Lord of the Truth

Chapter 465 Rage

As for the Azil tribe, they did nothing about that lust that hit the young giants towards Richard's meat, rather, they saw it as a good way to earn more money, especially after Richard treated himself and grew himself a new leg!

When Richard learns that Azil's tribe intends to use him as a warehouse for meat besides using him as a doctor, he threatens to commit suicide immediately... And they believe him.

Forcing him to work as a doctor for free after they ate his mother in front of him was bad enough, what would stop him from killing himself if they cut off his limbs to sell as steak? So this lucrative business opportunity was unfortunately canceled. 

Richard's survival to prolong their lives was the matter of the greatest importance... but the idea had not completely left their minds completely.

So negotiations began between Richard and some of the representatives of the Azil clan... They want to sell his limbs by any means they even offered to bring some human girls to entertain him twice a week, but he categorically refused every offer!

At that moment he felt how right he was in trying to learn the language of the people of the place that he hated to the bone, had he not been smart enough and learned some of Nihari's language from dealing with all those patients, they would have taken the decision without his knowledge and he would commit suicide without knowing what was going on around him!

In the end, they offered Richard to provide him with divine tattoos and lots of energy gems to quickly raise his strength, in return for partially removing his protection against those who wanted to take a bite or two from him, But of course, he reserves the right to defend himself...

In other words.. if there was a Giant at the same level as Richard or below and wanted to take a piece from Richard, he had to pay ten thousand Energy Pearls outside and then enter to Richard to persuade him or fight him in order to take what he wanted… But no matter what, both Richard and the Giant must remain alive at the end of the transaction, it doesn't matter the outcome of the negotiations or the fight!

They told Richard that this is the best they can offer, ten thousand Energy Pearls was not something they could ignore, this was some clan's budget!

It was also a good opportunity to increase his personal strength as well!

He might not NEED the Energy Pearls in cultivation since he had The Absolute Energy Cultivation Technique with which he can keep advancing all the way to the top of the Sainthood Realm given enough time, but he desperately needed the Body Strengthening Divine Tattoo to be able to move around on this planet, and this might be his only chance to obtain it. After all, if he wanted to run away one day, he would have to learn to walk first!!

  So... He finally agreed.

And the rich youths in the entire northern region found themselves a new goal that adds some enthusiasm to their boring life, so they began to race on who would go first and make bets on who would bring the largest piece of the green flame doctor.

Richard was not very troubled after the new law began to be implemented because those who would try to take a piece of it would be people at his level or less, so why should he be afraid? He is the genius born of Mila Bradley and Robin Burton, he is the current sole owner of the unique Life Fire Technique, and he has been trained in all fighting and survival skills by the elders of the Burton family since he knew how to walk, who can defeat him if they are at the same level?!

...It didn't take long before Richard realized that many could defeat him.

Theoretical education is one thing and practical implementation is another. He who was born with a spoon of gold in his mouth never faced a fight of life or death against a person of his strength. 

As for his opponents now, they were either professional mercenaries sent by a rich Nihari giant, or young masters integrated with the armies of their tribe from a young age, like Jabba... In the first year after the new law was put in place, he was defeated and his limbs were cut off 10 times.

His legs and arms were cut off 10 times in one year... 

Most of the time he hadn't even finished producing a new limb when another was cut off, and by the end of the year he didn't have a single finger in place either on his arm or leg

The physical pain of having one's limb cut off is indescribable, and the psychological pain of knowing the fate of that limb is even worse...

And at the same time, the legend of the taste of the Green Flame Doctor's meat never faded away, and the precedent for it did not diminish, on the contrary... Each one of those who won repeated what the first giant did, boasting and saying that it was the best thing they had ever eaten and that it was they will try again!

It had nothing to do with the taste of Richard's meat, but with the price paid for it.

It's like people who eat thin slices of gold in their usual food and brag about it in front of people, even though everyone knows that gold is basically tasteless, And is of no use to the body, so what's the point of eating it? The only result is that you will have golden poop after eating it! Yet the rich eat it and praise its non-existent benefits.

The physical and psychological pain had driven 13-year-old Richard to the point of insanity, to the extent that during the second year, he would enter a fit of hysterical weeping when a giant approached him with a sharp tool.

But that didn't stop them... In the second year after the sale of the Green Flame Doctor limbs was announced, Richard's arms and legs were cut off an additional 14 times.

In that year, Richard did not even try to defend himself, he was working day and night to treat patients with a body in which there was nothing but his head and abdomen, and trembling in fear of the moment when a new person would come to harvest one of his undergrown limbs again...

The only thing keeping the number at only 14 for the second year is that Richard's guards were kind enough to wait until he grows a good piece of humerus or thigh before they accept the next sale.

But the kindness of the guards did not prevent Richard from reaching a complete nervous breakdown at the beginning of the third year, as he prevented food and drink and stopped treating himself or anyone else.

No one knew what to do. As for the stubbornness of this *child* who has become more like a skeleton, what can they do to him in order to torture him and make him go back to what he was doing? He only has a head and a stomach!

But because they knew very well that he didn't really want to die, they took advantage of this opportunity and started whipping him on his little back day and night… 

Selling Green Flame Doctor's limbs is simply a very lucrative business, Even better than keeping him alive to increase the life span of the elders of the tribe, how could a few days of extra life span compare to tens of thousands of pearls?! The Azil tribe is on its way to becoming one of the 3 richest tribes in the northern region because of him, how not when his limbs are literally the most expensive commodity that money can buy in the northern region and perhaps in the entire planet, and on top of that, his limbs are automatically renewed!! Is there a better business opportunity than this?!

In front of this torment, Richard looked at the sky every day and cried, not knowing whether he missed his mother or cursed her because she put this weight on him, how long should he stay alive? Until he finds the man named Robin Burton? The person he has never seen before in his life?!

He really wants to see him, he wants to see the person who gave him this cursed life!!

On one of the days of the third year after the announcement of the sale, and the fifth since his arrival on the planet Nihari, the sixteen-year-old young man's gaze at the sky changed.

Tears were still filling his eyes and it was still completely red, but the features of weakness and helplessness that covered his face turned a tinge of madness mixed with pure rage...

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