Lord of the Truth

Chapter 582 Three years

Chapter 582 Three years

[Clash of the Emperors] 

Three years later -- The steep hill-- Below the Imperial Palace

This underground chamber is the most guarded zone inside planet Greenland, and perhaps it will be included in the list of the 100 most secure chambers in the entire young planetary belt!

Actually calling it a chamber can be seen as an underestimation, as it is the size of a huge apartment with all the comforts and good ventilation with sound arrays installed to prevent any disturbance from the outside, it is simply the perfect paradise for any researcher who seeks quiet and peace.

However, the person sitting in it looked like a beggar with his long beard and uncombed hair, and even his clothes were full of food stains, and his eyes were screaming pure rage and madness!

"...This is it, that would be the best solution! Then we--..." Robin showed a big smile and started writing something in the huge book in front of him, but suddenly he frowned and tore the page, "No, no, no! This will make the solid energy layer No. 41 collapse after only one hundred uses!

"DAMMIT!" Robin shouted, then got up from his seat and threw it aside angrily, "Evergreen, show me that Four Stage Lightning again!"

A familiar voice of an unknown source replied, "Are you sure? You haven't completely refined me yet and these demands of yours are consuming your refinement percentage, can't you rest and take your time? Perhaps you will be able to find a solution to the problem without using your refinement again, if you kept using me this way then with every step you take forward in my refinement, you will take two steps back..."

"Huh, now this is my problem?! I barely reached 30%, but the further I progressed, the slower the refinement process became. If I wait until I reach 100%, it will be too late to create these techniques for my men. I have to provide them with the techniques and give them enough time to cultivate if first, dealing with you comes second or maybe third!" Robin shouted, clearly completely exhausted

"Hmph, whose problem then? I'm already helping you and I can't reduce the resistance any further. The resistance increases tenfold with every 1%, this is not something I can control, but rather a law that applies to all of us, Why do you blame me? This is laziness on your part, if you devoted All your time during the three years to refining me you would have reached at least 70% by now, but you are busy creating law techniques for your followers, what good is there about that Nihari planet anyway that you give it all your time and effort?"

"Evergreen..." Robin muttered in a low voice, he was trying his best not to scream at here

"Okay Okaaay~ Relax a bit, will you?"

*Crrr* *CRACK* *Bzzzztt*

Even though it was a closed room tens of meters underground, a ball the size of a watermelon, made up of countless small purple lightning bolts, suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. Then the lightning bolts began to destroy each other. Their sound was as if they were a flock of a hundred thousand migratory birds screaming at the same time.

As for Robin, he activated his golden eyes and began to revolve around the ball silently... This was one of the abilities of the planet spirit that Robin had been using more and more recently. In the past, Robin would try to find a place that was constantly struck by thunderstorms and try to focus intensely on the lightning bolts that appeared and disappeared instantaneously to even have a glimpse of part of a fourth stage pattern, but now Evergreen presented him with a ball of the Fourth-Stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning on a silver platter!

After a few laps around the thunder ball, Robin stood up and raised his eyebrows for a few seconds, then snapped his fingers as if he understood something and went and put his chair back in its place, then he picked up the pen and started writing again... While in the background the lightning ball slowly began to eat itself until it disappeared.

After another hour---

"Hoo~ Another one is over." Robin threw the pen on the ground and covered his face with both hands, then began rubbing his eyes with his fingertips.

Every time Robin took a step forward in his understanding of the Truth, his eye became much stronger. Not only did he now have the ability to see Fourth-stage patterns, but with a single glance he could detect and comprehend a huge number of law patterns without the slightest effort!

However, it still took Robin three years to get every Major Law in the army to the fourth level... So far he had finished: Gravity, Wind, Water, Plants, Darkness, Fire, Life, Deathfire, and finally today, Lightning.

