Love The Psycho

Chapter 46: My sexy Chairwoman here...

Chapter 46: My sexy Chairwoman here...

'Then, how much shares do my sexy chairwoman here has?'

'30% shares'. Liyah answered.

'And my badass cutie has how many?' Leo Martins asked Maijune.

'5% shares'.

'Great. How many shares do you have? You over there that is openly drooling over me?' Rowena chuckled shocked at his mannerism but answered.

'Who is drooling at you. I am a top star'. Rowena said feeling displeased.

'I don't care. I asked how much shares you and grandma here has?' Leo Martins said with a frown.

'Grandma has 15% shares, I have 5% shares and each other shareholders present have about 10% each'.

'I see, so if you combine all of that you will have about 70% exactly. Now, I have the largest shares here which is 45% shares and I gladly give it all to our sexy chairwoman here making her the highest shareholder in this room. I declare her the chairperson of Fashion Lyah. Meeting closed'.

The shareholders mumbled among themselves looking at the old lady.

Mandy Myers looked at Liyah calmly and suddenly a message buzzed from everyone's phone at the same time.

Rowena checked her phone first and bulged her eyes shocked. It was a sex video of Liyah and Josh that was sent mechanically to everyone's phone.

The shareholders shuddered and started looking at Liyah disgustedly.

Liyah checked her phone and her whole shook and the phone fell down. Maijune took the phone and saw the video and looked at Liyah cussing.

'Shit, let's get out of here, Liyah'. Leo Martins took the phone and looked at the video and frowned. He looked at the old lady who remained calm and knew that was her work.

Rowena stood up and played the video which had Liyah moaning. Liyah fell down to the floor and covered her ears.

Leo Martins snatched the phone from Rowena and smashed it on the floor and looked at the old lady saying 'you and your shitty grandma will hear from my lawyers soon'. He walked to Liyah and said to Maijune 'let's get her out of here first'.

'Okay'. Leo Martins and Maijune helped Liyah up and held her up and went out.


Leo Martins really underestimated the old lady. The moment they walked out they were swamped by reporters from every side. Liyah looked up and saw the reporters and shrugged back as they asked questions back and forth.

'Miss Myers, is that really you in that video?'

Leo Martins covered Liyah in his embrace with his coat and turned to Maijune.

'I believe you can send her out of her easily. I will meet you at the underground parking lot'.

'Alright'. Maijune held Liyah's hand and Leo turned to the reporters and spoke authoritatively in a cold voice 'if you don't all move and give way right now, you can be sure your jobs will no longer belong to you by tomorrow morning'.

The reporters looked at him and one of them recognised him and said 'that's Leo Martins'. The reporter stepped back and the other reporters followed suit when they found out who he was.

Maijune was able to go out with Liyah but as she stepped out she saw Josh standing at a distance with a smug look.


Liyah's car.

Maijune helped Liyah to sit in the car and she joined her in the back seat.

Liyah shrugged into Maijune's embrace vulnerably.

Leo Martins soon arrived and saw them. He got into the driver's seat and spoke.

'Aaron is taking care of things, let's meet him at his place'.

'Okay'. Leo looked at Liyah and drove out as more reporters rushed after them.




Dr. Kash put a sleeping Liyah on drips and Maijune covered her with a blanket and sat by the bed looking at her.

Dr. Kash turned and said to Maijune 'let her rest now, Maijune. Let's join the rest downstairs'.

'Mm' Maijune looked at Liyah one last time and went out with Dr. Kash.

Aaron Saint and Leo Martins stood up the moment they saw Dr. Kash and Maijune coming down.

'How is she doing, Kash?' Leo Martins asked worriedly.

'She is sleeping now. The medicine has kicked in; she will be asleep for more than 8 hours before it wears off'.

'I'm sorry I couldn't protect her, Aaron Saint' Maijune said as she got to Aaron.

Aaron pulled Maijune into his embrace and said to her 'you did your best, silly girl. No one expected the old lady to be this unscrupulous'.

'Aaron is right. how could she do this to her own granddaughter?' Leo turned and saw Aaron hugging Maijune and asked 'but, do you two know each other?'

Aaron and Dr. Kash laughed. 'She is the kid you've always wanted to meet. Maijune, here is my childhood friend, Leo Martins'.

''Hi, I am August Maijune'.

'Wait, this badass cutie is the same little girl?' Leo Martins asked.

'Yes, she is the same person'. Dr. Kash added.

'Let's seat down first'. Aaron held Maijune and they went and sat with Kash and Leo.

'I saw Josh Saint at the company'. Maijune said and the three men looked her shocked. 'I saw him when I was pulling Liyah out of the crowd. He had a funny look on him like he was expecting something like this to happen'. Maijune said and looked at Aaron.

'Does that mean Josh sided with Liyah's grandma?' Leo asked.

'That is the only possibility left. Leo, did your men managed to hack into the server?' Aaron asked as Maijune leaned on him.

'Yes, not only that. They were able to shut down the server but, the person that uploaded the video is smart. He used the IP of the caf across the company so my boys got nothing more'.

'I guess the one who planned this really did their homework well'. Dr. Kash added.

'Not only that. The job was perfectly done. In less than five minutes the video had about 2million views. The internet must be on fire already. I barely managed to stop its spread but what about the ones that were downloaded already? This is going to take time before we get to the bottom of this'. Leo said.

'Will she be alright by then? These kind of things don't go away that easily. Having the whole world watch your nude video?' Maijune depressingly and Aaron brushed her hair gently.

'Maijune is right. the emotional impact could be disastrous. Right now, Liyah is in danger. She could harm herself. I can't say anything until she wakes up'. Dr. Kash added.

'Liyah is a strong woman, I have faith in her. She will not let this put her down' Aaron said.

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