Lord of the Truth

Chapter 538 Alternative plan

Chapter 538 Alternative plan

"General Alexander, we have a needy situation on the northern flank that requires your decision." A person wearing silver appeared next to Alexander at this moment

"What's wrong?" Alexander replied slowly, his eyes still focused on the giant tree in front of him. There was no longer any need to be surprised or worried by urgent reports. After the current situation had continued for such a long period, whatever report he was going to hear now, he had certainly heard something similar during the past two years.

"The wind reconnaissance team detected a large gathering of buds just 10 kilometers northward. Their number has reached more than four million buds at this moment and is still growing. According to the report, there are signs that they have already begun to move toward us." The soldier spoke quickly

"Four million?" Alexander narrowed his eyebrows slightly, but he wasn't really surprised

This type of big wave happens once every few months and is the most annoying thing they have to face!

The reason is that the siege of more than a hundred million buds around the huge tree has made the defense lines of the soldiers of the True Beginning Empire become extremely thin. In a single day, the siege would be breached more than once before one of the elite golden corps comes and forces the buds to retreat. This is also the reason that prevents Alexander from giving orders to divide part of the army to search for and destroy the clusters of buds around them.

He knows that the Tree Father in using the blank-eyed buds to gather the other stray buds and form these waves, he know that the only way to stop it will be to search and burn every singe breading ground and kill every single wondering bud, but how can he? He needed more soldiers, so how could he abandon any one of them?

Under these circumstances and the terrible shortage in numbers, what would happen if millions of buds attacked from behind?

The second reason is that soldiers need rest too!

Although the army's soldiers had all become veterans after the six-year war and could consume the least amount of energy to cause the greatest possible amount of damage, this did not make them immune to fatigue.

The army is divided into two halves, one half advances to engage the buds for a day, and the other half retreats to the back lines to get some sleep and use energy stones to regain its strength.

Every time there is a major attack on the rear rows that are already tired, the number of casualties would be double the usual, and assuming that those rear rows were strong enough and deterred the incoming attack, the biggest problem is that now you will have the front and rear rows all exhausted and the number of deaths would only increase more and more in the next few days!!

So when Alexander heard the report, he knew that today was one of those days that would not go well, so he gave a big sigh, then put his helmet on his head and took out two slim swords. It was clear that he was ready to fight himself, "No need to panic, tell everyone that we will start activating Plan C."

Plan C was simply to declare a state of emergency in the entire army and turn everyone to defense only, then send half of the elite forces towards the north to help confront the upcoming attack... Of course, all of these are just means to mitigate the damage a little to the army, but several thousand deaths will inevitably fall today.

"Plan C? This sounds mysterious, but there's no need to do something like this."

At this moment, Alexander heard a familiar voice that brought a smile directly to his face, "Your Excellency?!"

Alexander looked around like a madman until he spotted Robin and Jabba about to land next to him, so he fell to one knee, "Hail the Emperor of the True Beginning!!" At this moment, Alexander seemed excited but not surprised at all

In fact, the news about Robin's awakening actually came to him a full day ago, but he did not have time to return for a visit and certainly would not be scoundrel enough to immediately ask for help from His Excellency, who had been bedridden for two years!

Robin nodded at him, "Get up." After leaving Jabba's tent, Robin went to the headquarters and heard everything he had to hear about the war taking place before he decided to come. Even though he had just arrived, he already had an idea of the situation no less than Alexander himself.

"We have disappointed you and obstructed your glorious path. Everyone here was happy with the news of Your Excellency's awakening, but they were afraid to stand in front of you. Please understand that I am the absolute General here and all decisions and strategies were my sole responsibility, please give me your punishment!" Alexander spoke while still kneeling on one knee.

After his initial enthusiasm, his heart trembled when he remembered that Robin had ordered Plan C not to be implemented. Isn't that enough to express his anger at his war management? Or that's what he thought because he himself with disapointed was his results for the past two years...

"If two years were enough to end a battle against an entity like this, humans would not have lived on this planet in fear for hundreds of thousands of years. What you have accomplished is considered a big enough achievement." Robin smiled and took a few steps, then extended his hand to pull Alexander up, "My only reproach to you is that you have exhausted the army so much with this endless siege and that you could have done this in a better way with fewer casualties, but I think again and tell myself that you have gained us a veteran army that has been fighting life and death battles day and night over the course of years, an army that can sweep its way in any situation in any planet!"

"But what you said before..." Alexander slowly stood up and returned to standing in front of Robin like a son standing in front of one of his ancestors.

Previously, Alexander was serving as General for Robin because of the oath he took on the Great Green Hill, which of course was caused by his fear of the fearful Demon army, but he did not fear Robin himself. Of course, Victoria, Old Gu, and the rest of the higher-ups on four continents shared the same line of thoughts.

But the tales spread by the Sixth Legion about the battle against the Six Warlords were enough to shake everyone's being and make them reevaluate the person they had been forced to swear allegiance to.

"What I said... You mean about stopping Plan C? Oh, I just meant that there is no need to defend anymore." Robin waved and then looked at the massive tree in front of him with his golden eyes, "Waiting to kill all those buds will take years and might never end, so why not destroy the source directly?"

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