Lord of the Truth

Chapter 656 A battle between Geniuses

Chapter 656 A battle between Geniuses

"Oh? Do you like to play with lightning too? I happen to have a similar hobby." Raiden laughed loudly when he saw Aru approaching, then he planted his spear in the ground and took two steps forward, deep white lightning bolts began to move between his hands.

Aru furrowed his eyebrows when he saw those white lightning bolts. From what he could feel, this human was barely level 41, and he had absolute confidence that his purple lightning was second to none! ...But at this moment he felt a threat that he did not know where it came from.

"Enough!!" Flora returned to standing between Aru and Raiden, then looked at Raiden angrily, "Don't you want your life anymore? Or do you want to cause problems for your master?!"

"Huh? Haha please don't overestimate yourselves, what do I have to fear when I have a perfect Lightning Law technique? I can get out of here whenever I want, and Governor Alexander is also unstoppable with a perfect Wind Law technique. Did you think his Excellency has chosen us for no reason?" Raiden laughed again

"I wouldn't speak with such confidence." Sparks started shooting from Aru's eyes

"Hahaha, when it comes to individual combat, I am not afraid of anyone but General Caesar! Do you think that because you are two levels higher than me, I will be afraid of you? Come and see if the two levels will do for you in the face of His Excellency's innovations!" Raiden raised his spear again and activated something in his armor, so it began to glow with a faint golden light that gave a feeling of invincibility, and the spear shone with killing intent that forced a number of Emperors of the Orphan Blood Planet to retreat.

"Haha, interesting, come on then, I will restrain my strength to reward a level 41 like you, show me His Excellency's innovations!" But Aru also did not restrain himself even a little. After he finished speaking, he raised his fist and directed it at Raiden


Raiden blocked the attack but was pushed back, a big smile appearing on his face, "Nice, I won't use my divine weapon abilities then, let this be a pure lightning competition!!"

Aru did not respond and went after him in a flash until they both disappeared from the area

"Aru, please don't kill him!!" Flora shouted with all her might. She knew that if Raiden were to fall today, nothing would prevent the demons from wiping the entire planet with blood.

The rest of the Emperors of the Orphan Blood Planet remained in their place, worried, not knowing what else to do. Even the Emperor who Raiden had speared in the throat was looking at the horizon in shock... Should they encourage Aru or stop him?

One person remained calm the whole time, and it was Alexander.

Raiden's statement that he fears no one but Caesar was not an exaggeration. He dueled with most of the Martial Emperors at least once or twice, and each time ended in a draw. This point was so suspicious that the Martial Emperors began to suspect that he was merely accumulating experience and being lenient with them so that they would not hate him, but they agreed on one thing... The boy is a genius in every sense of the word, and the way he fights with lightning makes them imagine that they are fighting against the Major Heavenly Lightning Law itself!

A genius like this, accompanied by the best armor produced by the Empire containing 26 different Runes for defense and energy recovery, and a deadly weapon containing a rate of Uracilium as a spear, along with a large number of talismans and energy pearls... Even someone two levels higher than him would not have a good time against him!

*Boom* *Boom*


The red sky turned into a mixture of purple and white, and the sound of lightning explosions and thunder turbulence struck everyone's hearts, even the demons left the city and stood on top of the walls to watch what was happening.

The most surprised person among them was Sakaar, who rose into the sky with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the battle taking place not far from the city, "....." If there was one person who knew Aru's power perfectly, it was undoubtedly Sakaar, seeing him engage in a fight against a human was very interesting


At this moment, one of them descended from the sky, crashing into the ground like a meteor. It was Raiden.

"No!!" Flora screamed in fear, but she did not move forward to try to stop her man this time. She just looked at the site of Raiden's fall with mixed feelings.

"Don't worry, the fight has just begun." As for Alexander, he replied slowly. He knew that an injury like this would not affect the golden armor. Then he put the golden bow on his back again and looked at Flora, "Maybe you should go back and talk to your people about our issues. As for these two, let them play for a bit."

"Play? Did you two come today to ask for death!?" Flora's father came forward and shouted at Alexander in the language of the people of Jura, "Why the hell are you still standing between us anyway?"

Alexander turned to face the speaking Emperor with half-

closed eyes, "Please do not forget that the five-year period will expire soon. His Excellency gave Miss Flora another five years, but that is for you to take your time and come to visit Planet Greenland and Planet Jura, but if you have no intention of thinking about joining the Empire then there is no need to extend the deadline further."

"..What do you mean with this?" The red-haired emperor furrowed his eyebrows

Alexander put his hand behind his back and announced, "This means that we will not leave today unless at least ten of you agree to come with us to Planet Greenland, thus activating the additional five-year period, but if you all refuse, and you will have 4 months to do whatever you want before His Excellency's will comes down."

"These were not His Excellency's words! He did not set conditions like these!!" Flora quickly protested

"His Excellency does not like to talk a lot, but we, his followers, are tasked with translating his words into reality. This additional five-year opportunity is for anyone who wants to move to Planet Greenland and try his luck there. If all of you refuse, what is the use of the five years then? Why would His Excellency give you such precious time? Discuss as you wish. We will not go until we hear a satisfactory response." After Alexander finished speaking, he returned to focusing on the battle between Raiden and Aru, ignoring the shouting, insults, and threats coming from behind in the language of the people of the Orphan Blood planet. He knew that no one among them was crazy enough to attack him now.

And he wasn't the only one watching, the battle in the sky was simply too eye-catching, a number of Emperors were starting to curse Alexander and trying to find a solution together, but a larger number of the Emperors of Orphan Blood Planet were starting to watch the battle with their brows furrowed... They were shocked at Raiden's resilience so far.

Even though Aru suppresses the power level he uses to level 41, he is still using his knowledge of level 43 of the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning, and this is something he cannot control. He is like a person in the sixth grade who returned to study alongside students in the fourth grade, the difference in experience and knowledge between them is simply too great to be overlooked, this is not anyone at level 43, this is Aru of the ThunderBull Tribe!! The person who subjugated the Orphan Blood Planet and made them recognize his status as the strongest expert at the same level before he even reached the age of sixty!!

And yet... the human boy is still fighting him evenly!?

They all now have one question in their heads... regardless of the human army that Flora talked about and from which they saw two Emperors now, and regardless of the fact that the demons have increased in the way that Flora talks about or not: If this young human joined the demon Sakaar and fought Aru together, what will happen?

"Damn everything... I, Busana, will come with you." Finally, Alexander heard something in the language of the people of the planet Jura again, and he looked back, smiling

The speaker was an Emperor, more than two meters tall, holding a spear with three blades. The upper half was like a human, but his neck contained gills, and the lower half was like an octopus.

"Busana, what the hell are you doing?" Another Martial Emperor frowned and shouted

"Hmm? What do you think I'm doing? I will sacrifice myself and go explore that other world to give you 5 more years." The Octopus Emperor laughed and moved slowly to approach Alexander

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