Lord of the Truth

Chapter 629 Hostage

Chapter 629 Hostage

?*Rumble* *Rumble*

Aru did not utter a word in response to Robin, but lightning began to spread throughout his entire body and emanate from his eyes, as if it was preparing to devour him.

"You dare?!" One of the Emperors of the Orphan Blood Planet couldn't restrain himself and shouted. That person had horns coming out of the side of his head and red hair as well. It was clear that he was Flora's relative.

"We can die, but we cannot be humiliated!" Another Emperor shouted angrily, and not only him, but many of the Emperors of the Orphan Blood Planet took defensive positions... but not all of them.

A large number of the Emperors looked sideways at Flora. They did not say anything to agree to the offer or urge Flora to think, but they were not ready to fight either. It was clear that they were seriously considering the offer, or more accurately, they had already agreed, but they did not dare to say it aloud

Robin seemed as if he did not see the division taking place in front of him, to be more precise, he did not seem to care!

When he saw some of them shouting at him, he just raised his shoulders slightly, "I gave you your chance, if you don't appreciate it then there is no need to talk anymore," then he raised his hands, ready to give a signal to the demons to advance.

"RAOAAR!" The demons bared their fangs and showed their claws, millions of them ready to pounce forward and continue pushing forward to the end.

"WAIT!!" At this tense moment, a feminine voice came out, "What... exactly do you want from me?"

"Flora!!" Aru shouted in a voice that shook the hearts of everyone below the realm of an Emperor, "Don't say that you are thinking of submitting to that pervert!!"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly at this... There was no need to soil his reputation like that, right?

"Do you have another solution? If I have to sacrifice myself for our world, so be it!" Some tears appeared in Flora's eyes and she cried out

"You will not go with him, this matter is over! I will not allow my life to continue knowing that your honor was the price. Even if you were cut into pieces today, I will not allow it!!" Aru looked very agitated and grabbed a random lightning bolt passing by him and raised it. It was clear that he was trying to throw it at Robin, but Sakkar stood in his way again.

As for Robin, he raised his palms in stupefaction at what was happening and looked right and left at the demon kings and Emperors next to him, as if he were telling them, *Can you believe these fools?*

But one of the goblin kings did not understand Robin's confusion and shouted at Aro, "What is the problem if you gave that woman to the lord to be his maid and warm his bed? This is an honor for you!"

*Thump* Robin raised his hand and slapped his forehead, then turned back to look at Flora, "Listen, I'm doing research on Emperors right now and I need someone in the Emperor realm who can use the fourth stage of the laws to cooperate with me. That's all, don't let your imagination take you too far!"

Flora's terrified features calmed down a little and she replied, "Why me?"

"Standing in the vanguard means that you have a respectable leadership role, and this means that a large number will respect your decision. Secondly, You have great power that rivals Amun, even though you are young in age you were the second to accept sacrifice after your leader, the Bull, and this is evidence of your talent and that you will be of greater benefit to my research. Thirdly, I see many people of the same lineage as you among the emperors, and this is enough to speak of the influence of your tribe on the planet, and that they will do what they can to ensure that you remain safe during the five years and prevent anyone from thinking of any useless tricks. And last, that electrical brother wants to protect you and will most likely not break an agreement if you take part in it. Do you want other reasons?" Robin waved unconcernedly

Flora was silent for a moment, "...What is it for us if I come with you and help you with this *research*? Will you order the demons to leave us alone?"

"Please don't overestimate yourself. I would have given you ten years of peace in exchange for the sacrifice method. Do you think I would give up on this entire planet for you?" Robin spoke condescendingly, "Actually, whether you refuse or not doesn't matter. If I start the battle now, I will be able to capture a bunch of you alive. I just want to avoid losing a number of my Emperors, so let's do it like this... My offer is a five-year truce, Within five years, I want you to completely move around the city with a promise from me that the Demon Emperors will not leave the city either. I also want the bodies of the law users that you lot sacrificed. If you accept this and come with me quietly, after the end of the five years, I will return you to your family without a scratch. "

"You want me hostage then..." Flora furrowed her eyebrows slightly

"Interpret it as you wish, are you in or not?" Robin shrugged slightly

"Of course not!!" Aru shouted at Robin and then turned back to look at Flora, "It's a trap! He wants to remove the Emperors of both parties from the equation and leave the rest of the demon army to wreak havoc on the world. Isn't that what we're trying to prevent in the first place?"

Robin quickly responded, "I will prevent the demon army from advancing, except for hunting parties that will go out to hunt randomly and in small numbers. Isn't this what you have been doing all your history? During the five years, you may consider this city as another tribe, Its hunting parties would go out to kill or be killed, but if I heard that you have allocated elite teams to confront our hunting teams, I will consider you have broken the deal and the army will march."

"Nonsense! We give you the bodies of hundreds of thousands of our brothers to eat after we gave them a decent burial, and we leave demon hunting parties to hunt our sons to feed more of your kings so that they will turn into emperors? And then what? After the end of five years, we find that the number of demon emperors in your army has doubled!? Do you think we are fools?! Forget it!!" Aru shouted forcefully, none of this seemed to go their way

Robin smiled, "This is your problem. Whether you want a five-

year truce, perhaps thinking of other solutions, or you want to declare war and death today. In either case, I have no problem. I will give you five minutes to decide."

The demons around Robin did not open their mouths as their Lord spoke, but they were really hoping inside that the enemy Emperors would reject the offer so that they could begin a war of annihilation immediately. As for Robin, he was acting as if he did not care in order to frighten the Emperors of the Orphan Blood Planet even more, but he really wanted to make this deal.

Firstly, where would he get an Emperor who could use the fourth stage and that emperor would be willing to cooperate with him in research except in this way? Even if all the enemy emperors were arrested and they refused to cooperate, they would be of no use... Secondly, sending miniature squads to hunt in a small and random manner, isn't this what the demons were sent here for in the first place? Their poaching is what changed the situation to what it is!

When some were about to shout at Robin in disapproval and others were hesitating whether to try to convince Flora or not, "There's no need to wait, I agree."

"...Flora... You don't have to accept this." Aru barely restrained himself and tried to deter her from her decision

"You go back and think about something. Don't waste the opportunity of five years. Dying today will do us no good..." Flora spoke solemnly, then lit the flame on her body for a moment, so all the blood and dust burned away, and her injured lips became red again, then she began to advance towards Robin. Slowly under the eyes of Aro and the rest of the Emperors in a humiliating scene, no one said anything to stop it or say that they rejected the truce.

It was like someone putting a sword to your neck and asking you whether you want to die today or in five years, There was only one right answer... so even Aru, whom everyone heard the sound of his teeth gnashing, did not say anything.

As for Robin, he looked from top to bottom at the amazingly beautiful girl who came down to stand in front of him. A big smile appeared on his face, "Welcome!"

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