Love The Psycho

Chapter 153: You might just be my type after all.

Chapter 153: You might just be my type after all.

''What?'' Alice said went after him.

Old Master Saint was busy in the kitchen cooking a variety of dishes when Kash walked out of the laboratory with Alice behind him. Aaron Saint was helping his grandpa out when he saw the two people coming out but he felt something was off about them but didn't dwell on it much. Kash stood at the hall and spoke.

''Where is Mai?''

''She is in her room. You can go up and check her''. Aaron Saint said and Kash humped a reply before going upstairs.

''Julieta, you can follow him. Mai is waiting for you, upstairs'' Aaron Saint said to Alice.

''Okay''. Alice looked at Kash who was standing at the stairs and walked up ahead of him.


Mai removed a couple of dresses and put them on the bed and the door opened. She turned and saw Kash and Alice.

''Are you done with Julieta already?'' Mai asked turning to face them.

''Mm, come and take a seat. I need to check you too. I must say, you two are just a perfect match made in heaven. Did your parents eat a lot of bile before having you? How can you be so fearless?'' Kash said looking at the two girls.

''What is wrong with us?'' Alice retorted. She was still mad at him for blowing her off.

''I picked a few clothes that could fit but I don't know what you like to wear so you can pick what you want and wash up. Grandpa is preparing a feast. We will eat to our satisfaction tonight''. Mai said happily.

Alice walked to the bed and casually picked a black blouse and pants saying ''this will do''

Kash looked at the outfit and frowned saying ''the flowery dress will fit better than black. Aren't you tired of wearing dark colours?''

Alice looked at him feeling he was being ridiculously nosy ''this isn't black. Is midnight blue black blouse and pants. Don't you know colours?'' Alice glared at him.

''Feels the same to me''. Kash said back.

''You. Why are you so difficult? Is not like you are the one who is going to wear it?'' Mai held Alice and pulled her closer and spoke.

''You should wear whatever you want, Julieta. Go and take a shower, please?'' Mai said.

Alice looked at Kash once again before going into the bathroom. She banged and locked the door tightly. She especially hated how he looked and acted perfect. How dare he try to lecture her? He was just a mere doctor; what else did he know? Alice was livid.

Mai crossed her arms and looked at Kash suspiciously and he spoke.


''Why did you do that for? That was so unlike you?'' Mai asked as she sat down on the chair.

''What did I do? I haven't even scolded you for what you did and you are asking me a question?'' Kash said as he opened the kit.

''Fine, you are just avoiding the question''. Mai pouted and looked away. Kash removed his stuff to check on her.

There were a variety of dishes on the table and when Mai and Kash went out to the hall. Liyah and Leo together with Old Master Martins were also there.

Mai ran to Liyah and hugged her tight saying ''big sis. When did you get here?''

''Just right now. I asked Aaron and he told me you were receiving your treatment. Go and say hello to grandpa and come. We have a lot of catching up to do''

''Okay''. Mai replied and went up to Old Master Martins to greet him. The old man hugged and patted Mai before she sat down with him chatting.

The hall was filled with the chatter of the people inside. It was a peaceful noise that made one feel welcomed and wanted. They really resembled a happy family.

That was the picture Alice had in mind as she stood at the stairs watching them. The men were the ones at the dining table getting the food ready while the ladies sat at the hall chatting.

Her eyes fell upon the man who treated her wounds and gave her medicine just now. He had removed his coat and was with the others. He had his sleeves rolled up and was busy cutting a watermelon. He looked handsome doing that.

Alice shook her head. What was she thinking? And what was she even doing? Wearing the yellow flowery dress, he recommended. Alice couldn't fathom why she chose to wear that dress in the first place. She clearly wanted to wear the black blouse and pants earlier but decided to just try the dress out and when she did she realised it looked good on her and decided to go with it. But, it didn't seem right. It felt like she was taking his words seriously. What if he saw her and thought she was trying hard to be his type?

With that thought, Alice immediately turned to go back and change but it was too late because Mai had seen her and called her out.

''Julieta. Whoa. You look so beautiful in that dress'. Mai said and got up walking towards Alice. The rest all turned and looked at her. Alice flushed and felt shy suddenly. She wanted so much to find somewhere to hide herself because she saw the all knowing smile on Kash's face when he saw her just now. It seemed to tell her he knew she would go with his choice. Alice felt annoyed and gave an awkward half smile. Mai walked to her and held her hand walking with her down.

''Come, let me introduce you to my elder sister. You can call her big sis too. Big sis, this is my friend that I told you about, Julieta. Julieta meet Liyah Myers''

''Hi, Julieta. I am Liyah Myers. Is nice meeting you. You look so pretty and sweet''. Liyah said and took Julieta's hand and held it. Alice felt strange because it was her first time being with a lot of people and they were even people of the upper class. People she only saw on TV. She felt she didn't belong because it was her first time seeing people being so happy together.

':Hi, I am Julieta. Nice to meet you, big sis''. Alice said awkwardly making Liyah and Mai to laugh.

While the ladies were chatting, Kash couldn't take his eyes of the girl in the yellow flowery dress. She looked even prettier than he had imagined in that yellow flowery dress. It was like she was a different person all together. He wondered if she really wasn't his type after all.

Alice joined Mai and Liyah together with Old Master Martins in the hall chatting when Aaron walked to them and spoke as he kissed Mai.

''Food is ready, ladies. Grandpa, food is ready''. He said to Old Master Martins.

Everyone sat on the table. Leo Martins and Liyah sat close to each other, so was Aaron Saint and Mai. Alice tried to squeeze between the two old men and sit far away from Kash but Old Master Saint immediately took that chair leaving only one next to Kash and she had no choice but to sit near him.

The food was served and everyone started eating while chatting happily. Alice felt she was the only one awkward there and ate her food silently until she felt someone put a piece of fish in her bowl and she turned and saw Kash. He was the one who put the fish in her bowl with his own cutlery. He looked at her and whispered ''eat more fish, you need to recover fast''.

''Why are you worried whether I recover or not?'' Alice said and took the fish putting it in her mouth.

':Since you listened to me and wore the dress I picked for you, I decided to change my views on who my type was. You might just be my type after all''. Kash said whispered softly into her ears.

Alice flushed and coughed hard attracting the attention of everyone at the table meanwhile the culprit went back eating innocently as if he didn't do anything at all.

''Julieta, are you okay?'' Mai asked worriedly.

''Yes, I am''. She coughed again and Kash picked a glass of water by his side and gave to her. Alice paid no attention and drank the water and gave the glass back to him. She smiled apologetically at the elder and went back to eating but what she saw made her cough again. The glass she had drank from wasn't her glass but Kash's.

''Eat slowly, Julieta. We still have a lot of food on the table''. Old Master Saint said with a smile.

''Yes, grandpa''. Alice said and looked away.

Nobody noticed but Aaron Saint and Leo Martins did. They were eating silently but the noticed the way Kash treated Alice and became curious. They exchanged silent gazes and shook their heads before going back to their food.

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