Lord of the Truth

Chapter 597  Busy

Chapter 597  Busy

"...What did I do?!" Jabba looked at Alexander and spoke in a low voice But Alexander merely shrugged his shoulders, then addressed Robin, "Your Excellency, can't you lower the requirements for making Warlords and thus increase their numbers? I mean... 5,000 Saints and 500 Sages is a lot, if you reduced these requirements by half, and made the resulting Warlord slightly weaker but still at the Martial Emperor Realm, for example, wouldn't that be enough?"

Robin waited for a moment before shaking his head, "There is a minimum requirement for the array to work and form a warlord, which is two thousand saints and 200 sages. This array will form a warlord at the elementary levels, and a weak one at that, according to the number of sages that we can allocate to the warlords currently, This means I can make 100 Primary Warlords... Tell me, Alexander, as a general, would you rather have 40 Warlords with the strength of an Intermediate Martial Emperor or 100 with the strength of a Primary Martial Emperor?"

Alexander opened his mouth several times and wanted to say something, but he couldn't find anything to say. Forty warlords with the strength of an intermediate Martial Emperor could crush the hundred with the strength of a primary Martial Emperor without question... but the hundred would have a wider reach and help him during the battle better!

 As for Robin, he ignored all of this and began to walk back and forth, muttering without interruption, "I know what you are thinking. We can then divide them as the general in charge wishes, Maybe we can make a bunch of intermediate Warlords like this and a bunch of primary ones to make numbers, but for now, let us rely on the current model in calculations since it is the actual power of the Empire..."

Then he added after a short silence, "40 Warlords with the power of an intermediate Martial Emperor, they will undoubtedly give us a foothold in Nihari, but they will not make much difference if a planetary war breaks out. According to Jabba, there are 12 tribes in the northern region of Nihari, and each of them contains exactly 27 emperors due to some kind of agreement, which makes the number of known Martial Emperor Currently in Nihari 324 Martial Emperors whose levels are unknown, and of course, we cannot ignore the possibility that those tribes contain more hidden Martial Emperors, so it is safe to say that Planet Nihari currently has between 400~500 Martial Emperors... what will 40 Warlords do against all of these?"

Jabba remained silent until the end, listening, but he could not remain silent any longer and the words came out of him, "...Master, I believe you meant to count the Emperors in the invading forces, right?... These are the ones we will be fighting... right?"

"Kekekekee." The Demon laughed lowly, but his entire focus was still on the Warlord

"You-" Jabba wanted to curse the Demon

But his master's voice interrupted him, "Jabba, you don't think I'll abandon my vengeance against the Northern Territory, do you?"

"...No, I don't think so... but there are priorities, right? Saving Nihari from destruction is the most important thing right now... don't you think?" Jabba took two steps forward, looking as if he were about to plead

Robin stopped his eyes on Jabba for a few seconds as if he was thinking about something, then he went back to walking back and forth again, "Hmm, dealing with the Invading Emperors will be even more difficult, as the All-Seeing God's rival certainly knows the extent of Nihari's strength more accurately than I do, and yet he decided to send his dogs to attack it. these is another element worth noticing is that he decided to attack Planet Nihari in order to control resources and invest them in another ongoing war, this means that he does not intend to sacrifice many of his followers, otherwise victory would turn into defeat in his view, so it is safe to say that the incoming army will have sufficient forces to control Nihari and kill its Martial Emperors without taking heavy losses, I'm afraid they might have a thousand Emperors at the very least."

Then he continued walking while shaking his head, "And on our side, what do we have now? 40 warlords and two true Martial Emperors, Jabba and Alexander, and even you two still not complete Martial Emperors, and I still have to find a way for you to use the fourth stage of your laws! ...Sigh~ During the remaining 15 years, everyone must work twice as hard."

"There is no need to be so hard on yourself, master. Nihari is a planet whose martial arts age has exceeded 400,000 years, while Planet Jura's combat age does not exceed 60,000 years, and on top of that the invaders are supported by information and techniques from a powerful entity, the scales are not just from the beginning. But I am confident that you can do it, you can carry out your mission and save everyone in Nihari, only you can do it!!" Jabba waved both hands quickly, intending to lift his master's morale

"Kekeke..." the Demon laughed again

"Is there nothing in your language other than laughter, YOU ANNOYING RED FUCK?!" This time Jabba couldn't stop himself

The demon completely ignored Jabba and finally moved his gaze from the Warlord to Robin, "Lord, why did you not count me among your Emperors? Have I not demonstrated my strength before the Lord enough?"

Robin finally stopped, "I will not count you with them until I know where the Demons' loyalties lie, Moren."

"Why do you say this, My Lord?! The Demons' eternal loyalty is to you alone, Moren's neck and all his bloodline are at your disposal!!" Moren stepped forward and shouted loudly, some panic evident in his voice

"…This is the Goblin King Moren we know?" Alexander raised his eyebrows and looked at Jabba questioningly

Jabba shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He didn't recognize him either, even though he had seen him a few times before, Moren's physique and aura had completely changed, But he did not care much, In his eyes, all demons were alike and there was no difference between them.

Robin turned and faced the demon with furrowed eyebrows, "Then why did you not heed Alexander's summons to receive your share of the Law Techniques? Did my appointment of him as a governor not please your Lordships? Or have you become so powerful and no longer want my Law Techniques?"

The Demon quickly replied with his harsh voice and strong accent that made it seem as if he was speaking another language, "How dare we, Lord? Although we do not take our orders from this Alexander, we are not fools to refuse to receive your lordship's heavenly law books and give new momentum to our power! It is just that Your governor was too narrow-minded and insisted that one of the Demon Kings be the one to receive it, and the Demon Kings are all busy!"

"Is this my fault now? Don't soil my name in front of His Excellency! Those techniques are very precious and cannot be transmitted by ordinary people, and if you cannot come then let one of our generals come to you then, If you had asked for me personally to deliver them, I would not have thought twice!" Alexander quickly intervened, refusing to take even a little blame

"No one can go where we are, These are orders from the Lord personally. If you have an objection, speak to the lord about it!" The goblin looked sideways

"Hmph, forget about him, Alexander, he is a liar! The Demon kings number in the dozens, and not one of them was free for a single day? It is just a trip through space portals that ends in a few hours, and even when you went to fetch this Moren with an imperial decree in your hand, it came six days later! Secondly, what might make them busy, exactly? They are a race similar to beasts that do not know anything except eating and reproducing, Were their administrative offices full of papers that needed to be signed?!" Jabba scoffed

"You'd better keep your tongue in your mouth, dwarf giant, or you might get hurt, The lord's protection may not last forever." Morin showed his pointed fangs and threatened

Robin furrowed his eyebrows and spoke seriously, "Oh, Do you think I'll die early or something, Moren? I don't see any other reason why my only disciple's protection would be lifted."

"Excuse me, Lord, I was hot-headed and didn't know what I was saying." Moren lowered his head

"Don't speak at all then!" Robin spoke without caring then looked at Jabba, "Will you stop too? I don't know your problem with Demons, but try to curb it inside yourself, We're on the same side here!"

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