Lord of the Truth

Chapter 564 Encounter

Chapter 564 Encounter

Return to Earth... A term used to call the process undertaken by some Treant creatures to transform into what is known as Ancient Treant, but what exactly is Return to Earth?

The Treants are just plants. It is not as if their ancestors were vegetation, Rather, each one of them was once a tree or an ordinary plant. This can be easily observed since in the golden age of the Treant, even the cornstalks in the fields owned by humans would suddenly pull out their roots from the ground and run away before they get eaten by the cattle!

As for their life as treants after getting their intelligence, it is definitely not like the life of any other intelligent creature. They have become a mixture of intelligent creatures and plants, and even their behavior is always strange. They have no desires or ambitions, They have innate physical strength, but they do not know what to do with it, and they have a long life that they do not know what to it spend on!

But even a plant, after living for hundreds or thousands of years without a goal, will begin to think about the reason behind becoming a treant and try to explore its true self and search for its origins and goals in life!

As for the goals, there are none... What can possibly be the goal of a tree? Even after their transformation into Treants, they spent most of their days sleeping or in seclusion somewhere enjoying the sun. The difference between their current lives and their previous lives is that now they can say audibly: The weather is beautiful today. The treants are, by default, loved by nature, so they are not looking for a more luxurious life, they do not want to harm anyone, take advantage of anyone, or seek companionship, they do not even recognize borders and private lands. Simply put, their goals are almost non-existent

Perhaps this is the real reason behind the Treants' laziness, None of them wanted to invent something to strengthen themselves nor did one of them show up and declare he would lead them to a glorious era, nothing... Even the ancient treants had not invented any new technique until the massacre began.

So, all that remains for them is to search for their origins... but this is also a closed path. First, they have no ancestors, and as for their personal origins, they were just ordinary plants, but at least on this path, they have a glimmer of hope for what they should do. Perhaps they should return to their origins and become trees again!

'Why don't I let go of my ability to move and speak and go back to being a tree? This will surely give me the ability to grow again instead of being stuck in this small body for 6,000 years.' At least this was the idea that appeared in the head of the first Treant who turned himself into an ancient Treant, and indeed he succeeded. His height continued to increase rapidly on a daily basis, and his roots were planted so deep into the ground that he began to feel the smallest details of everything happening around him, to the point that he began to feel that the planet breathes and has a spirit of its own!

What that Treant did spread like wildfire. Some Treant creatures envied him and wanted to try to return to Earth like him, and some began to venerate him because he *reached the next phase* but didn't want to lose their abilities either... 

Of course, the issue of letting go of the ability to move and speak and transforming limbs to suit the nature of an ancient Treant is not an easy issue at all. It requires a specific method that only those Treants who have lived for thousands of years can devise!

On the steep hill-- In a secluded chamber beneath the Imperial Palace

*Deep Inhale*


*Deep Inhale*


A month had passed since Robin requested a way to communicate with the spirit of the planet from the tree father Descartes. What he got in return was the way to return to Earth and with it the specific location inside the ground where the spirit domain resides.

Of course, thinking about digging and going physically to the core of the planet are the dreams of an ignorant, and it is not possible to be certain that he will find the spirit if he goes there physically as well, since it is a *spirit* at the end of the day

As for the method of returning to Earth, he does not even need to consider using it, for well, he is not even a Treant...

But it wasn't entirely useless... What this method allowed the Tree Fathers to do, Robin could compensate for by using the many heavenly laws he mastered, such as the Major Heavenly Law of Plants and the Major Heavenly Law of Earth... or so he thought.

Robin spent two weeks trying to reach the level of his terrestrial sensing to the same level as the tree fathers, or at least focusing his entire sensing on the point indicated by the tree father Descartes, so he made precise artificial roots using the pieces of buds and began to control them to penetrate the ground slowly in the same way as the tree fathers.

It was difficult and required him to use a huge number of Laws in varying proportions, draining him of mental strength and energy in such a terrifying way that he needed to stop and rest every few minutes! 

But the good thing is that he already come very close...

According to his calculations, the time when he could meet the planet's spirit should be today!

*Deep Inhale*

"Hooooo~ A little more.. a little more.."


Finally one of the artificial roots broke through a solid rock wall, but what was behind it was not more rocks, groundwater, or even volcanic magma as Robin was accustomed to seeing, but a dark light!

"Hmm? Ahh!!" Robin didn't have time to try to think about what happened, the moment the root made contact with that light, Robin felt a strong disturbance in his soul domain...


"Hmm?" In the next moment, Robin felt that his surroundings had changed. 

Everything around him was vague and pitch black, but at the same time, it was full of spots emitting bright lights. He raised his hand to see if there was any change and found that it was smaller and silver in color.

He was in his Silver Soul avatar!

"You there, who the hell are you?"

"Someone leaked the location? Why would something like this happen?!"

"It must be that traitor, Descartes, who else? He already declared that he joined the Empire, I just didn't think he would get that low!"

"Damn it, what exactly is that bastard thinking? He even gave up the world spirit to lick the invaders' boots? he is a shame to all of us, he must be put to death!"

Once again, Robin did not have time to think about what had happened.

The sounds of shouting around him forced him to look in its direction, or more precisely, he had already looked in that direction before, but he ignored them... Those who had just spoken were 3 huge, illuminated orbs, standing at equal distances around an even larger orb.

Thinking about it, those three of them reminded him of Hoffenheim's soul form when he first saw him, their sizes may vary a little, but they all look almost the same in every other aspect. 

Robin's silver soul avatar's lips turned into a smile and he put his hand behind his back comfortingly, "Let me guess, you three are Tree Fathers? Are you here to plot against me or for the sake of the refinement process? And where are the rest of you, I thought there were five of you now. Anyway, seeing you here is good too~ it means that I've finally reached my destination..."

"...Let ME guess, you are one of the invaders? Even their Emperor maybe?" One of the three soul orbs calmed down a little from the initial shock and spoke

"You're damn right I am! you have won a medium purity energy stone, you can come to my headquarters at any time to claim your reward!" Robin raised a finger and pointed at the person who spoke and laughed out loud.

The three soul balls looked at each other for a moment before one of them started laughing and his spiritual energy was agitated. It was clear that he intended to attack, "Hahaha. We were wondering a while ago what we should do with you, but you brought yourself to your death. Isn't that ridiculous?"

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly and the smile on his face grew until it was almost ear to ear, "You know what? I was about to say those exact words to you." Then he raised his hand and silver soul energy began to flow


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