Lord of the Truth

Chapter 654 Conveying the message

Chapter 654 Conveying the message

The Orphan Blood Planet-- Under a huge tree near the Demon's city wall

"Look what else I brought. This is a sapling cut from a Tree Father from Planet Greenland. I was told that it is very strong, and if we plant it here, it will change the environment around it as it grows!" Flora took out a small green branch with only two leaves on it, but the branch's strong appearance and the overwhelming life energy emanating from it forced dozens of Emperors around her to move closer to her to take another look.

"And look at this one too!!" Flora put the sapling aside and took out a beast hide the size of a palm, "This is called the Vitality Talisman. Once you pass energy into it and place it on your body, it will search for any injury and begin to heal it automatically. It also does not consume a lot of energy, so even if you are on the brink of death, this talisman is enough to keep you attached to life for a long time!"

"Oh?" A number of Emperors raised their eyebrows slightly

"And look at these, these are called divine weapons." Flora took out a golden chest armor and a golden sword from her ring, then activated them by passing energy through them. The chest armor shone, emitting an impenetrable aura, while the golden sword was covered in flames, "Divine weapons are a large part of the human army. I think we are lucky that demons do not like to wear armor in their fights, otherwise, we would have been in much more trouble."

"..." The Emperors furrowed their brows and sent out their soul sense to examine the weapon more closely

Flora then put the weapon aside and took out the corpse of a beast weighing 4 tons, "This is called the Four-Eyed Cow, please examine its body."

"Oh? Its meat is red and tender, and I can't detect any toxins either. This would be a perfect meal to celebrate our victory, haha." One of the Emperors with exquisite tusks laughed, seeing this cow made him salivate

"What if I told you that this type of cow is domesticated in large numbers and that it reaches this size in just 6 months? Well, look at this now..." Then Flora took out a basket full of various vegetables, then bottles of pure water, and distributed them to them, and then.. then..!!

A large number of Emperors did not have time to think about anything but were completely fascinated by what they saw, but some of them also were not very interested. On the contrary, they thought that something strange was going on.

One of them spoke and sent quick glances to the Martial Emperors around him, "Oh, this is really nice. Whoever sees this would think that niece Flora was on vacation and not in prison.."

"They bought you with a bundle of vegetables and some water, daughter of the Red Flame Dragon Tribe?!" An Emperor full of pimples came forward and shouted angrily, his voice was thick like a frog

Flora stopped taking out any more of the things she had brought with her and just looked at the ground, not knowing how to say what she came to say.

But one of the emperors with red hair and horns came forward angrily, and the red flames began to burn above his horns, "What do you mean by this? My dear daughter endured torment in order to buy us some time, and even after she came back, she tried to show us things that we had never seen or heard about before. But you are questioning her honor instead? Do you want to die?!"

"Do I need to question anyone? Look behind you and explain to me why they are still here?" The Pimple Emperor pointed in a certain direction, and the rest of the Orphan Blood Emperors looked in that direction angrily.

There stood two humans wearing gold and black armor; One of them was standing seriously, with a golden bow on his back and a bundle of black-tipped arrows, while the other was leaning on a golden spear with a black head and yawning unconcernedly.

These two humans came with Flora and did not leave immediately, but rather stood back there, when they tried to expel those two humans, Flora told them to leave them alone, and then she immediately began to change the subject by displaying the items in her ring.

"You mean these humans? They're... they're..." The red-haired man hesitated a little, then looked at his daughter again, "Flora, who are these?"

"Yes, Flora... Who are they?" Aru, who was leaning on the tree trunk, finally got up and pointed toward Alexander and Raiden

Flora hesitated a little, but quickly made up her mind and opened her mouth, "...They are two of His Excellency's generals."


"His Excellency? Who is His Excellency?!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I told you all already, they bought her with food!!"

As expected, all of the Orphan Blood Emperors, who now numbered more than ninety, were furious, and even Flora's father had a shocked expression on his face.

"..." Aru also looked disappointed, but he didn't say anything and waited for her to continue

"Calm down, everyone…" Flora raised her hand and shouted forcefully, and when the situation calmed down a little, she lowered her hand and bit her red lips hard, "...I will tell you everything that happened to me during the five years."

All the Emperors here were tribe lords or geniuses, so even if in their hearts there was anger toward Flora or a feeling of betrayal, they restrained themselves and listened with stern, disgusted expressions, which quickly turned into expressions of shock, then fear...

Flora began her speech by telling about the details of the demon city that she saw on the other side of the space portal, and this was enough to force everyone to listen more carefully.

Then she told them about Robin's attack on her when he felt that she wanted to kill him, and how he was not to be underestimated and that he had enough power to confront any of them, and then she spoke to them about the weather of Planet Jura and the extravagance that she witnessed in the imperial city and the experiments that destroyed the great imperial palace. Then she started about how she went to the planet Greenland and fought against the huge warlord, then she participated in the war against creatures called Tree Fathers, and finally, she told them about the situation of the Demon Emperors and how their numbers multiplied, and about the human Emperors and their large numbers.

After she finished, she detailed Robin's offer, "...This was everything that happened to me in five years."

"This... This is a lie! She's trying to scare us into submitting to that human without a fight!!" One of the Martial Emperors started waving around like a madman. The news about the demons in particular terrified everyone

"His Excellency has issued his proposal and the decision is now for all of you. I came to convey a message and not to convince anyone of anything." Then she took a few steps to stand next to Aru, embraced his arm, and leaned her head on his shoulder

As for Aru, he looked at the girl sleeping on his shoulder for a while, and finally opened his mouth and spoke in a cold tone, "His Excellency, huh? It seems that you have already made your decision." Then he shook the shoulder that Flora was leaning on and walked away from her

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