It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that I feel this food is too much for both of us, Christ. Are you sure you can finish all of this?”

“All of this is healthy food, Elena. And it’s so good for us, so there’s no reason not to order it, right?”

“Okay if all this food is healthy food, but this food is too much, Christ. And it’s just the two of us,” said Elena, repeating her previous words. “We won’t be able to finish it.”

“If you keep talking it’s obvious we won’t finish this meal, so you better start eating now,” Christian says quietly as he pours soup into Elena’s empty bowl.

Elena shakes her head again, Christian really is so hard to understand. The chance to win a debate with Christian is really only 100:1.

Not wanting to make Christian even more angry, Elena chooses to give in by starting to enjoy this very healthy food. Luckily Elena didn’t finish the food that her mother had prepared an hour ago, so at this time her stomach was still able to take in some more food.

Elena, who was initially afraid to leave food, now smiled when she saw the food in front of her was almost gone, Elena forgot that since yesterday afternoon Christian had not eaten anything until this afternoon. His quarrel with his mother makes Christian’s appetite disappear.


“This is the best Chinese food I’ve ever eaten,” Christian replies quickly.

Elena smiled. “Really? Isn’t this restaurant not a restaurant in a five-star hotel that has been your favorite place to eat, huh?”

“Who said that my favorite place to eat is a restaurant in a five-star hotel?” Christian asks calmly.

“Hasn’t that been the case all along,” stammered Elena.

Christian who had just wiped his lips with a handkerchief slowly got up from his chair and brought his face close to Elena’s cheek. “As long as I’m with you, any dirty place will be the most comfortable place for me. So is the place to eat.”

Elena’s cheeks immediately flushed red at Christian’s words and Christian laughed amusedly seeing Elena blushing, because Christian was already full, Christian then called the waiter and made payment, there are still many things he wants to do with Elena this afternoon.

“I’m going to the toilet for a while, don’t go anywhere,” Christian said softly to Elena who was standing next to the aquarium near the cashier.

Elena nodded slowly in response to Christian’s words and Christian who couldn’t contain his urge to pee immediately walked to the toilet that a waiter had shown earlier. While Christian was still in the toilet, suddenly Elena’s cell phone rang, Elena immediately accepted the call and spoke with the caller for almost two minutes before finally Elena ended the call unilaterally after seeing Christian come out of the toilet.

“Is it done?” asked Elena quickly, trying to hide her nervousness.

“Yeah, we’re going back to my house.”

Elena’s eyes widened completely. “Going to your house? For what?”

Instead of answering Elena’s question, who was so surprised, Christian took Elena’s hand and led her out of the busy restaurant. Elena, who could not possibly deny it, chose to give up when she was asked to leave the restaurant which was starting to fill with Chinese citizens wanting to enjoy their homeland’s food.

“Kainer just called me,” Elena said quietly.

“Kainer, what’s wrong with him? He didn’t ask you to go to work, did he?”

“No,” Elena answered quickly.

Christian chuckles. “Of course not, Kainer doesn’t have that much courage to ask my boyfriend to go to work while he’s with me.”

Elena glanced at Christian who was smiling as he was driving his car, Elena confused where to start talking. She’s afraid that if Christian is going to go crazy like before again, Elena doesn’t want to die silly because she provoked Christian. After taking a deep breath, Elena finally decides to speak when Christian has stopped the car. And when Christian’s car pulls into the well-preserved Clarke’s mansion, Elena starts to get up again. Just as Christian is about to come down, Elena suddenly grabs Christian’s right arm nervously.

“What’s the matter, Elena?”

“I..I want to talk.”

Christian smiles. “Don’t be nervous Elena, this house will soon be your home.”

“Christ, I’m serious, I don’t want to talk about it. I want to talk about other things,” Elena said loudly, Elena had to speak firmly to Christian at this time. Because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t have another chance. Elena was sure that if she had entered Christian’s house, she would not have had a chance to speak.

Noticing the change in Elena’s tone of voice, Christian slowly leans back into the car seat, canceling his intention to get off. “Ok, now say what you want to talk about.”

“Hmmm...’s about...”

Christian raises an eyebrow. “You’re not in the mood to make a confession about your betrayal behind my back with another man, are you?”

“How come, how could I do such a crazy thing! I’m still sane enough not to do something so lowly,” said Elena loudly.

“If that’s not the case then what do you want to talk about?” Christian asks again with a triumphant smile that Elena can’t see, seeing how much Elena’s reaction to his words pleased Christian. Elena did not betray him, Elena was still loyal to him.

Elena gulped, her fingers moving, trying to divert the nervousness that was gripping her right now.

“What’s wrong, Elena? Speak clearly, I don’t like seeing you play puzzles like this,” Christian said again impatiently

After mustering up the courage Elena slowly lifted her face, looking straight at Christian who couldn’t wait to hear her words. “Mrs. Clarke called Kainer this morning, she asked about us,” said Elena slowly starting to speak. “It seems that my presence is not wanted by your family, Christ. I think we better...”

“Elena!!! Christian shouted loudly. “Don’t talk carelessly, didn’t I tell you about my family secret a while ago, huh! Then why are you talking nonsense like this, no one can oppose my decision to choose my partner candidate. So don’t talk nonsense, because that kind of thing will never happen, even if my family is against my will to marry you then I will fight it.”


“Don’t talk nonsense again, Elena. Now it’s better to get off and go into the house, suddenly I want to enjoy sweet food,” Christian said coldly, seconds after Christian immediately got out of his luxury car leaving Elena into the house annoyed.

Seeing Christian leave Elena’s body trembled, Kainer’s words made Elena is aware of the message that her parents gave her forbidding her to play with fire with people from a different caste from them.The information that Kainer gave about Marianne Clarke’s curiosity about her suddenly made Elena’s confidence disappear, Elena was afraid to continue the relationship. with Christian. Suri and Anne’s stares at him last night scared Elena, Elena was afraid that she would be rejected to join the Clarke family. A family that many people revere. A family that certainly won’t be equal to her family who comes from the lower classes.


“Next time, if Mommy asks anything about Elena, don’t you ever This is talking, Kainer,” Christian said emotionally to Kainer who was connected to the video call. “You have no right to answer that.”

“S..sorry young master, I didn’t mean to be presumptuous,” Kainer replied guiltily.

“I will forgive you this time, but don’t do it again.”

“Okay young master, I won’t...”

Before Kainer could stop talking, Christian had already disconnected the video call. It was the sound of Elena’s footsteps that made Christian have to end his conversation with Kainer.

“Come here.” Christian holds out his hand, asking Elena to come closer to him who is sitting behind his desk.

With small steps, Elena approaches Christian, although she is afraid of being hurt, Elena can’t go away from Christian. Recalling how devastated Christian was when he came back to her after getting a slap from her mother making Elena unable to stay away from him, Elena prefers to risk her future which may be full of tears than to see Christian again having to endure the pain alone. Elena knows that all this time Christian has been trying to be strong seeing his parents love other people more than him. Elena knows that Christian lacks love, Elena knows that Christian is jealous of his adopted brother who was so protected and cared for by his parents for years. Elena knew that Christian needed her, needed a place to share the sadness she had been holding back all this time alone.

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