Love The Psycho

Chapter 150: Kidnap August Maijune and kill Alice

Chapter 150: Kidnap August Maijune and kill Alice

''What?'' Alice felt angry at her words and screamed at the guard at the door. ''Release her and scram''.

The guard immediately set Mai free and flee from the room. Meanwhile Mimi Garcia and Gastus were watching them from the laboratory screen.

''Miss, this is dangerous. What if Alice gets hurt? This Mai girl is very dangerous''. Gastus said worriedly.

''Don't you still understand me after all these years?'' Mimi Garcia said interestingly.

''Then, Miss you intend to?'' Gastus didn't continue but understood well.

''Lately, Alice has been investigating about her family behind my back. She already disobeyed me. What do you think I do to people who disobey me?'' Mimi said. ''She knows too much and will soon rebel against me. I need to get rid of her. If I were to do it myself, it wouldn't be so fun.

Gastus, do you know the kind of death that is even more gruesome and agonising? Is not even knowing the reason why you are dying in the first place. Interesting, right?'' Mimi Garcia said and watched the screen.

The two girls were now fighting against each other. They were both strong and good fighters. It was a nice scene to watch.

Mai punched Alice in the stomach and she stumbled backwards before she culled her palms into fist of balls. She rushed towards Mai but Mai was faster and caught her hands and pulled her backwards holding her hands together trapping her.

Alice shook trying to free herself to no avail then Mai said to her ''do you want to know what Mimi told me just now before she went out?''

''I don't care to know what she said. I only care to put you in your place''. Alice replied and pushed Mai backwards.

She freed herself and the fight began again with them throwing punches at each other. Mai looked up and saw the camera and smirked. She knew it. Mimi must be watching them from there. Mai needed to devise a plan that make them move away from the camera. There was another room beyond the one they were in. Mai had already studied the building and sent a picture to Carlos Ryan and Aaron Saint before entering. They should be finding ways to enter the building without being caught by now.

Mai was sure she could stall for more time. The thing with smart people was that. They always thought they knew everything and hence failed to notice any loophole in their plans. Mai knew Mimi was a very cautious and smart person but she was not infallible so Mai already planned with Aaron Saint about how to work her way out.

Mai gave Alice a kick and ran into the room.


Josh Saint ran around the mountains restlessly. He was still confused as to why August Maijune would come for him. As he ran he saw a group of soldiers and ran to them. They were the soldiers of Leo Martins' gang.

Josh Saint fell and collapsed right in front of him. Aaron Saint got down from the car and looked at him.

''Is time to go inside'' Aaron Saint said ''make sure you keep him safe. Let's go in now''

A few soldiers followed Aaron Saint while some stayed back. The ones that stayed helped Josh Saint into their van.


Mai instinctively locked the room as soon as Alice entered. Mai had hidden behind the door waiting on Alice to appear. As soon as she did, Mai pushed her further inside and closed the door shut.

Alice had never met a tenacious human being like Mai who fought with tricks. Throughout their fights, Alice felt Mai cheated her way out every time and it infuriated her the more. She really wanted to kill Mai.

Alice turned and faced Mai with a sly smile as she put her hand inside her trouser to remove a knife. Her face went black when she saw Mai holding the same knife wielding at her with a smug look.

''You'' Alice couldn't continue.

''I guess Mimi didn't give you the right information about me, right? Alice, should I tell you what Mimi told me before going out? She asked me to kill you'' Mai said and started walking in circles with Alice.

''Liar. You are just saying that to create discord. Mimi will never say a thing like that''. Alice retorted.

''Really? Are you sure about that? I beg to differ though. Mimi, that woman isn't someone you should trust. Did she even tell you the truth about your real family?'' Mai said.

''My family. My family is dead''.

''Wrong''. Mai rushed forward and kicked Alice and Alice fell down. Mai moved immediately and pinned her down making her immobile before putting the knife to her neck. Mai had her where she wanted.

''Your family is alive. Your father is my psychiatrist. You have a choice to make starting from now Julieta. You either stop fighting me and join hands with me or I kill you just as Mimi wanted. I bet you know a lot of information about her that is why she wants you dead. Or maybe, you went against her somehow and she wants you dead. Very soon, this place will be surrounded by the DNIS'. Alice's eyes flickered.

''If you join hands with me, I can guarantee your safety. After all, I see myself in you. You didn't ask for this kind of life. The ones who made us this way are to be blamed. I have lived all my life blaming myself. I thought that you passed away because of me but I realised it wasn't the case now because I am sure Mimi had a hand in it''

''Why are you telling me all this? Mimi said you refused to save me when you could have. She said you left me to die that night at school when the building was invaded. My life turned out this way because of you. I will not allow you to get out of here alive''. Alice said and pushed Mai backwards and stood up.

''I don't remember a lot of what happened back then, but I believe I didn't leave you to die, Julieta''.

''Stop calling me that name. I am Alice''. Alice screamed and dashed towards Mai. Alice looked at Mai with eyes filled with hatred.

''Whatever, Alice. But, before you kill me. How about you trust me first. You have nothing to lose anyway. If I betray you, you can kill me then'' Mai said.

''What do you mean?'' Alice asked.

''Mimi Garcia is watching us right now. She must be getting ready to set off by now. I will let you see something interesting later on''. Mai said and added ''but for now, let's just continue to fight''.

Mimi Garcia watched the screen with interest though it showed nothing specifically. She just sat starring at the screen with amusement.

''Miss, the jet is ready for departure''. Gastus walked to Mimi and spoke.

''Looks like Mai doesn't want to kill her friend after all. What to do? I don't have time to dilly-dally with them'' a red light popped from the screen making the alarm to go off.

Mimi frowned and asked 'what is that red light?''

''Miss, I think the lab is on fire'' Gastus said hurriedly and Mimi Garcia stood up. someone's face came to view on the screen and they saw it. Ut was a man she knew very well but still, it shocked her and she took a step back and pointed at the screen shouting ''this is impossible? How is he here?''

''Who is he, Miss?'' Gastus asked.

''He is my enemy. Gastus hurry, we must leave this place immediately before that man gets to us'' Mimi Garcia said.

''The jet is ready and all the important lab tests are already on board. AI Alice is also on board''

''Get the men to kidnap August Maijune at all cost and kill human Alice. Let's get out of here. Give me the keys to the secret door'' Mimi Garcia said as she walked out.

Meanwhile in the darkroom Mai and Alice stopped fighting and looked at the camera.

''If I find out that you lied to me, I will kill you''. Alice said.

''You can kill me then, Julieta''.

''I told you my name is Alice. Wait, what is that?'' Alice smelt something.

''Wait, what smell is that?'' Mai asked.

''Shit, we need to get out of here. Mimi Garcia is coming for us. the room is been sprayed with hydrochloric gas to make us unconscious'' Alice said and took Mai's hand.

The two of them ran out of the dark room into the hall and saw Mimi Garcia with about 50 men. Mimi Garcia smiled and spoke.

''I knew you two were up to no good. I thought you would have wasted no time in killing her but looks like I really underestimated the bond you girls shared?'' Mimi Garcia said.

''Youyou really asked her to kill me?'' Alice asked in disbelieve.

''Why? You went behind my back and investigated about your family. Did you think I wouldn't find out? Remember this, Alice. You were the one who betrayed me first'' Mimi Garcia said.

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