Lord of the Truth

Chapter 603 Chaotic

Chapter 603 Chaotic

Within the planet's Soul Domain--

*Step* *Step*

Robin appeared out of nowhere and began to advance towards the true body of the planet's spirit, towards the giant green ball, "Here I came to this desolate place once more... Tsk~ I guess you got your wish."

"Hmph Hmph! What I asked of you was not to come and visit me, but to complete your refinement! Are you going to continue your refinement now? I don't think so!" Evergreen crossed her little arms on her chest and spoke annoyed. After Robin spoke with Alexander, he immediately returned to sitting in the same spot as before and decided to enter the planet's spirit domain. Although he did not announce the reason, he certainly did not come here to continue her refinement!

"Hehe, sorry, I didn't really come here for this, but there are other things I need to take care of..." Robin showed a charming smile and patted her on the head.

"More important? What's more important than being the owner of the planet?!"

"Making sure we survive on this planet is much more important right now, I don't know what's going on with Alexander now, but it doesn't look very promising.... Don't worry, I won't bother you too much. I'm just very curious about the situation there and I don't want to read some dry reports about it, I'll just have a quick look at what is going on there and then go out right away." Robin smiled and continued on his way forward

"...You talk as if I want you to leave quickly..." Evergreen muttered in a low voice

"Did you say something?" Robin looked sideways and asked

But Evergreen shouted back at him, "I say do whatever you want as long as your refinement percentage is not affected again!"

Robin smiled, then raised his shoulders and continued on his way...?Every step he took on the barren, black ground sent energy waves everywhere, and he could see his reflection on the ground as if he were walking on the surface of the water, unlike him and Evergreen, who was walking in a cute manner next to him, and The huge green orb in front of him, There was nothing else there.

This vast place was vibrant with life just a few years ago. There were always 7 orbs made up of pure soul force lingering here, sometimes discussing, sometimes cursing each other, and sometimes planning something.

But after what Robin did to the Three Tree Fathers when he found them here, none of them dared to come to this place again, and it returned to being like a desert as it was before it was discovered by the Tree Fathers 200 thousand years ago. Sometimes Robin comes here to resume the refinement process, but other than that, there is only the huge green orb in the middle and a sea of darkness around it.

Whenever Robin sees this desolate place, he feels that perhaps this is why Evergreen always finds a reason to appear around him to try to help him in his research or nag at him to get back to refinement

After the silver embodiment of Robin's soul and Evergreen next to him arrived to stand in front of the huge green orb, Robin moved his index finger on the huge green orb, until he reached a certain spot in the far east, and began to enlarge it until a scene began to appear.

*Clank* *Clank*

"Come forward!!!"

"Kill them all!!"

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

"Beware of the sky! ARGHH--!!!!"

"They finally moved..." Robin couldn't find words to say at the scene in front of him


On the right side, there is an enormous army, and even when Robin uses a bird's eye view to reveal the battle from above, he still cannot see the last soldier in that army

There are at least 30 or 40 million people here, wearing different uniforms, some of them are soldiers made of wood while some of them are creatures that resemble the buds but more than dozens of times their height, and the 30 or 40 million soldiers are accompanied by a huge number of beasts and mounts, making their number almost double...

Because of the large size and that there was no reason for them all to fight at the same time, Robin spotted a huge number of tents and open kitchens on the far right. Almost half of the army was sleeping or enjoying their time while the other half was fighting!

If a person had to find one word to describe this sight, he would only find one word: Terrifying.

The only sight that Robin saw before that could be compared to what is happening now is the sight of the buds surrounding Hoffenheim's body to defend it. The difference now is that they are the attackers while the Empire is in a defensive position.

On the left side, there is a considerably large army as well, but their total number does not exceed 3 million, all of whom wear the distinctive golden armor of the Empire.

If counting the trained beasts with the enemies, then the Imperial Army was currently facing an enemy twenty times its size, yet it was as solid as a rock that had been in place for millions of years.

But the problem also was, that they were standing in place like a rock... they were completely trapped like a drop of liquid gold in a sea that wanted to swallow them up.

"...That army is made up of the elite troops of all the Tree Fathers and local human tribes. It is impossible for Caesar or Alexander to make the decision to attack such an army face to face without prior preparation, They fell into a trap." Robin gritted his teeth when he saw the situation

Robin clearly saw Victoria roaring like a seasoned war goddess as she led the Water Users to create walls and spikes of ice, and he saw Elizabeth waving with an unusually serious facial expression and with each wave creating two walls of plants alongside the Plant Users, and the Wind Users trying to neutralize the attacks coming towards them and planting tornadoes and wind cannons to force the incoming enemies to retreat

Behind this iron defense, Caesar leads the Fire users as the offensive arm of the army, accompanied by the lightning forces led by another silver-haired young man whom Robin had never seen before.

This alliance of fire and lightning was more than enough to deter anyone who dared to get a little closer!

Behind them all, the Law of Life users were circling the soldiers to pump life energy into their exhausted bodies.

No one was allowed to collapse in this situation or take a rest, Even the Law of Life users themselves were staggering as they ran from one person to another, but none of them stopped. ..

This well-balanced army seemed as if it could defend itself forever, or at least until its energy was completely exhausted and its hopes demolished

But this is the only thing they can do as well, they don't receive much damage even in such a fierce battle, but they also did not cause much damage to the huge hostile army surrounding them with these tactics, It could be said that the Imperial army was only trying to survive at this moment...

Apparently, they were depending on something else to cause the damage!


Above all of this was flying tens of thousands of Draco beasts, each of them carrying three gold-armored soldiers on its back, and every soldier of the three carrying a golden bow with each arrow engraved with strange runes.

"They're coming again!!"


*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*


Every arrow fired by the Draco riders was accompanied by a strange phenomenon. Some of them had lightning bolts appear around them that pierced the target's heart, other arrows produced branches that wrapped around the target and entered his mouth and nose, and other arrows pierced the chest of one of the buds and turned it into a block of ice, Every single one of those arrows was a talisman!

Tens of thousands of Draco Beasts carrying about 200,000 Imperial soldiers caused massive damage to the enemy army with a rain of arrows, but quite a few of them also fell.

"This battlefield..." Robin's soul avatar clenched his sliver hands as he watched but stopped himself before he could finish, this is not a battlefield more than a chaotic death ground!!

Robin turned to his side to say something to Evergreen, but as he turned, he noticed something with the corner of his eye that forced him to focus on the green orb again, "This is...?" And slowly began to pull the scene up a little...

Exactly a hundred miles from the chaotic battle, there was another battle taking place

This battle is nothing in terms of size compared to what is happening in the South, but it does not seem any less important.

Robin saw Alexander and about fifty individuals with him, all wearing their golden armor, fighting a huge creature that Robin knew well... They were fighting a warlord!

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