Lord of the Truth

Chapter 638 The variable molecules again

Chapter 638 The variable molecules again

?Robin's eyes were still roaming over Flora's body like crazy

To be more specific, he lowers his golden eyes below the navel area, then raises his eyes slightly upward, passing through her visible navel and up to her full chest, then her beautiful neck, then her red lips, passing through her charming, angry red eyes until he reaches her horns, and sometimes he turns behind her or to her side to see the same energy path but from different angles~ And of course the path his eyes takes changes with every limb Flora intends to use

"I will not get used to your perverted gazes even after a hundred years!" Flora spoke annoyed and shot another fiery arrow from her right leg

"Haha, don't worry, my eyes don't even see your skin. In my view now, you are a bag of blood veins and arteries." Robin laughed, but his eyes were following the path of the energy from the energy gathering center, past her shapely thigh, and until the attack came out from her fingertips, "You should know by now that I do not care about the fourth stage of the law itself, but rather the way you use it, If I want me to observe the fourth stage of the law of fire I would have asked Evergreen to make an entire volcano for me."

"Evergreen again, you mentioned her several times, aren't you going to tell me who she is?"


"Well, our time together is coming to an end soon, there is no harm in telling you. She is the spirit of Planet Greenland. Now I want you to gather the energy in your limb for a second before you release the arrow."

Flora opened her eyes to the last of them, "Planet spirit? Planets have spirits of their own?" *Boom*

"Of course the planets have spirits! The spirits of the planets have a tremendous amount of information that goes beyond what they should know, and they also have a dangerous mind capable of plotting scenarios behind your imagination, and patience that would last for hundreds of thousands of years." Robin laughed, he seemed quite happy today

"Does our planet have a spirit too?" Flora tilted her head to the side slightly

"Sure! And whoever controls this spirit will be the owner of the planet in word and deed! ...Now shoot the arrow from your right leg."

"Oh... Aren't you afraid to tell me this?" Flora smiled a charming smile before shooting the arrow as she was ordered

"Haha, please go ahead and search for it, I hope you find it! The planet's spirits live in their own domain, and from what I understand, the location of the domain differs from one spirit to another. Why do you think I didn't try to communicate with the spirit of your planet? When I decided to contact Evergreen for the first time, I knew her precise location, yet it took months to reach it. So what about the spirit of a planet I don't know anything about? Just searching for its domain could take years, let alone refining it! And I don't have time for this." Robin spoke as he carefully followed the movements of the energy paths, "Actually, the spirit of your planet is very interesting in my opinion. I used to believe, and I still do, that the spirit of your planet has something to do with that sacrifice thing you're doing, although I have no evidence yet, I cannot think of a second option. "

Flora smiled, "You're not even close to the truth.."

"Oh? Why don't you tell me the truth then.." Robin stopped observing the energy path in Flora's arm for a moment to look into her eyes.

"Hehe don't even dream about it, seeing you try to come up with an explanation is more fun, but I'm sure you'll never be able to guess right!" Flora put her hand to her mouth and laughed

"Interesting..." Robin shrugged her shoulders slightly before returning to what he was doing. Although his relationship with Flora had developed a lot over the past two years because he did as he promised and never humiliated her or even touched her, their relationship had not developed to the point where he would believe anything she said!

*Shawlaaa* "...Why do you keep monitoring the movement of energy in my body anyway? If you see me as a bag of veins as you claim, weren't the first few days enough? Over the past two years, you've made me almost destroy the entire palace several times." Flora remained silent for a few seconds before changing the subject

"It's not that easy. You might see me passing my eyes from the center of the energy pool to your limps, and you think it's easy, but in reality, I'm monitoring the actions of every variable molecule in that path. Do you know the number of those variable molecules in the blood? I don't think they named a number that can describe what I see yet!!" Robin shook his head, then motioned for her to shoot an arrow at another doll

"variable molecules? What is this?" *Shawla*

*Boom* "To be honest, human Emperors with pure lineage cannot move much energy within their bodies, but I was surprised the day I visited the Orphan Blood Planet that you half-humans could do it easily, so I had to get one of you to run some tests, and my initial suspicion was correct... The variable molecules in your blood are what enable you to transfer energy easily." Robin pointed towards another doll before continuing, "The variable molecules pull the strands of energy away from their regular paths, forming a complex pattern using energy. This pattern is what gives you your physical and psychological properties, but after examining you, I found that the shifting molecules have a much greater importance.. They increase the capacity of energy pathways."

Robin straightened his back and put his hand under his chin, "I'll give you an example. If I gave you a string and told you that you have to connect point A and point B, you would need, for example, one meter if you used the string straight, but if you used the string zigzag, you would need ten, twenty meters or even a hundred meters to connect the two points, even though it is the same distance. Of course, reality is much more complex, but you can understand it in this way. The variable molecules, and because they pull the strands of energy towards them and make them move in a complex manner, indirectly caused an increase in the amount of energy that the regular paths can carry."

Then he raised his shoulder, "I had a similar idea two years ago when I forced the paths to carry a greater amount of energy through the Superior Energy Control Technique. It worked, but the user's energy paths were severely exhausted. As for these variable molecules, they work indirectly to do the same purpose but in a natural, automatic way that does not leave any side effects behind, I don't know if it was the planet spirits that thought of those variable molecules or a higher entity, but it is truly the work of an artist."

"....." Flora stared with half-open eyes and put both hands on her waist

"...What? You are the one who asked! What does it have to do with me if you don't understand?!" Robin laughed out loud then let go of her and walked towards the throne, the only thing that hadn't been burned down in the palace yet

"Whatever~ How long will these monitoring sessions last?" Flora waved

"The observation sessions were long because I discovered that your variable molecules work differently with each type of attack as if preparing an ideal path for the required energy." Robin explained as he collected a number of scrolls lying on the throne and placed them in His ring, before turning back to face Flora and then clapped, "The good news is that we have finished, there is no longer any pattern in the body of the Red Flame Dragon race that I do not recognize now, and most importantly, I fully understood the idea of how the variable molecules work in terms of energy transfer."

"Really? Can I go home now?!" Flora shouted excitedly and even clapped several times, she hadn't taken a step outside of this palace for two years now!

"Return home? Ahahaha... Absolutely not."

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