Lord of the Truth

Chapter 515 Modifying a Master Law- 2

Chapter 515  Modifying a Master Law- 2


A strange sight occurred in front of Robin for the first time... The Foundation Modification Technique, the energy allocated to it, and the patterns of the Master Law of Space-Time attached to it, everything had turned into nothingness!

Robin didn't know how to explain what happened, so he tried twice more in different damaged areas... once to modify a very simple crack and once to make a whole new corner in foundation number 11, but in both cases, he was met with the same result.

'What the hell?!' Robin cried internally after the third time, this was not something he could understand

'...Maybe it's because they are both Master Laws? But Death, Life, and Fire are all fundamental laws, and their merging occurred without problems. Why is it so different to merge two Master laws?' Robin thought to himself, then after a little reflection, he tried adding the patterns of the Major Heavenly Law of Fire instead of the Master Law of Space-Time, and he failed...

Then the Major Heavenly Law of Wind, then the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning, then the Major Heavenly Law of Water, then.. then.. then..!!

They all turned into nothingness immediately.

Robin was almost going crazy by now... He had personally supervised the modification of the foundations of two high-level people, Mila and Caesar, in addition to the results of the modification of the foundations of the senior figures from the Burton family and the rest of the families that had sworn allegiance to him. Each of them did not have perfect foundations, they all had foundations with different laws filled with various impurities that had accumulated over dozens or hundreds of years, and yet not a single report about the foundation modification technique turning into nothingness had shown itself till this day!

Now there is a bigger problem facing Robin... Even if he dismissed the merger of Spacetime and Truth, how could he possibly repair his foundations now?!

The foundation modification technique requires a lot of energy in addition to the presence of the patterns... The energy is here to compensate for the areas that must be broken in the foundation in order to modify, and the patterns come from the law that is to be modified, whether they are patterns from the same old law for the purpose of removing impurities or a completely different law, it does not really matter, but there must be patterns to compensate for the places that must be modified.

The problem now is... Robin does not know the patterns of the Master Law of Truth!

A quarter of level 11 is destroyed, that is not mentioning the rest of the levels. Where does he get the patterns of Truth from to fill these voids if he has never seen one of them in his life?!

'..I will try this idea, maybe I will find something to hold on' Robin took a deep breath, then activated the foundation modification technique again, this time he did not add any patterns to it.

Activating the technique now was as hopeless as a pen without ink.

According to the inner energy cultivation system, the only difference between the first ten levels and beyond that is that a Law must be used to build the later levels, Without a law involved in this process to strengthen the solid levels above level 10 it would be impossible to hold together. If he tried to rebuild those levels with just pure energy and without any law attached to them, then wouldn't it collapse like a card tower?

Robin knew this too well, But he still wanted to try just to know if the technique would turn into nothingness again if it wasn't equipped with the patterns of a different Law.


Quietly, the cracks in Level 11 began to heal.

'...Huh?' Robin foolishly continued the process

Whenever the technique, supported by natural energy, passed by any crack or broken piece of foundation, it would immediately repair it automatically, and the strangest thing was that the newly repaired piece began to radiate a golden color thanks to the patterns that appeared on it... They were the patterns of Truth, they appeared automatically on his new foundations!

'...What's going on? The problem was not in the Foundation Modification Technique all along but in the pattern. If my foundations rejected the patterns of the Major Heavenly Law of Fire, for example, I would say that they despise it because it is merely a fundamental law while truth is a Master law. But why do you reject the Master law of space-time as well?'

'It is not as if my understanding of the Truth would be harmed if I modified my foundations. The foundations are merely a means of practical application and do not represent a person's current understanding. For example, if a person whose old foundations are impure and cannot break through to a higher level because of them, but recently possessed perfect technique and understood all his past mistakes, his foundations will remain impure and he will remain forever stuck in his level if he does not modify those foundations... We understand from this that foundations are just a means to upgrade energy level and practical application, it has nothing to do with understanding the law and following it.'

'Why do the patterns of truth behave in this way? As if it would get dirty if the patterns of any other law approached it... Isn't space-time on the same level? If the law of space-time that opened up the whole universe and made it possible was not at the level of Truth, then what would be?! Is there something I'm missing?'

After an unknown period of time, Robin finally stopped thinking about the matter for now and focused solely on supplying energy to the foundation modification technique.

After a while, Robin felt a warm, steady stream of energy entering his energy-gathering center, a familial energy that gave him s smile. It was clear that those around him on the outside felt what was happening inside his body, so they decided to help in the process.

Since the Foundation Modification Technique still had a lot of time to finish, and since Zara and the rest around him would be enough to power the technique, Robin decided to enter his Soul Domain.



The place was still extremely white as usual, but there were a few things that changed this time… Firstly, Robin's soul form was no longer soaring like smoke like the first time he entered his Soul Domain, but rather became firm and solid and completely assumed Robin's form after it had looked like a lump of smoke with ruby features, it completely took its shape and became like a statue made of white metal and has a slight shine of silver

The spiritual realm also seemed to have expanded several times than before, and the huge thundercloud that contained most of Hoffenheim's soul force seemed to have become smaller by about half.


With a wave of Robin's hand, several small tornadoes shot out from the thundercloud and touched his Soul Body.

*katcha* *katcha*

Once again, the size of the thundercloud began to decrease noticeably quickly.

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