Love The Psycho

Chapter 64: Comatose

Chapter 64: Comatose

''What am I doing here, Aaron Saint? Why am I standing here?'' August Maijune looked down and saw the distance and stepped back.

Aaron Saint noticed the changed in her and spoke ''August, stay right there. Don't move, I am coming to you''.

August Maijune looked at her bleeding wrist and looked at Aaron Saint ''Aaron Saint, I'm scared''.

Aaron Saint crossed the caged line and got to August Maijune. ''I'm here, hold my hand'' Aaron Saint stretched his hand to hold August Maijune and she suddenly lost her footings and fell.

Aaron Saint and the rest screamed and ran to the wall and watched as August Maijune fell.

Just then, the jet Leo Martins requested appeared and a soldier got out of the jet with a parashoot and managed to catch August Maijune in time.

By the time the jet reached the hospital with August Maijune, she had already lost consciousness. She was sent into the surgery room and the doctors in charge rushed in.

Dr. Kash had pre-informed them while they were on their way so all preparations were already done by the time they arrived.

August Maijune had lost a lot of blood because of the inflictions she had made upon herself. She had unknowingly slated deep into her wrist and the knife almost came in contact with her vein. The surgeon in-charge had told Aaron Saint he would do his best but they should also prepare their hearts for the worse because of the degree to which she had harmed herself.

The surgery was estimated to last about 5-7 hours but in between her pulse had gone low and her heartbeat had gone down signifying how critical her condition was. She lost a lot of blood previously hence they had to transfuse some blood into her body.

Aaron Saint paced to and fro nervously in front of the surgery room. In fact, everyone was scared inside their hearts as they waited for the surgery to end. Liyah Myers got tired and leaned on Leo Martins as they sat on the visitor's bench outside the surgery room. Liyah Myers had refused to go home and insisted on staying till the end. She was going to be worried anyway so she might as well have stayed.

Dr. Kash brought them three cups of coffee from the hospital caf 'drink this. Your throats will hurt because of the dryness'.

Leo Martins took two cups and gave one to Liyah Myers while Kash handed the other one to Aaron Saint ''I'm not thirsty'' Aaron Saint refused the coffee and sat down.

''Aaron, you need to drink something. You didn't eat anything the whole day'' Leo Martins told him but Aaron Saint shook his head.

The door to the surgery room pushed opened and the doctor walked out with his colleagues. Aaron Saint and the rest quickly stood up surrounding the doctor.

''How is she, doctor?'' Aaron Saint asked anxiously.

''She really did a lot of harm to herself. How did it come to this? If you had brought her in a little late, she wouldn't have made it. She lost a lot of blood. I did my best, but her condition is bad. She went into coma during the surgery but I managed to save her life. She is alive but she is still in coma. We will have to wait and see. At this rate, it is only her self-will and determination that will help her''.

The doctor informed them and walked away to change his scrubs.

Aaron Saint and the rest sighed. Dr. Kash patted Aaron Saint saying ''she will be fine. She has been through this once. I believe she will wake up soon''

''Yes, Aaron. She is alive and that is the most important thing right now''. Liyah Myers added.

''Leo, take Liyah home. I will stay here with August Maijune tonight " Aaron Saint told them.

''No, is already morning. Go home and get some rest, I will have someone watch over August Maijune while you're gone. You all need to get some rest''. Dr. Kash told them.

''Man, let's go together. You won't be able to see August Maijune right now anyway. By the time you return, she will be ready to receive visitors. The doctor said she needed to be alone for the next 4 hours''. Leo Martins said to Aaron Saint.

''Let's go before I change my mind''. Aaron Saint told them and went away.


Dr. Kash watched the girl laying in the ward with a conflicted gaze. He has been a doctor for so long yet he couldn't even safe the girl in the end.

Even though he had consulted a lot of doctors and had learnt a lot about August Maijune and DID patients in general, he still felt there was something missing and he was going to find that out. Her point of reaction. What triggers her change and most of all her childhood.

August Maijune was a mystery he needed to solve as a doctor. Dr. Kash closed the door and locked it before going to his office.



Leo Martins pulled over and got down. He went over to the other side and opened it, helping Liyah Myers out of the car. He walked her to the door and said ''will you be fine, alone?'' He asked worriedly.

''Don't worry, I will be fine. You should go home and take a rest. Is been hard on you the whole night'' Liyah Myers said and smiled weakly.

'"You have my number, call me if you need anything, I mean it Liyah''. Liyah Myers smiled and waved at him as he turned back and went to his car. Liyah Myers stood by the door and only went inside when the car was out of her sight.


Aaron Saint removed his shirt and threw it on the floor and went into his bathroom. He turned on the shower and sat down on the floor in his jeans letting the water soak him. He closed his eyes and lifted his face towards the tub allowing the water to splash his face as the images of all August Maijune's characters came to his mind.

Aaron Saint didn't know what he felt anymore. He felt angry, mad, sad and anguish. He didn't know what he would have done if anything had happened to August Maijune. She really got him scared this time.

The thing he hated the most was been helpless. He was someone who was always in charge and took things by the bull. He had never lost to anyone in terms of anything. When he was in school, he was always the best student. After graduating, he buried himself in the company making it what it was today. He was powerful and had connections.

He wasn't someone who was ever afraid of anything. He always thought that he had nothing to lose, but after what happened. He felt he had something he didn't want to lose. He didn't want to lose August Maijune. He would go to any length to protect her. He would get rid of anyone or anything that posed as a danger to her. But, what he couldn't do was now before him. Protecting August Maijune from August Maijune.

It was now clear how dangerous she could be and how capable she was in harming herself. He thought everything would be okay as long as he prevented her from meeting his brother or Lorca, but now, it was clear as day that their meeting was inevitable.

August Maijune needed help and he felt helpless. Aaron Saint screamed in the shower and laid down prostrate.


After having showered and changed into new clothes, Aaron Saint went out to the laboratory. He opened the door and went inside.

Aaron Saint sat down on Mai's chair and looked at the various tests samples on the table. His mind was in a mess as he sat.

Aaron Saint could still clearly remember the first time he met August Maijune. It was summer time. He had always been someone who noticed even the slightest things around him.

He first saw her at his company building, then at a clubhouse. He didn't think those meetings were mere coincidence. In fact, he had felt that the girl was stalking him. He had initially wanted to catch her but it so happened that he was in love with Liyah Myers back then and was thinking of proposing to her at her house.

That day, Liyah Myers had given him a call and he had taken the ring box with him to meet her at her apartment only to find her with Josh Saint.

After leaving Liyah Myers' apartment, he had gone straight to the clubhouse to drink.

After getting drunk, he drove his car ignoring the road traffic signals, he sped off until he was tired and pulled over. His vision was a bit unclear, so he drank some water. That was when he saw August Maijune standing at the front of his car pointing a gun at him.

Aaron Saint laughed and shook his head not wanting to think further about the accident. It was better to leave the past in the past.

Aaron Saint went out of the laboratory and went into the gym to work out. Working out, sweating was the best remedy to help him deal with stress.

And just like that, time passed by gradually and quickly.

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