Love The Psycho

Chapter 167: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 5

Chapter 167: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 5

''Aaron Saint, is this what you wanted us to do together after eating just a bowl of fruits salad? Are you trying to kill me or what?'' August Maijune said as they did the push-ups in the gym.

''You need to train your body now that you are going to start school soon. I won't be at peace knowing that you can't protect yourself. What if something happens and Maijune or Mai doesn't come to you sooner?'' Aaron Saint said as their continued with the push-ups.

''But, doing push-ups is hard. I can do any other type of exercise but not push-ups. I could do for instance, the bicycle seater exercise or maybe even the lifting exercise but push-ups drain the shit out of my brain, Aaron Saint''

''Keep on doing it. You can't stop until we have reached 200 laps'' Aaron Saint said.

''Huh? 200. Isn't that a little too hard for a beginner like me? are you sure you not trying to kill me instead, Aaron Saint?'' August Maijune fell down for the fifth time.

''I usually go 500 laps with Maijune and if she could do it, then you can do it too. After all, is the same body you all are using'' Aaron Saint added.

''We are using the same body but we are different. Can't you even spare me a little? Aaron Saint, I think I might collapse if I continue to do this push-ups'' August Maijune said panting hard.

''Keep going, you can do this August Maijune'' Aaron Saint said to her and started counting down to 200

''180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,192,193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200'' Aaron Saint finished counting and August Maijune collapsed on the floor out of breath and energy. She just stared at Aaron Saint who was standing up.

''Aaron Saint, I'm not sure I will be able to wake up tomorrow morning'' August Maijune complained.

''Come here, you, lazy woman'' Aaron Saint said and lifted her up.


Suaw Island.

Suaw Research Laboratory.

Su Chenli entered the private room inside the big laboratory building where AI Alice was kept. The moment he saw AI Alice; he was shocked by how much technology has been installed into it. It looked almost like a human being. She had beautiful features and was slender.

Su Chenli smiled and turned to Chun asking ''did Mimi Garcia really develop this AI to this stage?''

''Yes, Master. It could be said that AI Alice was like her own masterpiece carefully sculptured with years of developing technology and infusing human feelings into it. It just needs a little work to be able to come to life''

"Really? Too bad, Mimi Garcia didn't see the end of this AI. She really was a woman of vision. With this AI, we could be considered to have found a true meaning of human existence. Give me all the findings and documents on this AI. I am going to study it carefully tonight. Tomorrow, bring me someone who will agree to be a test rat. We need to infuse blood into its system and finish the final test to awaken AI Alice'' Su Chenli said, the excitement clear in his eyes.

''Yes, Master'' Chun said and left the room leaving Su Chenli alone with AI Alice. Su Chenli searched for the switch hidden behind AI Alice's shoulder and turned it on and the AI spoke.

''Hi, I am Alice. What about you?''

Su Chenli stepped back amazed saying ''hi, Alice. I am Su Chenli, your new Master''

''My new Master. First I had a Madam and now I have a Master?'' AI Alice said and squirted her eyes curiously looking at Su Chenli.

''Yes, you are now at a new place and I am your new Master. Alice, I am going to make you even more powerful'' Su Chenli said.

''The last time my Master tried to make me powerful I ended up destroying the laboratory. My new Miss promised to make me a complete human being by infusing human blood into my system but she was arrested before that. Are you sure you can make me a complete human being?'' AI Alice asked.

''Yes, yes. You see, Alice. I am different from those failures. I have never failed in anything I did before, not in the past nor will it happen in the future'' Su Chenli said.

''You are Su Chenli, my new Master. We are in a place called Suaw Village a four-hour journey from D-City'' AI Alice said.

''You even know all that?'' Su Chenli asked.

''My Miss gave me all the necessary information I will need. There is nothing in this world that I don't have knowledge on. I have knowledge on everything. You can test me if you are in doubt'' AI Alice said proudly.

''Then, do you have information on someone named August Maijune?'' Su Chenli asked.

''August Maijune, current age 22. Married to Aaron Saint, a successful businessman in his thirties. August Maijune is someone with DID and her personalities are extremely dangerous, but the weakest one is August Maijune but she shouldn't be taken lightly because she has a lot of tricks up her sleeve. She is a trickster and may seem weak but that is just a disguise'' AI Alice continued answering all the questions posed on by Su Chenli. From economic affairs, politics, health and all other things that came to mind, Su Chenli asked and the answers he got from AI Alice made him satisfied.

After turning AI Alice off, Su Chenli went back to his study room where he opened the file of AI Alice and started studying it. Yhrough it, he found out about the destruction AI Alice made when she was first developed before she was dismantled and then taken away by Mimi Garcia and redeveloped. AI Alice had undergone a lot of development since its first existence and as a result of technological advancement has become smart and has a highly functional database installed in its memory making it a dangerous AI that can turn against its maker when handled wrongly.

Su Chenli found out through the information that Mimi Garcia had planned meticulously for AI Alice to take the characters of August Maijune by training AI Alice to act in the same mannerism as August Maijune according to each character. AI Alice was made to perfection without any error except for the final run of development that was supposed to be the genes of August Maijune and the blood needed to make it complete.

Su Chenli nodded his head in satisfaction. This was the kind of world that he had envisioned with Su Chen before. A world where AI could fully function as humans and be able to provide a longevity drug and a plant chip to revive Anna, his wife.

A thought came to his mind at that moment. AI Alice was smart and intelligent. If he could get some of August Maijune's genes into AI Alice, won't that mean he would be having two geniuses by his side? And if he could modify AI Alice's face to look the same as August Maijune, won't that come in handy in case a problem was to arise in the future?

Su Chenli smiled slyly. He was going to turn all possibilities into reality and make the kind of world he envisioned come to be.


August Maijune woke up the next morning walking tiredly not having any idea of how her life was going to change drastically and the kind of things she was going to be exposed to thanks to her so called yet to be known grandfather who has appeared out of nowhere.

Aaron Saint walked out of the kitchen holding a glass of warm milk and saw August Maijune walking like a zombie towards him and chuckled.

''Is not funny. Aaron Saint, I feel that my legs are going to fall off from my body any moment. My upper body feels sour and the fat lining my thighs and upper arms are all making me feel like dying'' August Maijune said as she took the glass of milk from Aaron Saint and sipped some.

''That's because you haven't exercised in a long time. With time you will get used to it. We are going to exercise every day from now onwards'' Aaron Saint said and took the glass of milk from her and drunk some of the milk. August Maijune took the glass back and drunk all the milk from it.

''Aaron Saint, can you have a little pity on me? I can't handle all this sudden change. At least let me take today off. I have to go with big sis to the factory and check the progress of the designs she sent the last time. Her shop will officially open when Leo Martins return from City K. I have so many errands to run today. I even have to visit Julieta, she is now at home. Can we postpone the exercise to tomorrow instead?'' August Maijune said and looked at Aaron Saint with pouted lips. Aaron Saint kissed her before saying.

''No. we are going to continue today and that's the end'' Aaron Saint said and went towards their bedroom.

''Big bully'' August Maijune said as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

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