Although there is currently no one in the entire Empire who has reached the peak of Sagehood in the Lightning Path, it is the most popular path among young people because it is a new and powerful branch, and this path has also become more popular after many treasures related to the Lightning Path were found on top of the corpse of the Tree Father Hoffenheim! There is great hope for a few youngsters to reach this level very soon, so Robin decided to waste a few months of his time on it.

And the same time, he would be trying to find a solution to the fourth stage problem... Yes, a problem!

The general idea of law techniques is to exploit a heavenly law in order to support the solid energy levels so that they do not collapse, and in order to change the composition of the body somewhat so that the body is able to withstand the use of this law and that stage of it. For example, if a sage from the path of water tried launching an attack from the path of Lightning, the bolt he would produce would first destroy his veins, burn his flesh, and char his bones!

This time, however, the issue was not that simple when discussing the fourth stage. There is something clearly different about the fourth stage that makes it very heavy on the body and on the entire internal energy system. Just building the foundation of an Emperor's Realm with it does not seem to be enough to change the body enough to bear it, It is very heavy and extremely strong that it will theoretically wear out even the solid foundations after a few uses!

Robin himself experienced something like this when he used the First Stage of the Master Space-Time Law, so he was able to predict what would happen when he felt the power of the Fourth Stage of the Laws... but what does he do to stop the inevitable?

Robin had never seen a Martial Emperor who used the internal energy system in his life, so he did not know exactly what he should do to solve the problem and prevent this terrible consumption, so he had to try to improvise solutions and develop the best possible theories to prevent the consumption of solid foundations when using the fourth stage of the laws, But did he succeed or not? Theoretically yes, in practice he does not know.

He had yet to receive any news about the techniques he had already finished and distributed to his generals, for people who are almost half an Emperor's step to waste months or even years and not be able to break through even though they have such a detailed technique in their hands doesn't seem like a good sign...

Whenever he tries to communicate with them, they say that they have tried the technique and that it is clear that it is effective, but they also say that there is something complicated that they do not know, something that prevents them from reaching the next level.

"Finally another one finished, huh? Good, come to my domain and make up for your losses before the next one starts, this time I won't let you go until your refinement reaches at least 40%!" Evergrean's voice echoed again

Robin ignored her completely, then after a few minutes he stood up with a jump, cracked his neck left and right, and began to do some simple stretches, "I know you are used to having a visit from me after every technique I finish, but not this time, with this 4th Stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning Technique done, I have now finished all of the Empire's major techniques, it's time to see what they did with my techniques..." Then he took the book in his hand and walked towards the metal door of his room.

"Hold on right there, you can have a walk if you want but at least change your dirty clothes, okay? my master shouldn't appear like this in front of people!"

"Oh.." Robin looked at his clothes and ran his hand over his face, then changed his direction towards the bathroom...

For the past three years, he has not left this room. Food comes to him every day through a special slot under the door, and whenever he finishes a technical book, he invites Zara to take the book and make copies of it and distribute them to people at the top of the Sagehood realm, and since she is his adopted daughter, he will not care much about his appearance in front of her, but if he were to go out now he must appear as an Emperor.


"Evergreen, tell me the truth, why can't my men break through to the Martial Emperor's Realm? Is there something I overlooked? I refuse to believe that there is something about those laws that has escaped my eye of truth!" Robin spoke in a low voice while taking a shower, these three years weren't kind to him

"Sorry, future master, you determine the path and I help you walk it, that's the deal hehe." The sound of a giggle rang out

He was silent for a while, then muttered, "...At least tell me if the path I took was correct so that I wouldn't lead us both towards a cliff." this time however, Evergreen didn't even bother to respond sarcastically, Robin was left bathing in complete silence.

A few minutes passed in silence, Robin came out of the bathroom and began to put on his new clothes. 

At this moment he finally heard a voice in his head, he thought that Evergreen had finally decided to give him a hint, but then he heard: ("Your Excellency, this is Alexander speaking, I have broken through to the Martial Emperor's Realm and I request to set a meeting as soon as possible.")

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