Lord of the Truth

Chapter 558 Conversation with a tree father -2

Chapter 558 Conversation with a tree father -2

"You want... Power? Do you realize that you are threatening an entire world with your army? What power do you want more?! If I had this kind of power do you think I would be here talking to you?" Shocked, Descartes didn't know what to say

"Haha, power comes in many forms. Maybe a certain resource or even a piece of information might be enough sometimes." Robin put his wrist back on his knee and then asked with a smile, "By the way, I know now that the ancient Treants noticed something that made them start a war of extermination immediately, What was that thing?"

"Maybe we should wait until we have an agreement, then ask at your convenience." The avatar of Tree Father Descartes said frowning, 'Is this a joke? Did this invader think he can get this kind of information for free?!'

"Come on, Descartes. My question is about a piece of information that happened a long time ago. What's the problem if you answer? Secondly, who knows whether we will have an agreement or not?" Robin shrugged his shoulders, "Even if we don't agree, it wouldn't hurt to plant some friendship now by answering a few questions. Who knows... I might leave you as the last Tree Father I take down."

"...Unfortunately, I cannot. The answer to your question is not just ancient history, but rather something that, if you knew it, would boost the war, destroy my personal dreams, and destroy everything I worked for." The Tree Father avatar shook his head, "Before I say a word, you must compensate me for all of these. Just leaving me to be the last to be attacked is not enough. I would rather take my chances and join the alliance with the rest of the Tree Father against you."

"Oh? Telling me such ancient history would destroy your dreams and what you worked for? Interestingو I understand from this that what you found back then has something to do with the spirit of the planet, just how I thought..." Robin tapped his knee a few times, "Alright, then what you're saying makes sense. Tell me what you want from me, what do you expect me to offer? You coming here today even though we are at war means you are ready to surrender at some terms, Do you want something specific that will convince you to swear allegiance to me? Or should I take a guess?"

The Tree Father hesitated and did not answer directly, only after a full minute did he speak up, "...I believed Hoffenheim when he said that you are strangers, not from our world. Your weapons and methods are not like anything I have seen before. Of course, all of these things are of no use to me in my case as an ancient Treant who returned to earth, and frankly, I do not think that you have something that might interest me, but I'm here to give you and myself a last chance. Say what you have, who knows, maybe I would find something in your world that's worth it." 

Then he added after a short pause, "What you need to offer is something that can compensate me for the dream that I spent 200,000 years trying to achieve them. And if you don't have something like that, Do you think we should cooperate? I will fight alongside you until we eliminate every other living being in this world. Then you can rule the world and take its resources, but you will completely forget the term world spirit and never ask about it again."

"Hmm, what do I have to give you?" Robin closed his eyes slightly and started tapping his knee, "How about I give you a way to strengthen your soul until you reach a higher realm? My soul has already reached that higher realm and I used it to kill Hoffenheim."

"Tree Father Hoffenheim is dead? ...No wonder." Tree Father Descartes' body avatar looked clearly shocked, although he was observing what was happening around Hoffenheim, he thought that he had just been defeated, as there was no apparent damage to him to suggest that he had died.

After a brief moment of hesitation, he returned to looking at Robin, in a different light this time. The person in front of him was no longer just an intruder causing chaos, but rather a real danger, he already killed one of the seven!

Descartes remained silent for a few minutes before finally opening his mouth made of papers, "...Your offer is indeed tempting but it is not enough to make me give up my dream and follow you. At best, I can exchange a few pieces of information and techniques with you in exchange for this soul-strengthening technique, in exchange for which I will give you a method for making buds and how to clone the primal soul."

"...? Haha, you want to exchange techniques that Hoffenheim created with me? You're really interesting, but not that much." Robin went back to tapping his knee for a few seconds, "Then how about I give you the Major Heavenly Law of Life to the Fourth Stage in exchange for your loyalty? I guess I don't need to explain its usefulness to you."

"The Major Heavenly Law of Life?! You say that you have the Major Heavenly Law of Life up to the fourth stage?!" The Tree Father avatar took a step forward, his features were a mixture of shock and greed. 

For the first time since the meeting began, the Tree Father avatar Descartes seemed so emotional, even when he heard of his rival death did not blink an eyelid!

Robin nodded without adding a word, the importance of the Major Heavenly Law of Life for the Treant creatures was simply enormous, especially the Ancient Treants who had left everything behind in order to prolong their lives. They can study whatever they want in order to strengthen themselves and their soldiers, but in the end, their entire focus lies in matters of the soul and life, so Robin's two offers are related to these two aspects.

After another few minutes, Descartes calmed down and replied sternly, "I can exchange with you the method of creating plant soldiers and give you a soul technique with which you can control a huge number of targets depending on the power of your soul, and another technique that makes you divide the power of your soul into small parts and control each one individually, I will also give you information about the rest of the Tree Fathers and their plan against you. I will also give you what I know about the human alliance, and I will also tell you some information about the planet's spirit, but not the essential parts."

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, "...But you won't swear allegiance to me?"

Descartes shook his head, "You haven't offered enough yet."

"Descartes, you still don't seem to realize what's at stake here." Robin spoke in a stern tone, a threatening tone evident in his words, "I am willing to give you benefits, not because you deserve them, but rather because I want to reward my followers. All those things you promised me, I already obtained from hijacking Tree Father Hoffenheim's memories, even if they are in chaos currently, I will still be able to extract all these techniques and information in months or a few years at most. Even if you do not believe me, can't I simply obtain them myself after killing another one or two of you? Then the rest will be my slaves and not even my followers! Use your brain and be wise. Don't be like the fool Hoffenheim who remained stubborn until HIS very end."

"No, you don't understand... You simply do not realize what you want me to give up, your offers are nothing in comparison! If you do not have an alternative to replace my goal, then there is no point in talking. As for you you could kill a bunch of us or we destroy you is not known yet. We allowed you to single out Hoffenheim because he intended to betray us and he deserves that fate, But be sure that it will not happen again with the rest of us!" Tree Father Descartes did not back down either

"Alright, Alright, calm down, both of you. We came today to pave the way to peace, not to make matters worse." Billy who had been silent the whole time, watching from the side, finally made his move, "Your Excellency, Why don't you consider another offer? Brother Descartes here came with good intentions."

"...Tsk~ Out of consideration to General Billy, I will give you one last offer and one last chance. If you refuse, both of us will go our separate ways." His intervention was at an excellent time, allowing Robin to lean his back against the tree again and stare at the face of the tree father's avatar, thinking of something that could help in this situation.

"Hear me what you got." The tree father shrugged his shoulders without care. It was clear that he was preparing to leave. He had no hope of hearing anything that could dissuade him from his goal, but today's meeting benefited him greatly in any case and gave him an idea about the personality and capabilities of his future opponent.

Robin remained silent for a while, looking at the avatar of the Tree Father from top to bottom, before he finally spoke: "...I can nullify the effect of *returning to earth* for you and return you into a full Treant again!"

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