Lord of the Truth

Chapter 611 I will help

Chapter 611 I will help

"You want to modify Intelligent creatures?" Evergreen thought for a few seconds and then nodded, "...Yes, you can, or more precisely, I can do it if you ask me after you become my owner, but everything has a price, and making big requests like this entails a penalty, and often the penalty will be that you will not be able to ask for anything from me again for a certain period... Let me explain to you how this will go: The change occurs by smoothly implanting the variable molecules into the body of the intelligent creature and waiting for the changes to appear on it slowly so that complications do not occur. Of course, it is preferable to implant these molecules in the embryos so that they are born with this new ability, but it can also be implanted in your body or the body of anyone you want if you want, but this will greatly increase the penalty."

Then she pointed at him several times, "But as I said before, I will have to not help you for a long time after implementing this request, and depending on the extent of the change you request, I may be forced to reject all your other requests, from a range ranging from a few years to thousands of years. Another thing you need to take into account is that the change takes place in one individual, and therefore you will have to wait until that individual gives birth and his lineage continues for several generations first before you say that you have a new race, and of course there is a possibility that that individual will be killed before you achieve anything, so that everything you have done will be in vain."

"Isn't there a way I can demand the modifications to happen on a large scale?" Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly

Evergreen was silent for a moment, "...There is, I can create something as precise as a virus that affects an entire race and modify it as I wish or use it to wipe that race out completely, but the demands of making something like this are something you cannot bear. It is best for you to forget it for now."

"Oh... What about the modifications to the Beasts, are they different?" Robin raised his eyebrows slightly

Evergreen nodded seriously, then raised her finger and began to explain, "Modifications to beasts and plants require a much shorter penalty time. For example, if you ask for a higher defense to be given to the skin of a human fetus, you will be punished for approximately a thousand years; and if you want to give a higher defense to YOUR skin or any adult, such as the boy Caesar, this period may increase to 2000 years depending on the degree of strength of this defense and according to the strength of the person you choose... However, if you ask to modify an ordinary horse to transform and become a Terra Beast, this means that you will be punished with 70 years only for Giving him a strong skin defense, another 50 years for the bone crown to grow, another 200 years for the energy transmission feature, and so on~ In the end, the total punishment will only reach 1780 years. As for the drops of life from your artery, there is no need to care about it, You are destined to have a life force of 100,000 years one day, so what's the problem, or did it take us a few tens or hundreds of years?"

"...Huh, a thousand years I don't have the right to demand anything from you just for asking to raise one infant's skin defense? 1,780 years of penalties for turning one horse into a Terra Beast? Deducting hundreds of years from my life force?! Forgive me but that doesn't seem very practical." Robin laughed and shook his head

"Manipulating races is not the business of humans, and a thousand years is not a difficult thing after you refine me and gain millions or even billions of years of life! Then these punishments will be nothing to you, and waiting for the new race to increase in number will be easy for you, as well as thousands of years, will pass in the blink of an eye for you! You can, for example, request that an infant be modified to breathe underwater, and within just 10,000 years, he will have an entire race and a strong army of the children of that one infant. With their help, you can conquer any water-type planet you want. And if you get bored within 10,000 years, you can just go into seclusion to cultivate or something."

Then Evergreen shrugged her small shoulders, "You just don't realize how powerful this is... In fact, this kind of interference in race construction was once forbidden to humans and was only in our hands, but since there are many humans who have found evil alternatives of their own. to make these modifications, it was decided that we, the spirits of the planets, would also provide this service to our owners, perhaps it would limit the path of evil somewhat." Evergreen looked up and tapped her chin affectionately

"Oh... And did this method succeed in closing that evil path?" Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, but clearly very interested

"Oh, Do you want to lure me into revealing more secrets? Hehe, these are not secrets anyway. You will see if it worked or not when you ascend with me to the Intermediate Planetary Belt," Evergreen chirped and slapped Robin's arm.

"..." Robin sighed, he really wanted her to follow both of them in this part, he felt that she was hearing something forbidden for some reason!

"Let's get back to our topic then..." Robin pointed towards the scene in front of him again with a strange smile on his face, "What do you suggest about these Terra Beasts? Do I use up my refinement percentage in making modifications?"

"NO!!" Evergreen shouted, "I want you to fully refine me then give me your request officially."

"This won't help. You said that the modifications would cost me a penalty for years without your help. Just standing here and watching the planet is a great help to me. I don't think I can do without you for a long time anymore. What if an emergency occurs?" Robin shook his head, a smile still on his face

"Oh, how cute!" Evergreen rested her face on the palms of her hands and squealed, "But don't worry, I have already completed most of the modifications to the Terra. It is perfect as it is, but if we want to make it an official mount for your army, we should just increase its ability to reproduce faster. This will shorten its lifespan, but its reproduction rate will compensate for the loss. Once this modification is complete they will be like those Draco beasts of yours!"

"Oh... And how long is the punishment for this modification?" Robin raised his eyebrows slightly

"Just 60 years."

"Forget it!!" Robin tapped Evergreen's forehead, "I'd rather use a refinement percentage. How much will it cost for a refinement percentage? Even if it's 50%, I'm okay with it!"

"I will not allow this!!" Evergreen stepped forward and kicked Robin's foot hard

"Ouch!!" Robin grabbed his foot and took two steps back as he jumped, "Damn!! Even if I wanted to do what you said, it wouldn't help me. Finishing your refinement will take at least 20 years because the last 30% are all under the control of the Tree Fathers, and refining them is much more difficult. As for the war in which I will need the Terra, it will be after only 10 years, Can't you see that your means of tempting me are very useless?"

"Twenty years is accurate only if you are playing chess with the Tree Fathers outside, but you are at war with them, right? Tree Father Labikan does not seem that he will last long. Once he dies or is forced to give up his refinement percentage, it will be open for you to take easily. You can do the same with the rest of them and it will be over in less than 5 years!" Evergreen took two steps and then grabbed Robin's arm, trying to convince him

"Go away, you little devil, you want me to conquer the entire planet within five years?!" Robin moved her hand away from him, "Secondly, this will not be of use to me in the current war because you will only modify one terrane, and no matter how quickly it reproduces, it will not provide me with an adequate number before the war begins. I will use my refinement percentage to invent more useful means to help me in that war!"

After a few seconds of silence, Evergreen clenched her fist and spoke firmly as if she had made a fateful decision, "...Okay, I will help you for free just this once."

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