Lord of the Truth

Chapter 585 Body Cultivation System

Chapter 585 Body Cultivation System

"The problem is with... The energy transfer system?!" Robin furrowed his eyebrows and seemed to be deep in thought, "This doesn't make sense, why is energy transfer the problem?!"

Jabba nodded twice, "This is what also came to mind when I noticed the problem, so I went back to researching the blood, specifically the energy transmission system in there, which is the regular molecules and the variable molecules, and this time I used the Eye of Truth to examine blood samples from people of different cultivation levels, as well as I watched them while they were performing their most powerful attacks, and the result astonished me... The energy transfer system does not evolve at all with different cultivation levels. Whether the person I tested on was someone at level 11 or level 41, The energy transfer system is identical from beginning to end, The density of the variable and regular molecules in a single drop of blood is always identical for the same person!"

Then he continued, "Rather, I noticed something strange. There are young geniuses in the army in the Knighthood Realm who have more molecules in one drop of their blood than old men in the sage realm. This confirms that the number of molecules has no direct connection with age or cultivation level, but I think this may be a direct indication of talent, as those young men with higher energy transmission molecule numbers have better energy usage efficiency and a smoother cultivation path!"

Robin looked at Jabba for a few seconds, "...The density of the energy transmission system in the blood is always constant? It is like an early morning road that is almost empty of pedestrians, and then it slowly continues to become crowded until it reaches the point of congestion and everyone stops... At the beginning of the cultivation journey and in the Knighthood Realm, the energy transmission system runs smoothly, and then the demands on it increase a little by little until it reaches its limit, which is the Martial Emperor Realm, is this what you mean?" Robin spoke while rubbing his forehead, "...Did you find anything else?"

Jabba nodded again, "To confirm my theory and make sure I was going in the right direction before I present it to you, master, I tried using a Fourth Stage attack technique called Gravity Conjuration, This technique is special in that it requires a long preparation period in order to be executed, and this time I succeeded in using the fourth stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Gravity! I managed to produce an extremely powerful gravitational conjuration zone that destroyed a nearby hill, and this confirmed to me that the problem was not in the fourth stage itself nor in my 41st foundation since it did not even shake, but rather that the energy?system could no longer respond to the demands of fast-paced battles."

Robin laughed and shook his head, "How absurd... Have you noticed that the energy gathering center does not operate randomly? I mean, since we talked the other day about the origin of the internal cultivation system and how all planets have more or less the same system and the same basic route, it turns out that the energy-gathering center itself is the one that has specific requirements to work efficiently, meaning that it must create solid foundations and support them with laws, etc. ~ otherwise you will not be able to use it in any other way, and this is precisely why the internal energy system is identical everywhere, not because our thinking is the same, but Because there is only one way to use it, why is that? I do not know yet. but it can even be said that it is one of the secrets of the universe, as we are literally discovering how to use the energy gathering center and not inventing anything new, this is a fact that I became convinced of when you said what happened to you in Foundation No. 41." Then Robin waited a while and sighed with a smile, "But now you're telling me that a system this complex has no benefit above the Sage Realm because of a natural problem in energy transfer?! Our ancestors did not face this kind of problem yet it took them tens of thousands of years just to gather information about a few Heavenly Laws, now I have to do this as well as explore a way to move forward from the Sage Realm within a few years? Isn't this too much?!"

Alexander and Jabba looked at each other from the corner of their eyes, and then Alexander said, "No need to worry, Your Excellency, you will definitely find a solution, even if the Sage Realm is the limit, we will still be at your side!"

Robin leaned himself forward and rested his chin on the back of his hand, "...No, I built on what the ancestors found, all the levels up to the Sage Realm already existed and I just provided more options for you, the Emperor Realm is the first real obstacle that appears before me, my true test! And I'm not worried at all, I'm sure there are solutions and I reject the idea that the Sage Realm is the end. Don't forget the powerful beings that we already know exist like the Nihari Martial Emperors! ...The problem is that they adopt the body-strengthening divine tattoo, which contains patterns to strengthen the body itself, and even their external attacks are through other offensive divine tattoos that collect natural energy directly from the atmosphere, so it will not have to pass through the energy transmission system inside the body... We also have other examples such as the bodies of Tree Fathers, and even the strange mutation that Jabba underwent! But even these examples are all related to physical strength as well..."

