Love The Psycho

Chapter 121: The story of the cat and the mouse 2

Chapter 121: The story of the cat and the mouse 2

''Is it still hot, your stomach will not hurt when you eat it'' the woman added. She watched as Mai concentrated on testing the sample a piece of artificial male private parts. She added a little of the liquid in the bottle to it and the thing erected. The woman watching blushed and looked at Mai but she didn't even flick and continued.

Mai didn't even look at the tray and shook her head saying ''aunt, please can you give me a glass of milk instead? My stomach will trouble me if I eat anything solid now''.

''The big boss is not around, I will quickly make some warm milk for you'' the woman said and looked down at Mai's legs adding ''Miss, you should let your legs down every 10 minutes so that your blood can flow easily. If you keep sitting in one position for so long, your legs will go numb quickly''. Mai nodded and the woman went out to warm the milk for her.

The woman couldn't help but turn once again to look at the girl before going out. She felt pity for the girl who instead of living a normal life and going to school like other kids her age was made to live such a cruel life. Her situation was so pitiful but there was nothing she could do to help her. Her job in the house was to cook and clean, not to poke her nose into other people's affairs. She had a daughter just like her at home and felt some motherly piety towards her. Ever since the Miss came to the house handcuffed like a criminal, she had been made to sleep only once in a week and the rest of the days were spent in the laboratory doing God knows what. She had been instructed to feed her only once in a day and her only food was to be rice and soup with no side dishes.

The woman sighed and went to the kitchen, she had to hurry up and warm the milk for the young Miss to drink before the big boss arrived if not the young Miss will be tortured for drinking common milk. The woman's mind was preoccupied and she failed to notice the arrival of the big boss outside the villa.

Lorca entered the villa with two bodyguards and a woman dressed in red with heavy makeup and saw that the kitchen light was on but he simply ignored it and went to his room to change. The woman followed him walking seductively.


Mai felt tired and stretched herself. She wanted to use the washroom before her bladder busted. She looked at the shackles and called one of the bodyguards ''hey, you, please can you come and unlock the shackles? I really want to use the washroom''. The bodyguard closer turned and glared at her before reaching to her. He removed the key and bent down to unlock the padlock. Mai noticed his eyes were on her thighs and immediately used covered her legs with her hands. The bodyguard chuckled and removed the shackles said heftily ''want me to go with you to the washroom?''

''No, I can go on my own'' Mai said and stood up. Her legs almost gave way but she held the table and supported herself by leaning on it as she walked to the bathroom adjacent the room.

The bodyguard looked at her and turned to go and saw the housekeeper looking at him warningly.

The housekeeper kept the glass of warm milk on the table and went to stand by the door to the bathroom and block the bodyguard from seeing inside. The door to the bathroom was taken away by Lorca so every time Mai went inside to use it, some of the bodyguards would intentionally stand at a distance and watch her inside. Mai used to feel shy and ashamed and embarrassed but after a month she had grown used to the lustful eyes of the bodyguards in the house.

Sometimes, she had to put a lot of furniture against the door to her room before she went to sleep. That is days she was allowed to sleep. If she didn't do that she didn't know when one of the men would barge into the room and do something to her. She felt dirty just by their looks.

Mai walked out of the washroom and saw the housekeeper fidgeting while starring at her. she looked up and saw Lorca drinking a glass of warm milk. It was the same glass of milk that the housekeeper had made for her.

Lorca saw Mai coming out of the bathroom and laughed before burping and saying ''you spent 10 minutes in there. I almost thought you were giving birth''.

''I'm bleeding uncle, can you let aunt get me some tampons?'' Mai said weakly and walked leaning on the table to her seat.

Lorca looked at her white coat that had been stained with blood and drew the glass on the floor saying ''that coat is more expensive than your life you little monster. How dare you stain it with your dirty blood? This won't do. You will have to forgo a week of food as compensation''.

''I don't care even if I have to go a year without food or water, but, can you let aunt get me some tampons right now?'' Mai screamed at him and the bodyguards turned alarmed and looked at them.

Lorca smirked and pointed at her saying ':your temper is no job, my little pretty niece. That's why you don't have any friends. Oh, right you had a friend. The one you killed. What was her name again? Julieta''.

Mai merely chuckled and sat down before looking at him with darkened gaze. The bodyguard immediately went and put the shackles on her again as Lorca spoke ''those eyes, your eyes are one of the reasons why I hate looking at you, August Maijune. Your eyes right now give off the aura of a psychopath but then again, that is exactly what you are. A monster created by your own father''.

''Uncle, tampons right now!!!'' Mai said arrogantly.

''You heard her. Get this crazy bitch some tampons right now''. Lorca informed the housekeeper and she nodded and went out. Lorca pulled a chair and sat closer to Mai saying ''my darling niece, for taking the milk that was supposed to be yours how about I tell you a story?''

''How about you go and fuck that woman in your room and let me be? I'm already tired as it is, uncle''.

Mai said packing the test samples in a box. Lorca watched her as she packed the small bottles into a box. Mai finished and pushed the box towards Lorca and said ''this is the aphrodisiac you asked for. But, they are 5 times stronger than the first ones my dad made so make sure to warn whoever these are going to, to take it easy. One bottle contains 100ml and a single drop will do the trick. If they use more than 1 drop then they might just die because no doctor will be able to bring down their high and erected libido''

Lorca laughed for a while before looking at Mai and saying ''As expected, I can only rely on you to lay it bare to my face, my little niece''.

Mai looked at him for a while before asking ''can I see my parents now? You promised to let me see them when I finish this research?'' Lorca looked at Mai's stained dress and the blood dripping out and said 'us your blood enough to be dripping out this much?''

Mai looked at herself and sneered.

''Uncle, if you look at me like that I might think you have other thoughts about me?''

''Oh, no, no, you're underage though you are beautiful but we have the same blood flowing through us. Even God will not forgive me if I look at you that way my little niece''. Lorca said sarcastically.

''That's a relief because if that was to be the case, you will be competing with that man over there?'' Mai pointed at the bodyguard who was looking at her adding ''lately I've been having the feeling that someone keeps watching me when I'm taking my bath. Uncle, you wouldn't dare to allow such lowly beings to look at me that way no matter how much you hate me, right? You better take care of him before I burn his private parts with acid. You know I can totally do that, right?''

Mai said and stood up and walked away with the shackles on her legs to the door and took the tampons from the housekeeper who was standing at the door.

The moment Mai went out, Lorca's face changed to terror as he walked closer to the bodyguard. The bodyguard sensing danger immediately knelt down and started begging ''please, big boss. Is not like that. It was a mistake''.

''A mistake? Don't you know you are not even supposed to look at her even if it was a mistake? How dare you? Don't you know she is just 14 years going 15 soon?''. Lorca said.

''Please, big boss it won't happen again''. the bodyguard pleaded.

''Off course, it won't happen again. Because you are going to die anyway. Take him away and get rid of him''. Lorca said and went out.

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