Lord of the Truth

Chapter 477 Diet

"I'm talking about the tight borders imposed around the area where you live in Central Continent, why won't you let me or anyone else in? What is going on there exactly? Why do you gluttonous bastards like you stop hunting around and suddenly fell silent, What are you eating nowadays exactly? Are you on a diet to lose weight or something?" Meeting with refusal again, Billy pressed the matter even more

This topic has been bothering him since Robin left, that day when he asked him about the Demons and Robin told him that they wouldn't take part in the campaign on Planet Greenland and he was full of doubts... How could a race of this gluttony be left out of a planetary war? Aren't they Robin's most loyal dogs? Isn't this the perfect opportunity to strengthen them?

So, since then he left the responsibility of training the soldiers and amplifying the army to the elders of the Burton family and went to investigate more about the demons, but he couldn't find anything new...

Whenever Billy tries to enter officially, he is denied. and whenever he tries to force his way in with some political excuse to examine the area, he meets with the usual demon savagery to stop them with force. and whenever he tries to infiltrate the region, one of the Demon kings captures him and forces him to retreat!

It is worth mentioning that the Demons did not even exceed half a million in total at the time of Robin's departure to Planet Greenland, they could fit in a decent-sized city, But Robin ordered them to make the vast Central Continent their home anyway.

At first, the Demons just moved there and started hunting and spreading like locusts as usual throughout the central continent, but suddenly they gathered again and Amon and the rest of the Demon kings announced a new border that marked a piece of land dedicated to the demon race alone, On an area equal to about a full quarter of the extremely vast central continent!!

Ans Surprisingly, these savages who only love unconditional bloodshed and hated borders to the bones, take those borders very seriously.

Every single Demon, from their youngest to their oldest, did not allow anyone to approach those borders, let alone enter them. and the strangest thing is that they themselves never leave the borders!!

This bothered Billy more as he tried in every way to break into the new Demon lands and research what was going on, except that every time he was caught by one of the goblin kings and kicked out again and again.

"Yeah, yeah, we're on a diet," Facing the rain of questions, Moren gave a short answer

"YOU RED BITCH, do you think I'm joking with you?!" Billy stood up and cried

"Mr. Billy, please let us focus on our task here, use your time to think of plans and suggestions for the upcoming war until His Excellency comes," Alexander spoke with clear authority in his words, It was clear that he would not accept rejection.

Billy looked beside him angrily, "Even you, Alexander? Are you telling me you're not even a little curious about what they are doing? Our whole army is right here while they are sitting in the heart of Planet Jura!!"

Alexander gave a half smile and shook his head without saying a word

But Old Gu was the one who spoke, "If it was His Excellency who arranged whatever they do then there is no need to talk about it, when he is ready he will tell us himself."

Victoria nodded, "You can give him some suggestions about the matter if you like, but I honestly don't think he'll agree and just change his plans." Then she looked out of the corner of her eye at Moren

In fact, Billy was not the only one who was wary of the Demons, but everyone present knew Robin's character when he decided to do something

"But.. but..!" Billy tried to say something but the words got stuck in his throat, and he sat down again.

How does he not know what they mean? When Robin decides something, it is almost impossible to change his mind. Whatever the Demons do on the central continent is definitely something he won't like since Robin kept it a secret, but how can he stop it?I think you should take a look at

The only time he managed to make Robin change his mind a bit was when he threatened to commit suicide, and even then Robin told him to do it! The reason for his success at the time was that Robin was mainly thinking about the subject and he only needed a reminder, but will this work every time? difficult...

The already heavy atmosphere around the table was getting heavier, everyone was now no longer thinking only about the coming war but also about what was happening in their home and the fact that their families no longer had an army to protect them in case the Demons starved one day and decided on human flesh for a meal.

The only one who was in a different mood was Jabba, who looked down at the ground to kick small pebbles and glanced at the other generals every now and then without saying a word...

"His Excellency!"

"It really is His Excellency? Let me take a look!"

"Make way!!"

Suddenly, shouts began to resound on the hill, attracting everyone's attention

Elizabeth stood up and looked in a certain direction where she found the sea of soldiers dividing to make a path in the middle extending to the open tent, and she smiled and said, "It seems that His Excellency has decided to come out at last."

After her words, the rest stood in the open tent also all of them standing upright looking towards the direction coming from Robin, until finally, a blonde-haired young man appeared in front of them, He looked in his early twenties wearing wide white clothes without any shields or weapons on. When they saw the youth they all gave a simple bow, even Caesar And Billy bowed with them

"Rest." Robin found himself a chair at the head of the table and immediately sat down and started rubbing his forehead, clearly not used to the light yet, "Alright, let's get it over with, What do we have here?"

After everyone sat down, Billy stood up and began to speak slowly but with a look full of reproach, "I have brought the entire army, you already saw it in front of the imperial city, as well as the new volunteers, including 200 sages, and the five thousand Dracos we have."

"Hmm? Why do we still only have five thousand Dracos?" Robin stopped rubbing his forehead for a moment and asked in surprise, "Didn't I order the expansion of the Draco Legion?"

Billy shook his head, "You should know how much high-energy food these creatures need, we don't have many herbs with this kind of energy level on Planet Jura, when we tried to force some of these plants to grow with the help of the Life Legion, all the plants died after two weeks."

"... Hmm, That sounds about right, forcing high-energy plants to grow up quickly means they'll need the energy they normally gather in a thousand years to be gathered in a few months, this is now something the scarce energy in Planet Jura can support," Robin shook his head, "When I ordered the increase of the Draco Legion, it was by purchasing adult Draco Beasts from the Nihari union Sect or simply purchasing eggs and purchasing loads of high-energy plants and meat, haven't we already opened trade with them?"

"Oh? I thought you wanted to domesticate them, alright then I'll immediately start preparing to buy a large batch of Draco, I'll get them before the battle starts at any cost." Billy nodded

" There is no need." Robin waved, "We won't need them against Tree Father Hoffenheim, we can't risk killing them all in one blow, but we will need plenty of them against the rest of the Tree Fathers, just start preparing to slowly raise their numbers until then."

"As you like," Billy replied sternly, still looking at Robin with a look of blame

When Robin saw this, he removed his hand completely from his forehead, bent himself forward, and then shouted angrily, "Do you have a f*cking problem with me?!"

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