Lord of the Truth

Chapter 529 Origin Of The Tattoos

"Tsk~" Robin put the bowl containing the blood of the Nihari Giants aside and focused on the next bowl after taking a few long breaths, "... The owner of this blood has longer limbs compared to humans and greater fluidity in distributing and absorbing soul force, this sample surely belongs to the astral race, so this is why most of them have been skilled in the profession related to the runes which depend greatly on the power of the soul, such as drawing talismans and divine tattoos. Ever since these professions were brought to light and to this day, they still have an advantage in these industries over humans, even though the techniques I created for these professions were intended for humans!"

Robin raised his eyebrows and tapped his chin for a few minutes. What he had seen so far changed his mind greatly about the differences between the races. 

Only from what he had seen so far and without doing further extensive studies he could already create several techniques that would suit one of the three races and bring out the best in them! ...But the problem is that his trouble in making these techniques will be directed to a specific race, from which the rest of his subjects will not benefit.

For example, if he created a technique aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the part of the pattern that transmits the soul force in the astral men's blood, he could easily create an elite squad of Rune Masters capable of surpassing their current limits by many levels. He could even devote some time to creating offensive soul techniques and have an entire legion of soul experts. He himself felt the importance of the power of the soul in his fight against Hoffenheim... But if he did create such a technique, it would definitely not have any empowering effect on the Nihari Giants if they were to use it, for example, and it may have a slight effect on dwarves.

Of course, having an entire squad of the Astral men specializing in soul attacks is worth it even if the rest of the Races cannot use those techniques, but it is also a far-fetched dream for now. He does not have authority over the entire Astral Race, he barely has a few dozen Astral Men in his Rune Masters squad that have been away from their home for nearly ten years and clearly want to leave. At the same time, he can no longer summon any more Astrals due to cutting his ties with the Nihari Union Sect

But even if he had true control over them right now, was strengthening an entire race by targeting their bloodline something he really should do? What will happen after several generations when the Astralists reach a high level of soul power as a race? Will he be able to control them as well then?

Then Robin thought of something and opened his eyes to the fullest... 'Is this what the First Heaven's Chosen relied on in making the first stage of the body strengthening divine tattoo?!'

Thinking about it, the Body Strengthening Divine Tattoo is identical to a few parts of the pattern he saw in the Giant's Blood. Although it does not have the entire pattern because the pattern inside the blood is absolutely huge, the Body Strengthening Tattoo clearly targets and strengthens several parts of the pattern inside the blood, especially the corner that stores energy in the muscles.

There are several other elements in the Body Strengthening Divine Tattoo that are truly innovative, such as the presence of a Rune to draw energy from the surroundings, or the presence of a Rune that causes the energy that enters the muscles to be stored and hardened in them... but in general, more than half of the tattoo inevitably came as a copy-paste from the pattern in the blood!

Robin doesn't even remember how many times he has stopped at this point in the past: Humans created the internal energy system on planet Nihari, why did the First Heaven's Chosen change everything and take a different path like the path of divine tattoos that only benefit the race of Nihari Giants? Rather, how did he think of something like a tattoo to strengthen the body, which is composed of parts of a large number of minor physical laws, and manage to integrate them in the first place? At that time, Robin praised the First Heaven's Chosen as a genius after he decoded the Runes of the Body Strengthening Divine Tattoos and revealed the extent of their complexity, but now...

History says that the First Heaven's Chosen was a man who was interested in being secluded doing research before he became THE First Heaven's Chosen. Were his researches before seeing the truth related to blood and the difference between races?!

If this is true, then everything has become very clear now. Under the pressure of the raging war between dozens of different races on that day, the First Heaven's Chosen decided to create an energy system that would benefit only the giants and not repeat the mistake of the human race that created the internal energy system that suits everyone and in the end, it was stolen from them and everything was leaked. Only when a system is created specifically for a specific race will there be no benefit to the rest of the genders even if it is leaked!

'Wait...' Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly before raising them up with a look of astonishment on his face, 'The First Heaven's Chosen was researching the differences between races. This makes sense since there is a war between multiple races and he wants to find a weak point in them, but he definitely didn't see blood patterns before he obtained the Eye of Truth, the most he could do was see those different molecules... How and why did the Master Law of Truth choose him? Isn't The Truth limited to the exploration of heavenly laws?'

Robin felt that his mind was struck by a small lightning bolt at this moment since he began his path in that cave and relied on studying the heavenly laws to reach a higher understanding of the truth of the universe, and he followed the same path with his only disciple Jabba and tried to cram his head with a huge number of heavenly laws, and Indeed, in the end, he got the right to see the truth thanks to the embodiment of the laws and law cores.

No, wait... Jabba had been studying blood for many years before he had the opportunity to see the embodiments and cores of the laws. Was it the research of blood that pushed him further forward, and the embodiments and laws cores were the last straw in the equation?

Damn it... It turns out that pursuing heavenly laws directly isn't the only way? Is it possible that exploring the blood and researching the origins of the races is also a lofty goal and leads to the same result?!

But it turns out that this is not the only way. Is it possible that exploring the origins of races is also a lofty goal for research that can lead to being accepted by the Truth?

Until this moment, Robin thought that chasing the laws was the male route and anything else was just a side job to fill his free time and strengthen his army, but perhaps the path leading to the truth is not one in the end.

'The truth... The truth... The truth of what exactly?' Robin shook his head gently with a self-deprecating smile on his face

It seems that he has greatly underestimated the Master Law of Truth, again.

Jabba continued to watch from the side without saying a word, although Robin did not say anything, the expression on his face that changed by the minute said enough, so he did not want to interrupt his train of thought with a stray word so he kept quiet.

Only after about another quarter of an hour did Robin sigh and bend down again to explore the last blood container, the only one left and should be the one containing human blood...

Although his new outlook on the Master Law of Truth occupied his mind greatly, the curiosity generated by knowing the characteristics of the human race and how he could target their initiative advantage to strengthen them further won out in the end.

If he could discover a power that could only strengthen humans, as the First Heaven's Chosen did with the Nihari Giants, he would finally have a clear path to follow. He might be able to solve the problem of the loss of talent that the commoners have on the planet Jura and his chances in the coming massive war would increase many times over.

This way he will also take more steps towards his main path and will not deviate since it turns out that researching blood also increases understanding of the Truth!

But after Robin took his first look at the container hosting the human blood, an expression of shock, disappointment, and anger appeared on his face. He then looked at Jabba and shouted, "What the hell is this supposed to mean?!"

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