"So maybe the way to the Emperor Realm is connected to bodily strength? Or maybe finding a way to use the natural energy outside the body like using the offensive tattoos?" Alexander stated

Robin showed a sarcastic smile, "Don't say things without thinking, Alexander. I ordered for the offensive tattoos to be placed under the point rewards already, Haven't you discovered their flaws yet? As a wind user, if you use a third-stage flame offensive tattoo, your skin will be burned, and if you use an ice offensive tattoo, your joints will freeze. Your body is simply no longer suitable for using these laws, especially since the human body is very weak, and the changes that happen to your body when you build your pillars with a certain law are only enough for you to use that certain law freely. These offensive divine tattoos are good in one case, which is launching a final attack when you are your life is at stake, for example... Even the giants who have been used to using these offensive tattoos for hundreds of thousands of years and have extremely strong natural bodies, their bodies still hurt whenever they use them, and that is why they rely heavily on physical strength and divine weapons in their battles, true or not, Jabba?"

Jabba nodded without saying a word

Robin remained silent for a while then he started shaking his head, "As for transitioning entirely to a body cultivation system, this is unfortunately easier said than done… We don't have a clean body-strengthening system yet, and Nihari's body-strengthening tattoo cannot be widely distributed because it is more than enough to destroy planets. Although the planet Nihari is huge and the amount of energy in it is incredible, I am certain that the spirit of Planet Nihari is screaming now because of the body-strengthening divine tattoo. This is of course without mentioning that the body-strengthening tattoo was originally built on parts of the movement of the variable molecules within the blood of the Nihari Giants, and for this reason, If a human and a giant had the same level of body-strengthening divine tattoo, the giant would be much stronger, and I still don't know if I can create a fourth stage of it for humans! ...While the strength of the Tree Fathers' bodies cannot be duplicated, they have been accumulating it over many years as well because of their natural strength as trees, as for Jabba's hellish experience that refined his flesh and bones, if a hundred strong man tried it then is likely that 99 of them will die."

Then he looked at Alexander, "There is no need to think too much. I refuse to believe that moving to a body cultivation system is the solution. There is definitely a solution to advance further. Otherwise, how did the All-Seeing God and his rival obtain this power? I experienced the power of his laws myself. That person definitely does not focus on body cultivation alone, there is definitely a clean solution, and it is my responsibility to find it..."

"...But do you have time to find it?" Finally, Jabba opened his mouth again


This sentence from Jabba managed to hit Robin where it hurts the most, This is exactly what Robin was thinking when he finished his words. According to the timeline that the All-Seein God gave him, there are approximately 15 years left until the invasion... How many years will he spend inventing a clean technique and how many years will it take his followers to cultivate it?!

When Alexander saw that the hall was silent for a while, he finally spoke, "I have a solution that I think will benefit us, even if only temporarily."

"...What is it?" Robin replied, still rubbing his forehead

"Why don't you distribute the modified body strengthening divine tattoos to your generals and high officers?! Even Your Excellency puts on your body the third stage of the body-strengthening divine tattoo. What's the problem if you distribute it to us? I remember that Your Excellency said that it is harmful to the planet, but if only a few hundred of us used it, it would only be an ignorable damage, right?" Alexander presented his idea excitedly

Robin shook his head, "...If I had known that we would face an obstacle like this, I would have actually made this decision a long time ago, but we don't have much left. You don't know how slow these divine tattoos are, some of the *Dragon* realm experts in Nihari are thousands of years old monsters and this process is something that cannot be accelerated, not everyone is a talented monster like Jabba in this regard, and even he took him about 20 full years for him to jump from the top of the Saint Realm to the top of the Sage Realm! How long do you think it will take my followers who are humans when they start from scratch and go all the way to Martial Emperor? how many Martial Emperors can I get in one thousand years? Don't forget we only have 15 years left..."

"...Then I think I have the solution for this." Jabba grabbed his knees and spoke

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