Love Code at the End of the World

Book 8: Chapter 94: We Can’t Not Leave

Book 8: Chapter 94: We Can’t Not Leave

Loki continued to film me using his handphone. His eyes were filled with excitement and curiosity. How could I let him down? Everyone finally had a hope of healing our mom. How could I disappoint my family?

Luo Bing, you have to stay strong. You can definitely bring everyone back to Kansa Star! Cang Yus escape capsule must be filled w ith all kinds of possibilities.

System check completed. All normal. The hull is intact. There is internal damage and repairs are underway. Engineering robots came out of the surrounding walls, beginning their work of organizing and repairing things.

There are so many robots! Can you see them? Can you see them?! Loki said excitedly while filming as he moved around the robots. The system arranged his friends split screens around him, so he could see them more clearly.

Loki! Stop tempting us! Youre going to travel through space and we still have to hand in our thesis papers tomorrow! The guys shouted at Loki in agony.

Why didnt you tell us before you left?! We want to leave Earth too!

My sister told me that we wont be coming back after we leave. Are you sure? You would no longer be able to see your parents. You dont want your girlfriends anymore?

Everyone became silent after he said that. No one could just leave. He could do it because he knew where his home was, and he could go home anytime.

Should I connect to the secondary server? A voice resounded from the golden moon key, breaking the sudden silence between Loki and his friends.

Loki continued to film while saying, Let me take you around my sisters UFO. Isnt it cool?!

I asked confusedly, Secondary server?

Yes, His Highness Cang Yu installed an independent server on Nirvana. It is called the secondary server. It will replace the current system once activated, and it will become Nirvanas AI, the golden moon said, blinking.

I creased my eyebrows, remembering that the main server was Elenas brain. The secondary server was definitely a human brain too. Whose brain does the secondary server belong to? I asked.

The golden moon blinked again, answering, Noras.

I was stunned, and I felt a chill down my spine. My mind buzzed. Although Nora and I hadnt been good friends, and she had been hostile to me, I felt bad hearing that.

No wonder I could still feel her thoughts after she vanished. No wonder I could still see her image. I hadnt gotten to resolve the mystery back then, but Id received such a shocking answer today.

Sis, can I bring my brothers around? Loki suddenly pulled up next to me, asking excitedly.

I came back to reality, replying, Sure.

I want a sister like that too.

Sis, why do you look so young? You look like youre about our age

Lokis sister, can you share your contact number?

Shut up! Loki shouted. He then looked at me, saying, Sis, ignore them.

Loki, what are you doing? Shes your sister. Not your girlfriend. Why are you so petty?!

Exactly. She didnt say anything.

Lokis face grew grim, saying, Ive decided to cut this call.

No! They shouted hastily.

Weve done wrong

Loki pouted, rolling his eyes at them. He warned them, Dont take another look at my sister!

I looked at the golden moon key, saying, Dont activate the secondary server. Send a robot to take my brother around."

Yes. Another transparent elevator ascended on the right, containing a ball-shaped robot.

Please follow me, the robot replied politely. Loki walked to the elevator excitedly.

I looked at Magik as it stood in place, commanding it, Release the energy chamber.

Yes. The robot opened its body and extracted its energy chamber, placing it on the ground in front of me. The blue energy crystal and the kid from Deity Universe were isolated within.

What is this?! An alien?! My brother, who had been about to enter the elevator, quickly hopped over.

D*ng. An alien! the guys exclaimed.

Its so small..

Bang! I slammed down on the door of the energy chamber, and the kid shivered in fear. What happened to the cosmic rail outside? Why isnt it glowing anymore? I asked sternly as if I were interrogating him. Lokis friends around him were shocked. They had only seen me as a gentle sister up until then.

Hi-hibernating After being exposed to this universe, its cosmic energy would run out he answered, curling up.

Hes still a child?! Sis, why did you lock him up? Loki was surprised.

I smirked coldly, saying, Hmph. This child destroyed a planet."

Loki stiffened, hearing my answer. His brothers gulped in shock too.

Activate the cosmic rail. Were going back to Kansa Star! I ordered.

The kid glanced at me in fear, saying, Cant, cant head back

Why?! I became anxious.

He became even more afraid. He curled up behind the glow of the blue energy crystal. He didnt dare to look at me, hugging his head.

Sis Can he really destroy a planet?! My younger brother couldnt believe what Id said earlier, looking at the alien who was so afraid of me.

I looked at the kid hiding inside. I banged on the door harshly again, saying, Believe it or not. Im going to throw you out!

We cant go back! You demon! Didnt you want to go back to Earth?! Youre back now! he suddenly shouted at me.

I clenched my fists and the hangar fell silent. The kid stared at me angrily from inside the capsule. I couldnt believe what he said, because we were enemies.

Sis Can we really not go back Loki asked softly in disappointment. His friends became quiet too. Then, Rom We cant save her anymore, can we He hung his head low in sorrow. I looked back at him.

I cant give up. I was able to come here, so I should be able to return. The kid must be hiding something.

I took a deep breath and slowly breathed out so I could calm down. I turned to look at the kid again, asking, Whats your name?

He stared at me, not replying. I held back my urge to grab him with my bare hands and throw him out. I tried again. If you activate the cosmic rail and send us back, Ill figure out a way to send you home.

He was stunned. He blinked his almost transparent blue eyes. Although he was a child, hed lived within Hagrid Jones for the last sixty years. I didnt know how old he was. We were from different universes, and he was different from a human. He was another kind of living thing from an ancient and mysterious species. If they created planets, they had to be far beyond our level of existence.

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