Love The Psycho

Chapter 95: Tell me what you did in Macau

Chapter 95: Tell me what you did in Macau

The moment August left, Aaron got up from the bed and went to his cosmetics table. He opened the cologne Mai made for him and sprayed it on himself. He finished and smelt himself and felt nice and smiled. He went and made the bed.

If August had seen him, she wouldn't have believed that, that was the same man who claimed he couldn't walk or do anything by himself because right at this moment, the man was walking and doing things normally as if someone who was never sick.

His cuts were there but apart from the fever he had, every other sickness was faked by the man. His body condition was a little weak though but it was not so weak to the extent that he couldn't bath or dress himself. He completely managed to fool the girl into believing he was seriously sick.

Aaron had warned Liyah, Leo and Kash not to make a single noise about his health. The three friends saw through his act but went along with him in order to fool the girl. One could say he was shameless in his actions.

His actions and intention from the onset was to seduce the girl and he was succeeding.

He had succeeded in convincing her in the most innocent way to sleep together and only he knew that was the first to many nights he was going to spend in the bed with the girl. He didn't plan on ever letting her sleep in her own room ever again.

Aaron removed a peppermint on the table and chewed on it before going back to lay on the bed. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

A few minutes later, he heard the doorknob turning and he breathe in and out and laid calmly. August entered the room holding her teddy bear.

She fumbled with her hands before walking to the other side of the bed. She looked at the room and felt that it was not the same but she couldn't put her finger to it what exactly had changed since she went out. She looked at the man on the bed with no shirt on and pursed her lips. She didn't know if it was right to sleep with him on the same bed.

August felt that she was like a sheep entering a wolf's trap but she felt helpless and didn't know much what to make of the current situation.

The man on the bed was beautiful and a sight to feast upon. Her womanly instincts kicked in and she somewhat felt like he was trying to seduce her with his body but she didn't have evidence to back her claims.

She felt suspicious of his actions for some unknown reason yet even though having such a premonition, she couldn't help but want to sleep on the same bed with him. She closed her eyes and sat on the bed slowly and her heartbeat started racing.

Aaron felt the side of the bed coshed down and realised the girl, who was now a woman in his eyes was now in the bed with him. He felt so happy and patted himself in his heart.

August laid on the bed holding unto the bear tightly as her heart got messier. Her heart wouldn't stop beating ever since she laid on the bed. She laid stiffly and didn't dare turn or make any movements for fear that she might unintentionally hurt the man or look at him for so long and developed the urge to touch him but still she couldn't help but speaking to him.

''Aaron Saint, are you sleeping?'' August asked with a shaky voice.

''No, I can't seem to fall asleep. I guess I slept a lot during the day. My eyes can't shut up''. Aaron said and slowly opened his eyes. He turned and laid on his back.

''Me too, I can't seem to sleep at all''. August said and traced her fingers on the teddy bear.

''Then, instead of forcing ourselves to sleep, why don't we have a chat?'' Aaron asked cautiously.

''A chat? About what?'' August asked.

''You can ask me any questions that you have. You don't remember anything about me. I can tell you everything you need to know''. Aaron told her.

''Really? Can I really ask you anything?'' August asked glancing at him. Their eyes met for a brief moment before they both turned away looking at the ceiling.

''Yes, ask me''. Aaron smiled.

''Then, can you tell me what you did in Macau? I thought you weren't coming back again?'' August asked.

''I didn't do much in Macau. I worked in my hotel room most of the time. I worked, ate and slept at the same place most of the time I was there. I didn't feel like going out or seeing anyone'' Aaron told her.

''Really? I learnt there are a lot of pretty women in Macau, didn't you find one for yourself? A Macau beauty?'' August asked and peeked her ears up curious and anxious about the answer he was going to give.

''No, I dared not do such a thing''. Aaron said and cocked his eyes at her.

''Why? Didn't the women come to you? You are so handsome. Women usually like men like you. Rich and handsome. Totallyyou know, pretty men?'' August said and her heart skipped a beat at the way he was looking at her.

''I didn't dare to find a woman because I already had one in mind. She was always on my mind every second of the passing day. Women usually like men like me? Does that mean you also find me attractive, August Maijune?''

August flushed at his question and smiled saying ''what woman wouldn't find you attractive? I am just asking that's all''.

''Just asking, I see. Then, you don't find me attractive?'' Aaron asked and they looked at each other.

''Well, I do find you a little attractive. Because I am also a woman after all. Isn't it normal for you?''.

''Because you are also a woman? I see. I thought you were different''

''Off course, I am different. We are sleeping on the same bed but I am not taking advantage of you'' August said and looked at the ceiling.

''I don't mind been taken advantage of. As long as that person is you'' Aaron said flirtatiously and August flushed. She turned her back at him saying.

''That day, I didn't mean to treat you that way. I still regret saying those things to you. I'm sorry for what I did to you''.

''I know you didn't mean any of what you said''. Aaron said ''I can't even hold it against you''

''So, what work did you do in Macau? Tell me everything''. August said feeling the tension easing gradually between them.

That night Aaron told August Maijune everything about his work. He told her about Saint Group. They chatted through the night until August fell asleep.

Meanwhile, on that same night in the D-City Military training camp torturing room, Josh Saint was locked up in a lone room. His face was swollen and his clothes were dirty and smelly. He had been locked up in that room for three weeks now. He never saw the sunlight and his belongings were taken away from him.

He was fed only once a day and the meal consisted of only carbs which infuriated him. Every night, he would scream but no one attended to him. The room was sound proof so no one even heard his screams.

Josh Saint knew he was there because of what he did to Liyah and August but he had no regrets at all. Right now, he had reached his limits and felt he had nothing to lose so he might as well do whatever he wanted.

Most of his regret was the fact that he couldn't satisfy his sexual needs. He was someone who couldn't go without sex for a day and now he was locked up in heavens know where and he couldn't also get Rowena out of that damned women's correctional institute.

One would think that after the torture, he would reform, but no. Josh felt wronged and would rather blame others for his misfortunes but himself.

Ever since he was a kid, he would always do something bad and blame it either on the butler, housekeeper or their kids. Because of him, the Saint family had constantly had to change workers every time and only allowed older women to work in the house. Any young lady that came to work in the house was later found to be sleeping with Josh Saint.

He would use them and fire them at his will. The old Master got tired of him and Aaron Saint had to request for the services of only people above the age of 40 in the house. This made Josh Saint to flee into a rage when he found out but he couldn't do anything about it.

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