Love The Psycho

Chapter 92: Sleeping arrangement 2

Chapter 92: Sleeping arrangement 2

August saw his half naked body and blushed. Aaron hurriedly tried to wear the shirt but hissed in pain and August throw caution to the wind and put down the milk running to him.

''Wait, you will only hurt yourself at this rate. I told you not to do anything and wait for me. Why don't you listen at all? Were you born in the year of the rabbit?'' August scolded him as she helped him pushed his hand out of the shirt.

''I thought I could do it on my own?' Aaron said and looked at her like a child been scolded by an elder.

August looked at him and murmured to herself 'why does he have to be so adorable?'

''Next time, don't do anything at all. I am your caretaker. If you take my job and do it, then what will be my use?'' August said.

''Sorry'' Aaron told her and she smiled.

''You better be, let me help you back. The milk will get cold again''

They went back to the bed and August gave the milk to him and he drunk it all and August took the cup back before returning to the room.

They were now sitting across each other quietly and awkward before Aaron spoke.

''You should get some rest, August''

''No, I am here to take care of you. I don't dare to take a rest when you are awake. You can just sleep again. I will keep watch".

''Why don't you take a short nap? I will call you if I need anything. I too will sleep again. You waited on me the whole day, you must be tired?''

''Mm, in that case, I will just take a short nap. Make sure you call me if you need anything. Don't you dare try to get up without my permission'' August warned him before she placed her head on the table and closed her eyes drifting into sleep immediately.

Aaron laid down and closed his eyes.

After some minutes he opened his eyes and saw that August has immediately drifted into sleep. He smiled and sat up.

He stood up from the bed and after gathering a lot of strength he managed to move her to the bed.

He sighed and laid down beside her. He knew she was tired. She was already sleeping soundly barely a minute after closing his eyes. He watched August for a while before he moved closer to her and pulled her into his embrace. He hugged her and closed his eyes to also sleep with a smile on his face.


Next day.


August Maijune jolted out of sleep as she felt movements. She opened her eyes and saw Aaron Saint trying to sit up and she immediately got up to his side.

Aaron had been asleep since Kash gave him the injection and sedative this morning. When she woke up early due to the alarm she had set and found herself in the bed, she quickly got down and wondered how she got there but didn't dwell on it much because she needed to do some chores. She was almost done when Kash came and gave Aaron another dosage of his medication and the injection before hurrying back to the hospital.

Kash had even called later in that morning and asked August Maijune about Aaron Saint's condition and she told him everything he needed to know. Kash also told her that Aaron Saint needed rest the most so she should avoid disturbing him or doing anything to wake him up, so August was careful throughout the day.

Liyah brought the groceries and helped her prepare some porridge that could be reheated and eaten later before leaving with Leo to meet Leo's father.

August kept the porridge on the stove and tidied the whole place before going to check on Aaron Saint. His temperature had risen in the middle of the night and August made a wet towel and cleaned him up.

After finishing with her chores she felt so tired and wanted to nap a little since Aaron was also still sleeping.

August didn't want to sleep on the bed for she feared she might stir and disturb him or even hurt his wounds so she sat on the desk in the room and didn't even realised she had fallen asleep.

Aaron Saint woke up in the afternoon and saw August Maijune sleeping on the desk in his room. He wanted to get up and carry her to the bed but his wounds had gotten attached to his body and the injection made him weak so he almost fell while trying to get up and woke August Maijune up.

August Maijune rushed to Aaron's side and held up back helping him to sit back on the bed as she spoke worriedly ''what is it? Do you feel pain anywhere? Tell me, I will call Dr. Kash right away''.

Aaron Saint snatched the phone August had picked and placed it back on the table making August confused.

''I'm not feeling sick anywhere''. Aaron spoke softly and August felt her ears heating up because she was standing rather close to him.

''Huh? Then, why did you try to get up? I thought you were feeling uncomfortable somewhere?'' August asked as she pulled the chair closer to sit.

''I woke up and saw you sleeping on the table. I wanted to carry you to the bed since is uncomfortable to sleep on the desk''. Aaron said suddenly feeling shy.

''Oh, that. Don't worry, I just took a short nap. I can't sleep on the bed because I'm worried I might hurt you somehow. You know my sleeping habits, right?'' August said with a smile. Her smile was so genuine that Aaron felt his sickness was worth it. It even made August Maijune's attitude towards him to change.

''Dr. Kash said I should feed you something delicious when you wake up. Luckily, big sis helped me to prepare some almond porridge before leaving. I will heat it and bring you some right away. You must be hungry; you didn't even eat anything since last night''.

August stood up to go and Aaron held her hand. She turned and looked at him confusedly ''is there something else you need me to do for you?'' August asked.

''Mm, how do I say this?'' Aaron battled within himself. He wanted to tell her his shirt was wet from the sweat and he wanted to bath and have a change of clothes but he couldn't do that on his own.

''Tell me, I am yours to command from now onwards''. August urged him with a smile.

''Ahm, I don't want you to think that I am taking advantage of you. Is just that my shirt is wet, I feel dirty and wanted to have a bath and maybe a change of clothes. But, I can't do that on my own because my body is weak and my wounds might hurt if I try to do it on my own''. August laughed and looked at him.

''Is that all? Dr. Kash already told me that you can't do a lot of things on your own and that I should help you out. Don't worry, I might not know a lot of things, but I have confidence that I can take care of you.

Then, I will help you to the bathroom before I bring you the porridge''.

Aaron nodded speechlessly and looked at her bubbly attitude. She looked innocent and seemed to not know much about men. Her attitude was too innocent and cute. Was this really August Maijune? The girl he knew or was this probably another personality hidden deep in her memory. Her attitude seemed so carefree and elated.

''Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?'' August touched her face as she asked. Aaron had been staring at her for a while and it made her flustered and confused.

''No, nothing is on your face, help me to stand up''. Aaron told her. August nodded and helped him out. They walked step by step slowly to the bathroom.

It suddenly dawned on August that she needed to help him out of his clothes and she blushed. Her body was becoming hot all of a sudden. She ignored her feelings and helped into the bathtub.

Aaron sat in the bathtub and August turned her face shyly and bit her lips saying ''Ahm, I might have to touch you when I'm removing your clothes, but don't worry. I promise to be careful, I won't look and I won't take advantage of you''.

''Mm'' Aaron nodded. He was tempted to almost tell her he didn't mind been taken advantage off but stopped himself.

August knelt by the tub and started undoing his buttons. Maybe because she was nervous and her heart keep racing, August kept rambling on nonstop while Aaron just stared at her face.

''I'm only looking at you because I'm just undoing your buttons. I'm usually a modest person and not the type of woman who takes off the clothes of any man. You're the first man I am this closed to''. Aaron had no choice but to keep responding to her statements. Things would get really awkward if he didn't say anything.

''Mm''. Aaron responding as his heartbeat also quickened.

''You don't have to worry about anything, just trust me. You trust me, right?''.


''Well, if you didn't trust me you wouldn't have allowed me to be here at this moment with you, right? And I'm talking too much, right? I feel that I am talking too much? What is wrong with me? I'm not usually this talkative. You won't get tired of me, right? Off course you would. Even I am tired of seeing myself talk this way''

August frowned and realised she had finished unbuttoning his shirt.

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