Lord of the Truth

Chapter 461 The Silver Cloud

In front of the Golden Battalion Camp --

"We salute your Excellency!"

"We salute your Excellency!!"

Amidst the bows of the soldiers of the Golden Battalion standing at the border, Robin advanced with Caesar, Jabba, and Alexander behind him, with None of the four bothered to respond to any of the greetings sent towards them.

Finally, Alexander asked what was on his mind, "Your Excellency, what if the local humans decide to come up to the hill after a week, won't they run into this line of defense then? Shall I leave instructions to let them pass?"

"Hmm? If they will let them pass then why would we leave them in the first place? We would better pull the men out of here completely and go back to the steep hill. It's useless to be here anyway." Robin replied in a low voice, it was evident that he too was distracted

"Go back to the headquarters? But what if that Fugon takes the opportunity and takes more lands, or worse, advances towards the steep hill but with the intention of launching a sneak attack on us?"

"That is okay too, I've drawn my boundaries and said what I had to say. If they want to act foolish, let them do it, why stop them? Boy, when will you grow up? Do you think I care about these fake borders? The whole planet has become a playground for us, why would I get angry over them passing an imaginary line?" Robin raised his shoulders slightly as he was still moving

"But if they violate the border, won't we start a war with them? Shouldn't we avoid this clash with the natives and take them as our subjects instead? Isn't that the purpose of all that happened today?" Caesar asked in surprise

Robin shook his head, "No, the purpose of this visit is to give them a temporary illusion that we are inhabitants of this world just like them, And this was to establish the rules with them, just as I did at the end of the discussion with them. Instead of us being alien invaders and they are on the defensive, now we are their peaceful neighbors who helped them gain more lands and they are the ungrateful ones who will attack us, this will be confirmed by all the local humans when Fugon apologizes and sends us those gifts. You have heard yourselves, they can communicate with the rest of the tribes on the planet, and for sure all of them will get the news of what is happening here even if Fugon wants to hide it, It is impossible to hide the fact that Tree Father Hoffenheim used the Thunderbolt Attack, or that the Northern Fury Tribe captured thousands of square kilometers of Hoffenheim's domination circle."

Then he continued, "If Northern Fury Tribe attack us, then it will not be a problem, it will be a human tribe against a human tribe, and they will also be the aggressors so the morale of their soldiers will be much lower, and the rest of the human tribes would ignore it and just try to communicate with the winning tripe afterward! After all, there is a huge difference between the presence of aliens who came to destroy and steal and a human tribe that replaced another one due to internal conflict~"

Then he added after a few seconds, "In summary, If Fugon had gone mad and did attack us, then we will crush them and make an example of them for all the remaining human tribes and Tree Fathers to see, This will prove our prestige and make the rest of the human tribes grow old and try to communicate with us to hang on our legs, especially after we eliminate Hoffenheim... But if they had a shred of intelligence, They will join us and work under my command, and they will be my first indirectly subjugated tribe in this world, and they will also be the key to communicating with the rest of the tribes and bringing them under our banner as well... It is a win for us in all cases."

"…" Both Alexander and Caesar involuntarily looked at each other with raised eyebrows and wide eyes as if they had just realized something.

Robin then continued, changing the subject, "I have asked Fugon for a gift for each soldier in the Golden Battalion and that the gift is not to be repeated more than ten times. This means that during the next few days, he will send at least 4,000 different kinds of resources from this planet. This will give us an idea of the resources this planet has and it will save us a lot of time that we would have wasted collecting those resources… I want you to hand all of these resources over to the Rune Maters' Division and the Divine Blacksmiths' Division as soon as they arrive."


"Master, don't you think you forgot something?" Jabba asked suddenly

"Hmm? What is it?" Robin asked nonchalantly

"The Wizards... Didn't North Fury Tribe's Chief Fugon talk about the weapon of Wizards of Tree Father Hoffenheim? We didn't get any details about it. What would happen if we encountered them when the real war started a week later?"


Robin stopped and slapped his forehead abruptly, "Ugh, I was too focused on the end goal that I forgot to [ush for an answer for that one!"

Then he sighed and continued advancing in a certain direction, "It doesn't matter, we'll know them when we see them... I'll go ahead of you up the steep hill and continue the recovery process, I don't want any disturbance until the day the rest of the army comes, understood?"

"Yes!" The three repeated together and bowed slightly as they watched Robin advance quickly towards the steep hill, then the three of them went towards the leadership tent to tell Old Gu and Victoria what happened...


A few minutes later - inside Rubin's tent up the steep hill

After Robin's arrival on the hill, Elizabeth, Zara, and a few people at the top of a Sage realm went out to receive him and ask about what happened, but he told them to ask Jabba for a detailed report, then he left them and entered his tent immediately without delay.

"Haa... Whoo...."

After entering the tent, he immediately sat down in a squatting position, closed his eyes, and began to control his breathing rate, pulse rate, and the rest of the vital indicators in his body.

"Haa... Whoo...."

and then...


Everything around Robin seemed to freeze, the sound of his breath became extremely faint, as if he had stopped breathing completely, even his heartbeat and the sound of blood flowing in his veins, everything seemed to stop... 

In this one instant, Robin's body turned into a corpse.

Robin opened his eyes again, but this time he didn't see the tent in front of him, everything around him changed...

There was no longer the light of day caressing the tent from outside nor the sounds of birds and insects, the place around it now was white without any sound or light

There was only one thing...

A very dense silver cloud of enormous size, full of lightning bolts that appear and disappear frequently. 

If this cloud appeared outside, it might have enveloped the entire planet.

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