Lord of the Truth

Chapter 546 Surrender

Chapter 546  Surrender

Robin looked down at his feet with a wide smile and his chest puffed out... He felt proud.

Anyone else might see a comprehensive massacre that made the body parts flying around become a usual sight, and the red and green blood merging on the ground created completely new soil, but what he sees is glory!

The first time he issued a decision to attack an enemy, was during a small-scale war between the Burton family when they were still an Earl family against the Tinley family located in a kingdom called Dolivar, and what resulted from it was a piece of land relatively large for the Burton family's, but very small in the large scale of things.

Today, the True Beginning Empire has snatched approximately 15% of another planet that is at least twice as lard as planet Jura, and an entity that lived for more than half a million years was killed during this war! And the strangest thing is that this transformation occurred within a few decades.

*Deep breath*

Robin put his hand behind his back and shouted, "That's enough!"

*Shhh* *Shhh*

The short sentence from Robin was supported by all his power in addition to the major heavenly law of the wind, so it entered every ear, and on top of all of this, Robin added an effect from his silver soul that made everyone's souls shook for a moment and forced them to listen to what was being said, even those who went blood crazy and their hearts and eyes were blinded by the sheer killing had to come back to their senses and look in Robin's direction!

Quickly and without prior agreement, an invisible barrier was found between the legions of buds and the army of the Empire... The army took a few steps back to hear their new orders, and the buds lost their goal and no longer knew what to do, so they stopped in their places. They all began to look beside them as if they were searching for something but to no avail.

"Are you looking for the buds that your Tree Father Hoffenheim directly controls, the blank-eyed ones? I'm afraid they won't be able to give you any orders after today, you will have to make your own choices." Robin continued confidently

When Peon saw that his foster father would start a long speech, he quickly gave orders to the Wind Users, using the laws to support Robin's words and convey them clearly everywhere.

"What do you mean by this? What have you done to the Chosen Brothers?" A bud with the power of a sage stepped forward and shouted. This was one of the few times that a normal bud took the initiative and spoke, but there was no other choice since all the blank-eyed ones had actually returned to being normal and there was no longer any leader among them.

"Haha, what have I done? isn't It Obvious? Do you think I did something malicious to cut off communication between your tree father and the blank-eyed buds somewhere? Tsk~ The bond between you and him was on a very precise level and could not be interfered with so simply, It would be easier to kill you all than try to interfere with that bond. If I could have done something like cutting off communication between them, I would have done it a long time ago and I would not have waited until today." Robin shook his head, then the smile returned to his lips, "It's just that he died."


"L- Long live the Emperor!!"

"Our Emperor is invincible!"

"Our Emperor is invincible!"

The little more than three million soldiers of the True Beginning Empire raised their weapons and shouted, some with excitement on their faces and some with shock, but there was not a single one among them who doubted this announcement!

On the other hand, the buds fell into a deadly silence, and the human tribal forces, whose number is estimated at more than 6 million, also stood in shock, not knowing how to react to this information.

"Our father died? Is this why we don't have any chosens now?"

"The Tree Father who tortured us for two hundred thousand years had died so easily?!"

They all agreed on one reaction in the end: "No way!!"

"You lie!"

"The Father is indomitable! The Father is eternal!! The Father is invincible!!!"

"We must kill him and present his head to the father as punishment for his lies!"

The taciturn buds felt a little frightened by now. They are not stupid beasts after all, but rather have a primal soul cloned from a human and have long experience in dealing with each other and with humans. Some of those buds were even born more than a hundred thousand years ago!

Their worry about the Chosen Ones disappearing now turned into fear after Robin's words, they all started asking themselves what would happen to us if there was even a 1% chance that this was real.

They really wanted to punish Robin and rush forward to kill him, but who would lead them? Will the Tree Father get angry at them if they do something without his orders? None of them had the courage to take the first step.

"Why would I need to lie to low lives like you? I destroyed its soul myself! But let's assume for a moment that I'm actually lying and that I've just cut off contact between you in some way. What then? The tree father is just a huge tree, his outer shell is a bit sturdy, but he's still a tree. How will he help you? Take a look at his branches too, can you see new buds being created there? If he does not have the ability to communicate with you and does not have the ability to create more of you, what is the use of him? Even if he is alive, his presence is the same as his absence." Robin gave a sarcastic laugh and pointed towards the giant tree behind them. The whole situation seemed funny to him, "But if his presence gives you hope or something like that, then please do me and your selves a favor, your father is right behind you. Ask him if he is alive or not."

Everyone's eyes turned to the gigantic tree trunk automatically...

The same majestic tree was standing there, its giant green leaves swaying in the wind and its strong trunk looked as if it could withstand another half a million years. There was nothing different, it was just a tree and it remained that way.

The leader of the invaders tells them to ask the Tree Father whether he died or not. How are they supposed to do that?! Their only way to communicate with the Tree fathers after they return to earth is through the chosen ones from among his children, and now all the chosen ones have returned to normal.

They do not believe that their eternal father is dead, but what do they do now? Do they stand still? Should they attack? Do they sleep? Should they just run? They were never allowed to think and make decisions on their own before!!

"Look! The thundercloud above the tree is dissipating!!"

It was not known who shouted this sentence, but everyone almost craned their necks as they looked up, until finally, they noticed that the storm that was showering the tree with lightning bolts had actually disappeared, and all that remained of it were a few clouds that began to drift right and left.

"...Is it possible that Tree Father Hoffenheim is really dead?" Ellis muttered in a low voice and looked beside her at her father, waiting for him to answer

But who will answer him? Fogun was also looking up with his mouth open and his mind absent, he was born to fight this damned tree, it's a big part of his personality, and now Robin says it's dead? Just like that? Surely there is something more... Perhaps Tree Father Hoffenheim has hidden its soul somewhere and is waiting for the right time to strike or something like that... right?!

Until this moment, the soldiers of the three local human tribes seemed to have been beaten out of their minds. They probably wouldn't believe it even if they saw the tree split in half!

"Listen, all of you, talking fruits. The death of the Tree Father means that the production of more of you has stopped, and it means that he will not be able to lead you nor gather your lost brothers to attack the siege from behind. Whether you surrender or not, the danger of a thunderstorm striking down my flying soldiers has also disappeared, now that we have the absolute aerial battle advantage, I have enough confidence to wipe you all off the face of the planet within a week or so." Robin raised his index finger, then lowered it and continued with a smile, "But as a person who loves life and does not want to destroy lives if they do not seek destruction for themselves, I will give you a way out... Surrender to your new papa."


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