Lord of the Truth

Chapter 511 Space-time

Chapter 511  Space-time

"The only thing that affects time is Space!!"


"Yes, that's it... How did I not think of something like this before? Space and Time seem far from each other and each has its own unique properties, but what was there before the creation of the universe? Theoretically, everything has a beginning, so the universe had a beginning at some point, and since the universe is made of Heavenly Laws, then before the creation of the universe none of these Heavenly Laws existed, and since there are no Heavenly Laws that support the existence of the material substance, then there was nothing!"

"...The non-existence of a thing is nothingness... Absolute Nothingness. and here I am talking about the complete absence of everything, that is, even space itself did not exist at a point. And If there was nothing before the creation of the current universe, then there would not have been a reason for the existence of Time Law, as Time only affects other materials and Lass. But when the current Space was formed and elements began to form within it, such as planets, stars, and living beings, the Law of Time came to exist. So theoretically it can be said that Time formed as a result of the emergence of Space." Robin muttered incessantly, unaware of the changes taking place around him

At this moment, the giant's fist was a few centimeters away from him. If Robin moved his head just a little bit, he might accidentally hit it, but the strange thing is that even its previously slow speed was no longer noticeable now, as if it had slowed down even more!

And his eyes... something was going on in his golden eyes.

The golden glow began to intensify. After it had been confined to his eyeballs, it now became as if it were an ancient lamp illuminating the area he was looking at.

"...If I follow this line of thoughts about the beginning of the universe, we can push the theory in the opposite direction as well. After the creation of space -the place in which material things are allowed to exist- that space would not have expanded or anything would have been created within it without the passage of time over it. This means In the first moment of the creation of the universe, the laws of time and space were working side by side..." Robin continued muttering absent-mindedly, completely ignoring his changing surroundings.

"No... My idea of Space and Time and their interconnectedness has been largely completed, I feel that I can now create a technique of even the First Stage of the Heavenly Law of Time, but I still feel that there is something missing... Since the beginning of creation, space and time have appeared at the same moment and always worked in connection, even without talking about the beginning of the universe, to this day if one of the two laws is affected, the other would surely be affected as well, even when I researched the law of space during my trip to Planet Nihari. I now know that I involuntarily used much of my previous research on the law of Time to master the First Stage of the Major Heavenly law of space. If they are connected to this degree, then... Why did I separate them in the first place?... Space-time, the inseparable relationship between existence and time, the close connection between the two major heavy laws of space and time, the law that created the appropriate environment for all other laws... The Master Heavenly law of space-time!!"


"...Uh! What was I thinking in a situation like this?! Hmmm? What the hell is going on?!" At that moment, Robin felt like he had returned to reality, only to find his body lighting up!

Robin stood with difficulty as he looked at his hands in amazement and shock, and quickly found that the body had not caught on fire as he thought, but that it glowed with the same golden glow that was emanating from his eyes, The glow was extremely faint yet noticeable as that which emanates from a pearl in the sunlight

"Damn it, I'll see about that later..." Robin placed one hand on his injured chest and the other hand on the giant's fist so that he would lean on it and not fall, but it seemed as if he realized something at that moment and jumped back and took a fighting stance, "Woah!! "

A while ago, the Warlord managed to break through the Space Folding Ability more than once and nearly killed him, he had to be very careful approaching them.

"Hmm?" To his surprise, Robin finds that the giant's fist is not moving, not just slow, no... It's not moving at all.

He quickly looked around, hoping to spot an attack coming from here or there, but he found the rest of the Warlords in a frozen state as well, and not just them... The wind stopped, the insect wings stopped beating, and even one of the human sages fired a huge flame ball toward a Warlord in a suicide attack, that ball stopped halfway through

"What the..?!" Robin lowered his arms and looked around in astonishment... When using space folding, everything around him seemed distorted and only the Eye of Truth could determine his target, but now he could see everything around him easily, there were no longer any distortions in space... it seemed At this moment he fell into the realm of black and white painting!

"Eh?" Then he looked at his chest, the pain that was squeezing his chest every passing moment while activating the space-folding ability had disappeared, The previous damage was still there, but now he felt that he was doing something normal and that he could stay in this state forever!

*swoosh* *swoosh*

Robin grabbed his black spear again and started stabbing and swinging it right and left to test his current physical abilities, then he began walking towards the nearest warlord with a cold smile on his face...

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