Lord of the Truth

Chapter 463 Patterns

60% of Robin's soul energy alone was undoubtedly huge, Since birth he had a strong soul that exceeds his peers by a great margin, and it was not about the quantity of the soul energy he was born was, but the quality of primal soul itself! 

His special soul is something that belongs to him and him alone, no soul cultivation can fill this gap, at least this is what Robin discovered during his research.

This, and addition to all those years he spent taking care of his soul energy and trying to Develop it day and night, thinking that it will help him in his research

Undoubtedly, there is no match for the strength of Robin's soul on Planet Jura, and it is still debatable whether the Emperors of Planet Nihari have souls as powerful as him at this point!

On the other side is 90% of Tree Father Hoffenheim's soul energy, an ancient being who has a long history of soul cloning research and has a soul energy level even higher than Robin at his peak strength.

And all of this now merged in the form of a thundercloud hovering in his soul domain…

When Robin discovered the truth about that cloud, he didn't know how to feel, so he took a few steps back in fear, but at the same time, he smiled with delight!

'This huge amount of pure soul energy, can it be messed with? Is it possible to benefit from it?!' This was the first thing Robin thought of at the time, terrified to approach the thundercloud

If he did something wrong that trigger the thunder cloud it might explode and destroy his already severely damaged soul domain, or there might be a remnant of the tree father's consciousness in it and it would also be a fatal threat if he got to close! 

...And at the same time very excited to find out what he might be able to do with this massive energy reserve.

But those moments of hesitation did not last for long. 

Not a few minutes had passed since he saw the electric cloud for the first time, but he activated his golden eye already and began doing research on the cloud, and what he found was shocking...

The cloud did not contain any consciousness nor any memories of either Robin or Tree Father Hoffenheim

But it did contain Heavenly Law patterns.

Robin found many patterns about common heavenly laws such as Fire, Water, Gravity, Wind, etc..~ All up to the third stage. 

These are the laws that Robin worked on throughout his life!

Robin smiled seeing this, this was the first time he discovered that the laws a person practices are imprinted on their soul and can be seen under certain circumstances.

When he thought of this, he got excited and started searching like a madman for a specific unknown pattern, the pattern of the Truth Master Law!!

Robin spent his life exploring the Truth Master Law as the ancient wise humans explored the laws of nature, by meditation and experiment, but he never saw any pattern of it.

Even after he reached the second degree, he tried hard but couldn't see a pattern of the first stage of the Truth Master Law, as if it didn't exist in the first place!

This might be his first and only chance to finally see what the patterns of the Truth Master Law look like!!

If he actually saw the patterns, he might be able to create a technique to cultivate it with much ease as he does it with the rest of the heavenly laws, and he might be able to create a new generation of Truth cultivators!

...But to no avail~ 

There was no law in the cloud that Robin hadn't studied before.

Robin shook his head with a wry smile, 'It seems like it's just a distant wish after all...'

But to his surprise, not all of the patterns on the Thunder Cloud were known to him...

With a little research, he finds that there are only two laws on the cloud that were different from what he remembers... Life and Lightning Major Heavenly Laws.

'*Hmm?' Robin went forward and looked at them more, both of them existed up to the third stage as normal as the rest of the laws, but they had extra patterns that Robin hadn't seen before, patterns of a higher level...

'Is this the fourth Stage?' A question suddenly exploded in Robin's mind, as he took a few steps back

Those extra patterns were so clear on the remnants of soul energy, he could see them as if he were seeing the first three grades of Laws!

This fourth stage of the heavenly laws… That is the domain of the Emperors!!

The smoke forming Robin's embodiment is turbulent clearly, his main goal in coming to this planet was to reach the third stage of the Truth Master Law for Robin to inscribe fourth stage laws and make techniques to strengthen his army, but he would never have guessed that the opposite would happen…

But the end result didn't change much!

Being able to see these patterns, he would undoubtedly be able to create techniques of the fourth stage of the Major Heavenly Laws of Life and Lightning

They might not be completely perfect since these patterns only represented Tree Father Hoffenheim's comprehension of the Heavenly Laws, but they would undoubtedly be enough to create Emperors in Robin's Army!

'Wait...' Robin widened his smoky eyes, 'If I continue researching this level of Law, I will take a huge step forward in my understanding of the third stage of the Truth Master Law, and I am already at the pinnacle of the second stage, it wouldn't be hard to get into the third stage of the Truth Master Law this way!!'

Robin's smoky embodiment has reached a deplorable state due to the turmoil of his excitement... 'Who would have thought that an accident that was going to lead to my death, would actually lead me to such tremendous results!'

But the smoky embodiment's turmoil suddenly subsided, and Robin turned back to look at his feet...

'Working on a technique for the third stage of most laws takes from 6 to 18 months according to the degree of difficulty of the law, and this is assuming that I see the perfect combination of the patterns... As for this, it is the fourth stage which is much more difficult, and I also see an imperfect copy of the patterns, how long will it take me For example, to make a Fourth stage Life Law technique?' 

Robin thought with furrowed eyebrows

'Also, I am not in the best condition to start researching this level of techniques immediately, my soul is still greatly damaged, in this case, I will need to rest for a full week after working on the law techniques of this level for one day, in this case, it took me dozens of years to finish working on just one of the two, this is not acceptable!'

After a few minutes, Robin turned back to look at the thunder cloud determined, 'I have to find a way to use this energy to fully heal my injuries first... Then let's see what happens~'

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