Lord of the Truth

Chapter 549 Instructions

549  Instructions

"...Theo?" Robin muttered in a low voice and furrowed his eyebrows slightly, he didn't know how he should feel at this moment

Theo had a specific mission that began even before starting the was on Planet Greenland, and since then, nothing has been heard about him or the Shadow Swords, not because they ignore him, but because he gave strict instructions not to let anything hinder their goals and that their supreme high authority is Theo, Then he told Theo about the plan and instruct him to act as he sees fit, and that he need to report to him only in one case... That there is a serious change in Richard's condition.

Does his presence now mean that Richard has been saved? But this is impossible if the presence of Emperors there is taken into account.

Or perhaps Theo's being here means that Richard has been killed?

Caesar watched his foster father and his features quickly change, but he continued with what he wanted to say anyway, "I didn't know if you wanted to receive Theo here and talk about those super top-secret matters that the nosy bastards like me shouldn't know, so I told him to stay there until you wake up and decide what to do."

Robin took a deep breath, then continued putting on his white robe and nodded, "It was a wise decision on your part. I really don't want any nosy bastards to listen to anything, so I will go and meet him at the headquarters myself, I have finished my business here anyway and it's time to get back to my research."

Upon hearing this, Caesar stared at his foster father for a few seconds, "...Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if I let that blood peacock peck your ass a few times back then..."

"Haha, what did you want me to say then? If you knew about Theo's mission, you would want to join him, and you are not suitable for a mission like that. Be obedient and sit here and become the good general that you are. Waiting and watching is something you are not good at, you will f*ck up everything if you go there." Robin laughed out loud and patted Caesar's shoulder several times

"Tsk~ Convince yourself of what you want if it helps you sleep at night. oh right, Uncle Billy also arrived at the headquarters after hearing about Theo's arrival two days ago. I heard he's been sticking to him like glue ever since he saw him. I guess you won't keep all the nosy ones away, hah.."

"Billy, Billy, Billy... I'll look into it later." Robin waved and then looked in the direction of the ongoing battle seriously, "I want you to bring me all the available commanders whose absence will not greatly affect the battle. Especially Jabba must come, it seems like I need to say a few words before I depart."

"Jabba, hah... Alright." Caesar raised his shoulders and turned to perform his task

But before he could take a step, he heard Robin's voice shouting from behind him, "Hey!"

"Hmm?" Caesar looked back

What he met was a satisfied smile and a nod from Robin, "I know that you do not like to be just a member of an army, but you will not remain like this forever. The arena in which your star will shine has not yet appeared, That's all. Gain strength and experience and wait patiently for your time, It will come..."

Caesar watched Robin with a look of surprise for a few more seconds before he smiled, shook his head, and moved away, "It seems that only your body became young, but your mind is still senile, old man!"

One hour later---

"Master, Jabba is here."

"Greetings, Your Excellency."

"Greetings, Your Excellency."

After a sufficient number of leaders had gathered, Caesar brought them directly to this spot. They all gave the official military salute when they saw Robin sitting comfortably on a rock. Jabba only bowed slightly since he was no longer an official member of the army.

Old Gu, Alexander, Elizabeth, Jabba, and a number of generals and high-ranking advisors in the army of the Empire of Truth responded to the call as soon as they heard of the summons. The delay was due to their attempt to find replacements for them so that the fronts they were running would not collapse.

The only big names left in command of the Empire's army now are Victoria and Peon, it can easily be imagined how much pressure they felt now

Robin also took this into account and got straight to the point, "I watched the battle closely over the past hour to see that the soldiers were trying to kill as cleanly as possible, they are trying to avoid the Sixth Legion after all... I'll leave the Legion to you and the research team to help you with the 17:45

dismemberment and transportation, good enough?"

destroying the buds' bodies. Does this have something to do with the points system? This won't work. The point system is there is encourage them not the other way around. So far, The news of Hoffenheim's death hasn't spread yet, We cannot predict what will happen if the news reaches the rest of the Tree Fathers and the human tribes that have not joined us. This battle must be ended as quickly as possible and you should deploy garrisons to the borders immediately after."

Everyone nodded, and then Alexander replied on their behalf, "The boys indeed being soft handed because they need to accumulate more points and we allowed it as it wouldn't hinder the final result, but I will give the order to start a full force attack following your Excellency's orders no one of the soldiers will have anything to say. If we exploit our air superiority to the maximum, the battle should end within two to four days maximum."

Robin nodded then pointed towards the tree that almost reached the sky, "Tree Father Hoffenheim used to absorb a huge amount of the planet's energy every day to maintain his huge body and produce more buds, but now Hoffenheim's soul has been completely destroyed, his body has turned into nothing more than an ordinary tree that absorbs the sun's rays through its leaves and sipping water and salts from the soil, it is impossible for this type of nutrition to remain on Hoffenheim's body alive for a long time, so I have two notes on this... First, the soldiers must not get excited and attack the Tree Father's corpse in any way, as it no longer poses a danger and its body itself is a treasure trove and we can't deal with it carelessly. Secondly, the structure of every part of the tree father's body must be studied as long as life is still flowing inside him. Therefore, before the tree dies in every sense of the word, no one is allowed to destroy it. After that, you can dismantle it in a sound and systematic way."

Then he looked at Jabba, "Jabba, you have a few years to do all the research you need with your team before the tree actually dies. This will be your first mission after you assemble the research team. Do not leave a leaf or root of that tree without examining it carefully, Then you and your team can cut it up, store it carefully, and find a way to make use of it, understood?"

"Understood, but... That thing is gigantic and extremely tough..." Jabba looked back at the impact of his blow that barely hurt the tree's outer shell, "Cutting that thing down will not be an easy task at all.."

Robin also looked at Father Tree, every branch of that huge tree could hold a small city, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the entire True Beginning Army could live comfortably on that tree. How can you cut and store something like this?!

Robin nodded twice when he realized this, "It seems we won't need to find a replacement general for the Sixth Legion after all... I'll leave the Legion to you and the research team to help you with the dismemberment and transportation, good enough?"

"That would be perfect!" A slight feeling of happiness filled Jabba's heart when he heard that the Sixth Legion would accompany him for the coming period

"...Your Excellency, what do we do after we finish the battle?" Old Gu asked and the rest of the generals and advisors looked expectantly, it was clear that they were all eagerly awaiting the answer to this question.

"Haha, after a war ends, of course, comes the distribution of spoils!" Robin laughed heartily and then stood up, "After you finish the battle here, search Hoffenheim's body perhaps it is hiding some treasures here or there. Then, search Hoffenheim's entire territory and kill or capture all the remaining buds. Then come to the headquarters. There we will discuss the distribution of the spoils and what will happen in the coming period, everyone is satisfied?"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

"Very good." Robin nodded, then looked towards the headquarters, and disappeared.


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